The Wall Real Estate... Employee so Rude!!!

I just don't know why people are so much rude.. we are the one whos giving them the investment money so they can earn but, such stupid employee don't treat there customers well... so sad to know that most of them are same as my nationalities is so quell.. Don't ever make the same mistake as wat we did.. Getting an accommodation here is so much difficult when U go thru this WALL REAL ESTATE .. yakksss.. so disgusting... Hope everything that they did bad will come back to them.. I'll leave this all to Allah's hand..
@mike i agree with you, people should be aware that THE WALL REAL ESTATE, has a bad service and would deduct your security cheques for non reasonable alibies. so be are people.
Rheeza welcome to club. Those guys are nothing but a bunch of scammers.
Thanks MODS for kicking them off from QL..
Just beware forks...
I don't want anyone to fall into what had happen to us...
A little pre-caution won't hurt :)
I Would not recommend anyone to stay on any apartment for THE WALL REAL ESTATE. I have stayed and sign a contract with them and when my contract was about to end they offer me to stay for a lower price, then i didn't accept i move out, I have my security cheques with them they deducted 4,000 QR for damage, repairs. FYI.. the damages they stated on 4,000 where of non sence excuses such as paint on the wall has a little dirty on it (off course the dust will stick on it) 2. the tables and sofa have some scratch, gee small stratch on for 4,000 deduction.. i can buy 1 set of sala set for that. 3.) Window A/C (which is too old and dusty) still deduct on my security deposit.
AS FOR THERE CUSTOMER SERVICES, it su*ks they the washing machine and OLD WINDOW AC we have to call them every now and them for repair, and when we will tell them to replace a new 1 they said it could not be, when they supply appliances are TOO OLD... BEWARE DEAR Q-L'S
another troll on the move?
You know what I find extremely embarrassing ? When people use "big" words and can't spell them or use them in the wrong context....cringeworthy! Makes them lose the little respect one may have had for them before they opened their mouth or started writing...
A lawyer...ROFL!!!!
Happy, welcome to the club.
some one called
am here
Mod...I know about The Wall and had my own share of experience with them recently... didn’t want to put it up amidst similar concerns by other QLers...just weaved a pun seeing the reaction from some of its employees that there is no hope for any change by comparing it with hitting head on the wall...:)
Thanks anyways....:)
Tight_cheeta is blocked as he had two previous other identities that are also blocked
Having said that, I really hope that Mr. Cheeta does not get a heart attack. :)
The Wall is a real estate company that are blocked from QL immediately they are identified.
I cannot comment on their services but can confirm that they have repeatedly broken QL's rules.
tight_cheeta, bla bla bla bla, I can give you a box of tissue so you can go ahead and clean all the drool... bah! Please get back to work, your boss will appreciate it.
The Wall... its generally a structure raised using some ingredients such as bricks, cement etc etc on which when you hit your head hoping to make a dent (change) you get hurt but nothing happens to The Wall... the agency seems to living up to it...:)
Wtf is The Wall????
Stealth, oh! My dear judge presiding grand jury
Mike…your frustration is self-evidentiary in your answer…’s you who initiated this grand fiasco.. If you have right to comment as tenant then why should not I be vested with this right?
You are not so important to me to share my mobile number with you; and take it for granted….
I think this should conclude our debate……..nonetheless, if you want to continue on some pretexts I would be available to reply thereto.
Good bye…
so TC really works for The Wall, then why the smokescreen?
tight_cheeta, I can send you my phone number then I will be more than happy to show you my RP in person... is that a deal?
And yes, I am first and foremost free in my mind, and therefore I have absolutely no need to lie my way through for just nickels and dimes.
You are the one wasting his/her time, I am just giving my feedback as a tenant... for further reference (I am sure this will thrill you a bit) I am that annoying customer who is still waiting for an answer for some nagging issue related to a.... ehhh.... uhmmmmm.... home appliance that supposedly stopped working because of me, the tenant, being negligent.
Do you still want to go ahead??? Go to my file, see my RP and who I work for and tell me if that has anything to do with "real estate" doh!!!!
rofl...there really is nothing else to say....
It is indeed wasting of time …I wonder if you are so free in Qatar!! Actually at outset, I thought that I should simply ignore your comment nevertheless, after seeing your follow up comment, on second thought, I realized that I must respond…
As far as proving wrong is concerned, let me confess very candidly that it might be your personal aspiration. By seeing your anxiety on this very topic it seems that you are agent/ employee of any real estate company…having clash of interest with wall if not, then scan and send copy of your RP so that fist I should realize that I am going to meet any genuine person and not one who is impersonating….
Is this module fine; if yes, do send me your RP copy….
Well it's ironic that even with the 3-wk timeframe they work more effectively than in their real jobs :S
it should TC 3 weeks o come up with an answer, Mike :)
Tight_cheeta, any comments my dear?
TAP OUT, are you a tenant from the wall?
'THE WALL is the Best'
now just get into the
they dont care about it.
TFS people(not trolls) will definitely spread the word and avoid this company. many QLers saying the same thing. They must really suck. Hope those in authority read this thread and do the needful..for their own good!
some never understand :(
The Wall is terrible to deal with. I lived in a block of flats in Al Saad from 2006-2008. I was one of the first tenants into the place and always paid on time and in cash. During this period, rents were going up fairly consistently. By the time I was looking to renew in fall of 2008, they wanted to hike the rent up even further.
The kicker was, they always advertise in Gulf Times and the exact same flats were being advertised at the usual price. When I confronted them with this, they said when a customer renews, they must increase X%. I replied "Let me get this straight, a new customer would get the old price, but me as an existing tenant will have a higher price!?" The joker at the office gave me a half-shrugging smirk!
I moved out as soon as the contract finished and would never consider dealing with them again.
As for little things, they would let the garbage pile up in the summer time and the smell would waft up the garbage shutes in the hallways. Many complaints and they never did a thing about it. The maintenance people were fairly useless as well. On a couple occasions I had to tell them how to do their jobs. Not that I blame the maintenance staff, but the cheap landlords that want to cut costs everywhere possible.
Good riddance!
TAP OUT, you just got self-submitted with your most recent comment... LOL! Almost pipi'ed my pants!
Tight_cheeta: I am not wasting my precious time with those whom in their own mediocrity cannot see beyond the tip of their nose.
What comes around, goes around.
Prove me wrong, will you? :)
rofl - you have made my day. Thank you x
What a laugh you are.
a lawyer...god help the company...rofl
AL ASMAKH run behind the
Me… lawyer for this impugned company…. Good research dear…..candidly speaking, you have impressed me from your intellectual analysis and research!!!!!!! Really you are so prejudiced that even you didn’t spared me by terming lawyer of this company..
I wonder what make you to draw an interface of my comment and I was being termed as an employee of ‘wall’…….great sense indeed. I have no time to meet and discuss these irrelevant issues and I really wonder if you have…. You are free to comment on services of any company and it’s all your right but for me too, it is my right… I just said what I experienced and that’s all…..
Flowerbloomqatar: newly registered and only one comment thus far, in favor of this company.
marietg95: was removed... why? Probably the mods detected this person was creating multiple accounts from the same IP?
They are SO obvious!
s_isale, I could not agree with you more on this. All of a sudden we see some "spontaneous" happy customers. I would like to meet them in person and share with them some good anecdotes.
I am one of their customers and let me tell you, although the apartment and location are convenient, the customer service is far from being decent. I have been involved in a barrage of e-mails with them where they ended up insulting me.
There must be a reason why you see fewer tenants in their building... this is the second real estate company I have dealt in Qatar and so far, a second terrible experience. A good friend of mine told me, don't deal with rookies and go for big and reputable companies.
I am pretty sure that tight_cheeta must be an employee from this company and if he or she can prove me wrong, please send me a private message so we can meet in person and then I will be more than happy to apologize in this forum.
I am not going to say any further since I have decided to turn the page and once our contract expires, go for another apartment hopefully, with a company with the caliber of Al-Asmakh.
why the surprise customer service is none existent in the whole of the gulf region , it is pandemic
Oracle - there are enough OBL posts out there, put what you want in any of those topics.
Why post unrelated comment for this topic?
Most people are rude in this country it seems to me. I wrote a thread and I received from Moderators - Enough O.B.L!
I think communication skills are at a premium here in this country.
Note from Mods.
The topic of OBL had received more than it's share of threads and comments without adding a new one to the list.
one is a lawyer for the Wall,
another has been banned,
the third one seems to be a Wall employee.
Reminds me of the song ..
"All in all, it just another prick in the wall" :o)
I have a friend who's been with that company for a year now and heard good things about them. She said that they make sure that the clients are well attended to.
I am in Qatar since 3 years and enjoying the accommodation services of The Wall; I leave in their Al- Sadd apartments since 3 years and have wonderful experience of their services. I wonder what led charms 79 to reach to such adverse opinion about this wow real estate company..
Believe me…they are the best…. I have seen my other friends with other real estate companies and know very well about their experiences and after that, I just thank to my god that I have been with best real estate company in Qatar.
I strongly recommend everyone to try the wall at least for once…
Amit007 good bye troll....
to entertain you. Very supportive and helpful. All complains addressed! Hurray to Gilbert & Salvie and to Rommel the Maintenance Manager!
Cheers! - Glitter Graphics
At 1st they will be nice to u.. but later on whhoooopppsss.. so much... there are so maldita...
I bet they do... there employee.. really sucks...
thanks for the referral!..
Maybe they are just having everyday period?hehhehe
Anyways, call another Kabayan on this number 554 0779 of Al Asmakh Real Estate. There are more nice Kayabayans at Al Asmakh.
This number is my real estate guy. If you want a lady to talk to, call 551 2734.
All the best! - Glitter Graphics
I agree.. I also experienced dealing with them. They will not entertain you tru phone, and you don't even have the voice to speak out, I mean they will not listen to you. You will beg for a 1 minute talk with them because they will said they have a lot of client and they are so busy.
So sad they are also our kabayans. Haayzzz.. lets just live it to GOD.