Walking God's path.

So all my life I struggled to stretch my mind to the breaking point until it began to creak in order make a sense of my life and the world.
My mind is constantly generating questions such as if God exists then why is there evil in the world?
It's a eonughof a hard situation to be in wanting to be with God but at same time having so many doubts in mind as to his whole plan for the universe . faith tells us that there is actually any other option but to believe or burn in hell for eternity that God gave man his freedom and the Free will to choose which is a real difficult stumbling block and question for many people.
Because on the one and Religion tells us to have faith in God becuase he created the world and pre-destined everything and that his choice is always the best choice for us whlist on the on the other hand we are also told we have been given the Free Will and that man is free to choose. But what's the use of giving man this freedom if in the end it's all down to what God wants not what I want?
Do we really have free will? Do we really have control over our own destiny? Can we change our behaviors at will if we see that they are detrimental to us? Or is everything set in stone, pre-determined?
Science is just what humans found out... which if u study the religious texture(i personally wud cut it short and read the final revelation in the Quran)...u will some of the "sceintific findings" were mentioned 1400 years...
From the chapters which mentiones about ants,embroys and sperm, the atom, the universe and stars...the dividing of oceans of salt and fresh water, which was mentioned by an illerate man named Mohamed PBUH, one tends to think how did he know 1400 odd years ago...???
These are the thoughts which shud guide u towards more research and hopefully u will find guidenace..
One needs to study religion to its core to understand why we were made in the first place...we humans cannot be a mere coinincidence right...we have been given this thought process to decide what God has said...hence invest time in it to find that peace...if u do then u will find the light..
I don't believe we're discussing this again.. "Existence of God!!" for the billionth time on this forum
Free will .. What free will?? Please tell me one human being on this earth (a believer or a nonbeliever) who's living his/her life with a free will .... Every human being on this earth is either controlled by laws and regulations set by their State/government, tribe etc.
You don't do something which is considered illegal, inappropriate and is punishable in your country (by your "people"), similarly i don't do anything that is considered bad or punishable in my religion (by my God). Difference is, you're looking for consequences in this life, I on the other hand worry about the life hereafter.
I hope its clear that nobody in this world lives with a free will ... So, I would prefer my life to be controlled by a superior entity which i believe is God, who has created everything in this universe and I would follow rules and regulations set by Him.. rather than following some humans or politicians which i know very well are cheaters/liars and thugs.
@People inclined to evolution...
As per theory of evolution,
"when members of a population die they are replaced by the progeny of parents that were better adapted to survive and reproduce in the environment in which natural selection took place. This process creates and preserves traits that are seemingly fitted for the functional roles they perform."
So humans are the better adaptaion of Apes...???
But what abt the apes which still exists???they failed to evolve...???
if we have free will then why we have to be punish in the end if we choose to be bad?...
..and if a person is doing good as it is his/her will to do, why he/she (religious doctrine)are always threatened to be put in hell if they swayed their path in doing good?
we are all pre-destined and there is no such free will.. and no matter what we do, we will be judge in the end!!!
LP thats what i said exactly humans are not descendants of apes.
Ofcouse no LP, we are talking about choices which a human comes across normal life not the super human choice for eg,a husband can either be loyal to his wife or cheat her, its completely his choice, the freedom to believ in god or not etc.
You should begin to read things properly, shisha. The theory you mentioned says that apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor. Nowhere does it say that humans are descendants of apes!
turbo just a reminder human evolution from apes is a theory not a fact.
And then, what kind of freedom is that if you can choose between 'yes' or 'no'? Very limited, I guess.
Your choices are limited by physics. You cannot choose to fly. Unless you are a bird.
Ofcourse we have freewill, that's why brain is given to humans at the time of creation , so that you can choose which clearly states its completely upto each individual to choose, we can change our mindset if we are determined.
Cant agree to the belief that God revealed himself to humanity through some texts.
"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God. " -- Albert Einstein--
If you ask yourself 'how did it all begin?', and you don't find an answer, why do you start believing in something instead of trying to find out? It's an easy way to believe that God made everything, it's much harder to understand how things began without God. And, it's much harder to live a life without God in a hostile universe. I advise you all to believe in something like "God". It's EASIER! And you don't need much intellect.
I think you just need to go with your gut Marco. Personally I'm not sure there isn't a "God" or something more powerful and more complex than us, I'm just sure he didn't have anything to do with any religions.
I think, once you say "I have no idea what created life or what happens after we die, but I'm just going to live my life the best way I know how and do and believe it what I feel is right" you sleep a hell of a lot better at night. ;)
God is inside you and lives until you live.
but God when He offered man LIFE and DEATH, He specifically said, CHOOSE life. It s just inherent to many to experiment.
And to Turbo, if you believe in the evolution, that's yours, it remains debatable so you based your belief from something that is not stable.
I had to edit .Forgot I am still in Doha .
and 42 I like your madness . a little retarded though.:)
You need not be religiously inclined to be good person and just make sure you live with out troubling thou neighbours (people around).
with his noodley appendages hovers rather than walks.
WALKS! WALKS! How dare you suggest the great noodley ONE has legs!
Blasphemy! BLASPHEMY I say!!!!!!!
And he created all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. He is also the creator of good and evil. BUT He gave us the ability to chose. Death will surely come to us all hence it's only whilst we are alive, sane and well can we chose our path: good or evil, or something in between. God is by no means unjust. This is what I believe. And my knowledge is derived mostly of course via the Quran and Prophetic narrations.
Likewise in Islam we believe that whilst our life spans, livelihoods etc are decreed by God, certain good deeds like being kind to the poor, giving in charity,keeping good ties with our relatives, praying and supplicating to God, a parents prayer,etc can change our destiny and prolong our lives.
Religion is nothing but a set of rules for the whole of humanity originally defined by the creator Himself but very often misunderstood or violated by mankind. Not following the rules of the land results in punishment. So choosing the right set of rules is the key to escaped the punishment rather than defining our own and following it.
It's not about religion. God did not create religion, man did.
It is what is inside of us...the deep knowledge of right and wrong EVERYBODY possesses.
Some people live according to it, very few people do, most don't.
If you live according to it, in harmony with it, you will be happy. If not, you won't be happy.
Heaven and hell are created by every person themselves...
Death is inevitable, but all through life we are free to make choices. Some work out and some don't. Such is life .
I think being God must be the best job ever!!!!!
If something bad happens, its because its for the best or to teach people humility etc etc
Something good happens then all credit belongs to God...
There are so many contradictions in all religions and thats why I am an Atheist...
Plus the fact that most of what is said in the Quran/Bible/Tora etc about creation has been disproven by science.
For instance how old the Earth is..
How we evolved from Ape's rather than being created by a divine being
My personal belief is that religion is born from the fact that we all have an inbuilt fear of death, so religion helps us to deal with that by promising life after death.
There have been countless amount of religions since the beginning of our species..
In the beginning all religions were local religions specific to one country or area. When people started to travel further religions started to span larger areas, such as the Greek and Roman empires spreading their beliefs through their empires.
Seems funny to me that if there is a God how come every society has created different religions since the beginning of time.
Surely if God created us we would have all come up with the same religion and not the 1000's of ones that have existed.
And isn't funny how each new religion is always the correct one and all that proceeded it are false....
Thats what I believe anyway and you are free to disagree
Someone argued, God created you and me and the universe around us. Even after giving humans the free will HE knows what choices we are going to make as individuals like a computer programmer who knows how his program is expected to behave when fed with a certain set of data.
I have yet to find such an answer...because I question about the same thing and even more.
You are the master of your life, no one else is. You decide, and God walks with you...if you want him to.
Nothing is predetermined, it is completely up to you.
You have to train your will to do what you want though.
Its a free choice. Good & Evil and decide which one you want.
I know this post belongs to the religious section but for some reason i'm not able to post there. coz I have no idea how to do that lol.