Virtual Wife to practice on !

Its an original idea, but would anyone choose Bijli Thakur over the sweet Ritu Gharwali ?
Indian bachelors can now sign up to a virtual wife scheme that allows them to pick from four different type of 'wives' to practise on.
The Indian website, (an ideal wife), allows men to choose from a homemaker, a "control freak", a woman obsessed with shopping and soap operas and an ambitious banker.
The men subscribing to the service receive automated telephone messages from the virtual woman they have chosen, to help them make an informed choice when the time comes to land a real wife.
The first candidate is the devoted Ritu Gharwali (Ritu Homemaker), 23, who tells her "husband" to "please eat your lunch, I have made your favourite dish," making her the ideal Indian housewife in conservative circles.
25-year-old Bijli Thakur (Electricity Thakur) is described as "Dominating. Bossy. Control-freak."
Milli Chulbulli (Milli Naughty), 21, is an excitable secretary in a multinational firm with a life that revolves around shopping trips and neighbourhood gossip, while Shalini Sheherwali (Shalini From the City) is an ambitious 26-year-old banker.
Source: Telegraph
WK new chaddi ? Hmmm.....
hhmm ..WK, new tag line? something serious??..
Aap to aise na they (Eng: when did you start taking note of others's BS)...LOL
I think it's kind of sick
Rofl britu....:)
Rizku, Tinku, Paaju, FU,
Damn You
What to do :O(
i guess brit is gone to Miss Bijli Thakur with volt meter..
happy don't suggest me plastic dolls :)
rizk..what kindaa problems she made? will you enlighten us :)
Tinku darling, in this planet Earth...there is not only one Shalini but many....:)
Plastic is a good non-conductor of electricity....:)
painther Shalini was my ex house maid...:)
she was ambitious 26Yrs old house maid.....
She left coz, she was making problems for me....LOL
happy.. control urself....cozy cold cool.....too much of imagination :)-
what about Bijli Thakur she anyhow related to gabbar singh?
Brit.. any Idea wht's voltage rating of Bijli Thakur...LV/MV/HV ??..u know safety issues .. just in case!!!
Painther... Comeon, you know how cool it sounds specially on these cold cozy winter days...:)
Happy this is not super market... lol
It's a vast world out there...
Just have the courage to explore :O) greedy insane :)...
A chulbuli sheherwali gharwali sounds cool...:)
ever heard of an unmarried guy getting a heart attack?
who is shalini shaharwali?,
I'm curious now. :)
OK .. Let's take this exercise a little further..
Pilgram is obviously Ritu Gharwali...
So what about some of the other QL ladies..
What if I'm an ambitious banker who also has a bad shopping habit but always makes sure my husband eats his lunch?
wow, choice of 4.....blessed !!!!
Shalini Sheherwali ..that's my interest :)
I wonder if Bijli Thakur is into leather ?
Lesser guys are gonna marry... because of this invention :(
Once we're married, we have no choice but to talk and act as directed. :O(
i liked the idea...guys will have an idea what to expect..:) do they also give classes to men how to talk and act in certain situation? ..:)
is it same like the Pink Inflatable Dolls ?
Wow. So they get to experiment with some stereotypes before marrying a real woman who could be any combination of things....