Watership Down (1978-UK)
Featuring the voices of John Hurt, Richard Briers, Ralph Richardson, etc.
Directed by Martin Rosen
In a small community of rabbits, a young rabbit named Fiver begets a premonition that their land and all of their habitat will be destroyed. It is up to a group of rabbits to find a new habitat for their own kind...but not without the unexpected consequences of facing the 'real world' along the way across the borders.
Based on a novel by Richard Adams, the main story theme of this animated feature is intended for mature audiences. A theme so vivid you may feel the harshness of the rabbits' 'reality' (even to the point that you may cry watching this movie) amidst the very nice background paints in every scene of the movie (reminds me of my watercolor days).
Sorry - I hate this film with a passion! It's the one and only film I refuse to watch - purely because it upset me so much when I was little!! Definitely not a kiddies film!!
Yes, always guarantees me to start sobbing...the only film I ever have done!