Vodafone Qatar - What a waste of time!!!

By northernlad •
Well, almost 2 years in service for Vodafone Qatar, and still they cannot get things right. This Flexi idea really is a waste of time!
Yet again, I cannot get through to the Customer Champions.
Yet again, I am put on hold whilst someone asks their supervisor.
Yet again, I am cut off by accident.
Yet again, I am charged not once, but several times for my flexi, and no credit shows on my phone.
Yet again, somsone promises to call me back, and after 5 days I am still waiting.
Yet again, I make 4 calls to 4 different Champions, and they all give me different info and solutions to my problem.
Come on Vodafone. You have had enough time now. Sort it out!!!
Well, almost 2 years in service for Vodafone Qatar, and still they cannot get things right. This Flexi idea really is a waste of time!
Yet again, I cannot get through to the Customer Champions.
Yet again, I am put on hold whilst someone asks their supervisor.
Yet again, I am cut off by accident.
Yet again, I am charged not once, but several times for my flexi, and no credit shows on my phone.
Yet again, I recharge using recharge cuopon not able get credit on my phone.
Yet again, there network is down and able to get solution from them
Yet again, they cheated 175 riyal on my accounts.. not able to get feedback on it.
Yet again, somsone promises to call me back, and after 5 days I am still waiting.
Yet again, I make 4 calls to 4 different Champions, and they all give me different info and solutions to my problem.
Come on Vodafone. You have had enough time now. Sort it out!!!
Well you people will never know what more benefits and better rates and better service you would have got if Reliance was choosen as the other operator.
There are pros and cons with both providers...but its ok...
I have not been able to use vodafone sim for about 2 days now. Called them and their so called CHAMPION states that ' because we were upgrading the system and something went wrong thus none of the FlexiFreedom accounts are working till vodafone is able to replenish the account. Now that is vodafone fault but they want the customer to suffer even though they have auto-recharge activated on their system. Vodafone is not embarrassed or sorry for this. They think it is vodafone's right to force the customer to be without a working number till they fix their system fault.
Just told them to disconnect the phone and I will move to QTEL.
i agree. the showrooms in villagio etc are great, and the staff there will attend and assist you. Unlike Qtel!
The problem is with their Champions, so do not seem to have a clue, and continue to put you on hold to check with someone else!
flexi idea doesn't work. Post paid method of Qtel is far superior.
as the saying goes, we cannot please everybody all the time, and we cannot assure that everything is A-OK at all times, whatever the case maybe.
UNfortunately for us customers we only have 2 choices, either left or right. old and new. lets give them time to adjust. lets remember we enjoying now low rates brought about by the competition, instead of whining, lets pray and expect amazing.
if you're new, do not compare with your experience back home. dont worry we experienced a lot worse than this years back and we survived. you will too.
I think voda went down again after appointing their new CEO who seems not to be managing very well .
I think the call centre staff + Branches staff desperately need service quality training
i third the motion! thank you vodafone for the great service, unlike Qtel's Customer Service, you can easily talk to a CSR at anytime.
very bad service totally waste service.....
@ Khanan...mabrook....
I have a account , where 35 QR will added to my Credit card as and when the phone use up the charge. I had made this for ease of calling Oveseas and i use it only to call. It is really bad that at lest 5 times i found that they fail to chage my phone and i am unable to call , i spoke to so many so called CHAMPIONS, who are hired for nothing but to hear all the SHOUTING and FIRING from the fustrated customer. It is a pitty that the people who are supposed to be the cause of all this mess hide and have these POOR CUSTOMER CHAMPIONS to take all the ABUSE. GOD SAVE VADAFONE
Thank you VF for free FB, Cheap Rates and above all ending QTEL monopoly...
QTel has horrible reception at the Pearl.
They give & take.. in 2010 gave me 2010 minutes.. but i dont know how i lost it in sep while i had about 3 hours remaining. 2011 they give me 2 hr.. later they took it. We loose our recharges listening their promo advt..
Forget all.. To make a call we have to donate atleast 2 or 3 calls. because sometimes we can hear the receiver only on the 3 or 4 th time.
Poor vodafone
me too TB, it just annoys me when nobody seems to know what customer service is, or whwn nobody seems to know how to communicate properly.
Qtel annoy me, Vodafone annoy me. Which ever one I am with I could write moaning posts about here. They are all the same. But for customer service I do prefer Vodafone especially in their showrooms. I would rather go to the dentist that walk into a Qtel branch to try and resolve a problem.
At the moment I am with Virgin (Qtel) which for me gives me the reliability of the Qtel network, but a tariff that suits me better. And so far... no complaints.
VODAFONE Qatar has a very good service. In fact, it benefited us all who are using mobile phones, calls rates becomes cheap because of Vodafone's presence in Qatar.
Come on northerland all of them steals our credit especially on pre-paid cards. How would we know that we enjoy their promotions?
thats too early :(
June 2022?
It will be fine by June
there's always a solution, stop all yor worries and transfer to QTEL, they have virgin even.
Thank You vodafone for the great service.... :O) !!!
thank you for not cutting my lines or call,
for the free facebook and internet.
for the cheap calls.
for making my life easier.
The thing i hate the most is the lack of connectivity in certain areas with Vodafone.. U just don't get a signal in the airport Area. which is very strange since it is a prominent part of the city !!