During my visits to several small and/or big restaurants in Qatar, my observation is a lot of food is wasted by almost all the guests.
ATLEAST ANYTHING BETWEEN 25% TO 50% OR MORE is left over on each plate.
As a habit, if a group of people say 5 visit to have dinner. These guests will for sure order minimum of 5 dishes and some additional stuff.
I only want to understand is it a prestige matter to order one dish for each?
Is it considered bad manners to order a dish or two less then the number of guests and every one shares.
I feel so bad when I see so much wastage of food on each and every table around. If one has to eat less then why the Fouk order so much? (sorry for the word used)
Having money to buy or being rich does not give us liberty to act such irresponsibly
avoid wasting food.
The most disgraceful, terrible act, when these poor cleaner pickup the unused portion of food and throwing it in the garbage....
Check, when people order combo meals, leaving fries and coke untouched. Shater Abbas grilled food come along with Rice / fries, which never eaten by these humans (rice and fries).
God gave them sense of moral responsibility, value for money and awareness to understand the blessing and importance of food.
I could never ever think of throwing the food; it recalls my memory of an extremely poor man sitting on the top of a gutter or sewage pothole in mumbai, eating the curd thrown as waste in garbage (which was mixed with some other garbage).
we have these people called 'food scavengers'. They collect thrown-away foods from fast foods resto after midnight. Because some of my countrymen were in poor, these foods they collected, they tried to sort out the 'good ones' from the 'bad ones' and cook them again and eat with their families. Of course, we can only think of how unhealthy it would be, but for a hungry stomachs,survival is the best word that suits them. And for those foods that cannot be eaten, they gave them to their pets, dogs,cats or pigs. I hope one who eats his/own food share on the dining table should also take into consideration that there are thousands of hungry mouths willing to take that one piece of your leftovers just in case you don't care to take another bite.
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
a shameful thing to do.i hope it becomes punishable by law in the near future.
I figure it's just as wasted on my hips!
stuff it in your face, it's not nice to waste!
It's Lent so I'm observing an abstinence diet which actually follows the Qu'ran's injunction to fill the stomache one-third with food, one-third with water and one-third with air (i.e. empty.) I went to a restaurant the other night and carefully cut my dinner into thirds and ate one-third. I was full! If I had not been aware of eating only what I need I probably would have consumed the whole thing because it was so tasty. But I took the rest home and had two more yummy meals. The awareness thing was pretty revelatory for me. It's amazing how much more we eat than we need.
Why not give the leftovers to the conartists near megamart and all....the main point of their scams are for food also right?
you value food when you experience not having enough food to eat. The youth of today who are here have seen only luxury. they get what they want and eat what they want.
Basically it is a crime that people waste such a large amount of food.
BAH I always deliberately order more so I have tons of leftovers and am able to take them home so I can have something to eat later :P
But God did not tell them not to use moral responsibility. They leave morality at home before presssing on the accelerator.
cheers Arien :)
SKD - you ddnt read ma last line :) - thats what I did later.
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
It's bad enough to order excessively in restaurants, but if it's left over, why not take it home?
I do. I used to feel self conscious asking for the leftovers to be wrapped up so I could eat it later, but in the end I thought I'd rather be considered miserly than wasteful.
this is sadly the case almost everywhere and has nothing to do with culture and religion. its a sin in islam to waste food and anything that is valuable (including water) but we see this in every part of the world
Then dont order 1 dish for each person.
I go to food court of CC and i like arabic food but make it certain that i order 1 dish if we are 2 people.
what I am saying let some of us start ordering less dishes with immidiate effect.
skdak, lol... that would be a good exercise for the youths. a summer camp for food-wasters...
mo lang!
skdkak - 100% true , have noticed the same everywhere out here. It terribly sad, when millions crave for one meal a day in this world.
One reason I think is, the way food is served here. The arabic dishes , when you order one grill dish it comes with N number of stuff free.. the salads, the rice, breads ...etc. Once from the city centre food court I had to struggle to finish it. and most of the Tables you can see big time leftovers.
Later me ma wife and son, we order only two dishes which is enough for us three.
Never ever waste food. Nice post.
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
next time i leave some food i will dhl to someone who is hungry then... fantastic idea
LOL. Send them all to fouking sahara desert in mid summer
skdak, i just want to point out that the young generation seemed to me to be void of gratitude for the comforts of life like food because they have not known how hard it is to source these foods at all. if they have to hunt and gather them before they can eat, i'm sure they will surely not waste a single morsel of food.:-)
mo lang!
The habbit of wasting has nothing to do with globlisation or industrilisation.
One starts business to earn. but it is the self consiousness and responsibility of a human that should not allow such things to happen.
I have experience in Grand Joud opp to The Center. The first time I went there with my wife and ordered 1 dish and shesha, waiter reconfirmed atleast 2 - 3 times wether our order is ok or did we forget to order 2 dishes.
i'm a food lover ;)
orefer always to have my own dish .. don't mind sharing appetizers but not my main course .. rarely i have left overs ..
good food on our tables and in our kitchens is a real blessing that not all human beings are enjoying .. we better be thankful and manage it properly
be it take away for left overs, distributing them on needy people, giving your maids .. but never to trash
maybe he wants everyone to eat a lot, bcause what you're doing requires physical endurance, maybe.
My mother always told me to eat all I am served and not being picky because other people do not have food at all.Whenever I go to restaurant I order food I can eat and if there are any leftovers I ask restaurant to pack them for me and take them home.I would also consider give the food to poor people but never ever throw away food.
Of course it happened many times I and my husband ordered just one meal we shared.Not to save money of course:)but sometimes one meal is enough for two.
bleu is right! even we order just enough for our family and make sure we finish all of it, otherwise we just pack it and have it the next day.why should we waste food? its our money thats being wasted too.
during hajj this year , at Mina we were given individual lunch baxes per person and the food in those boxes was enough for two so my husband and i just shared a box and gave the other box to the many needy near our tents!Believe me the hajj operator didnt like this!!!!
when i ate outside and have some left overs, i had it packed for take-away so I could eat it the next day. so no waste food for me:-)
it's sad that this industrialization/ globalization has lots of people ignorant about how foods (the raw materials) looked like before it become what is served in the plate. they have no notion on the sweat, time and energy invested just to grow something as simple as rice, wheat or even vegetables. they have no inkling on how the animals are raised just so we have meat in the table. this had brought forth persons not counting their blessings when they are eating something or thankful for those creatures who had to die just so we are nourished.
mo lang!
bleu, there should be more people like you. OP is right, and I hope that more people will come to their senses in this regard. having the ability to pay for more meals does not mean you dont have the responsibility to use that ability properly.
in social justice class, we were taught that anything you waste, you have taken from somebody in need. if you can't finish it, hand it politely to someone who wants it.
of course, if the food is bad or something is wrong with it, it's also wrong to give it to the less fortunate, they might get sick.
I'd like to add that many people fill-up plates in buffets and then eat half of what the put on the plate.
When I go out with my wife, we get funny looks from the waiter when we order one main course (we're Qataris, maybe he thinks we should be ordering 2 main courses per person).
we can give it to others to share the same.
I do the same, last Saturday from Losail Race we went to Aspire Zone Garden, we brought some fast food items for lunch, after we finished our food some of the good food was left, so i noticed that 4-5 people from one cleaning company were sitting under the tree, I went to them and asked them if they are willing to take the food and happily the accepted it :-)
At least the food did not go waste and I also felt happy :-D
If i order a meal, i eat it. Unless it's horrible or there is something wrong with it. But i woulden't waste food cause i can't be bothered finishing it.
Cooking for more heads at home is not bad at all untill it does not go into the wastebin the next day.
My dad always remind us to not waste a single amount of food because every grain of rice being wasted corresponds to the sweat & hardwork of a farmer.
hahahahaha skdkak come on - and my name is PIT STOP!! :P
It isn't just the Indians that do that. It is a matter of practice and nothing to do with culture.
At home, although we are just 4 people, we over cook - for 10 + because we have maids, and drivers and mashallah they eat a lot. Aside our food, they cook their own food too. The peels and the wasted foods are taken to the farm for the cows, goats, chicken etc etc .. :)
We aren't wasters :p
I always order way more than I can eat. That way I can take it home and don't have to cook the next day.
Allow me to say so without even considering that I am attacking any particular culture / region / country.
Indians being miser (LOL), I have noticed in India and here that people from sub continent rarely waste food.
We prefer to clean our plates so much as if its come out of washing.
On a serious note: we all should eat what we order. So, order less dishes and have your share. Want more - can always order later.
When I go to restaurants with friends, we never order one dish per person unless we knew what we were getting our selves into. We would always share and take home the left overs for our nanny's at home.
i guess every one is least bothered about food saving.
Just a thought. Next time before ordering food, we should first imagine those people who are suffering from extreme hunger or famine shown on TV. So no amount of food will be wasted.
Guess what happend to dieting..?
As for manners. if we all decide to eat properly without wasting, we all have to start somewhere..
Good to hear from you again. I thought you are angry with me
wasted in the buffets during ramadan... :(
the amount of food wasted in Hotels and Restaurant and nothing but a shame.
You are right it is considered bad manners to order a dish or two if the person are more. Each person should get one or 2 kinds of dishes for them and most of them hardly eat all the food.
What a waste....
Ah you must see the amount of food waste Marriages here ;-(
One reason they don't distribute leftover food here because here we they have very few starving or needy people as compare of 3rd world Countries ...