Very Very Cruel Parent

By dragonfly212 •
Oh My GOD!!!! I just cannot believe this. Look at the picture, the baby sleeping on the back windshield ledge. Horroble. I feel I want to shoot the parent. What happen when he needs sudden break to avoid accident???? Oh GOD have mercy on this innocent baby soul.
Very Cruel Parent. From now on if I see one of the car with children unbuckled I will keep horn to them till they notice me and I will ask him to pull the car and stop driving untill he buckled the children on their sit. I think we all need to be proactive to stop this stupid idiot parrent to get an accident and indangered the children. What you say people????
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
Where is the law enforcement? As long as the law isnt addressing this issue, unfortunately this will conitue to happen...Its one thing to have laws but if they arent enforced the laws are useless. Its a shame and i feel sorry for these children.
i also had watched 1 movie & she forgot her baby inside her car for 3 hours. (forgot the title)
Stupid mother!
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
You can't teach experience...
I think Novi's hit on a good point.
A lot of people believe that everything that happens is God's will; If they have an accident, it's God's will. If someone dies in the accident, it's God's will and it was that person's time to be taken.
As far as they're concerned, nothing they do will change God's will, so there's no point in bothering with seat belts.
when the crash happen at least the mother is save ... the heck with the baby ...
they don't care if their children will be smashed against the windshield or thrown out of the car in case they involve in an accident. These idi*ts strap their selves but not their children.
***** There are people still alive because it is illegal to shoot them ******
wow thats really shockin amean what were they thinking and the baby near to the windsheald?! srsly
they should get like a freakin fine or sumthin
i have been told by some local that death is 'will of allah'.
to Lay on the horn and then politely (sometimes) tell people through the window:
"Do you love your child?
Why are you risking their life then?
So far everyone time I have done this, they look at me as if I am crazy, or pretend (I think) that they don't speak English.
I give up. I really do think that the deaths will have to add up before anyone does anything. Very sad.
if the parents dont care about the law, how much more when these kids grow?
lost cause guys ... If they not follow the law, what make you think they will do what you said ???
It is a fact life and I saw one with the baby one his knee while driving, but they get very upset if you tell them anything so think twice before doing it.
At the end of the day its the parents who have the final say of their children - the future and safety of a child is always in the hands of parent - its their responsibility - no one has any right to it except the law to penalise them for any wrong doing.
all the time i see this thing feel like i want to stop them and slapt the parent 10times. and make them buckled their children. only in my head. hehehehe
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
mind your own business..hehehehehe just tell them from your careful with your babies.. or make campaign about it mila
Please don't try that you may get yourself more trouble than you expect.
yeah you right. but we all should be proactive too tho
what you think of my silly thinkin above???
some people says i should not do it as a bad idea.
so my question now to all of you, how much trouble can i get if I pull over one of them and asked them nicely to buckled their children? i know some of them will get offended and yell at me back "mind your own business" but can they report me to police??? will the police will charged me with some fine againts some law??
please people help me here. I really want to do this.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
yes PM, and our discussion today and event the article from peninsula is related to that accident. so sad.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Sad to say it, but the only way these people are going to learn that what they are doing is wrong, is if more children die.
yeah true but either they listen to you or they just stop the car and ask you W** is wrong with you
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
well spicy, my thinkin is, maybe this people never knows that what he doing is wrong so if everytime he drive around with children unbuckled and receive continous horn soon or later he will feel iritated and realizing what our intentions. we have to start somewhere. we cannot just depend on Authority and Traffic Police to take action. We the citizen should take the big part. anyway, this is just my silly thinking.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
indeed MIla understand yr good intentions but the bottomline is the Mentality that need to be changed , then the situation to be understood (safety wise first and foremost) then only can ppl/will it change for the better.but before all that it will not make any diff believe like a waster of effort on yr part more over prolly get you into trouble too......>my 2 c ents worth
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
All flat rate fines and taxes are regressive in nature.
There are lots of people of low economic means breaking traffic rules and not just the Qataris or the wealthy!
The break the rules because they are stupid and selfish.
so you guys dont think that good idea huh? what then? I really want to help as a good citizen about this problem? give me your idea.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
i think one basic reason why people dont obey the traffic rules is coz of the bucks they earn & feel that they can overcome the rules by paying "few" riyals as fine ,,,, and i strongly believe that thought makes them eaze out on following safety measures ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I am sick of hearing the excuse kids dont listen to parents anymore. The problem is we have become to caught up in a PC society we are told that we need to respect the rights of our children and that a to harsh displinary action will result in problems later on in life. The only thing I'm seeing in this day and age to come from that mentality is children so out of control that it scares me. I am not talking about beating a child to within an inch of its life, I am talking about showing your child that as an adult you deserve respect and when they learn to respect you than you will learn to respect them. It may seem a little harsh but thats life. Life is harsh.
Not really, journalists have to get their ideas from somewhere and a big part of that is listening to what people on the street are saying. If it wasn't for forums like QL the only sources Journalists would have is government or private business ones.
Mila - i reckon it is gonna do more harm than good (dont you think??)not everyone thinks alike
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
nice thought mila, but do you really think this will work with the locals..?
thats why Alexa, I will take my deeds from now on, if I see one of them with children inside without sealbelt i will keep horn until they notice me then i will remind them if they argue with me I will report them to Police with their plate number.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
yes alexa it is so so true and some believe that loving ones child/children means never saying NO to them and allowing them to do wat they want and if you are strict with them or disciplining them means you dont love them - this is very sad indeed if this is how they bring up their children and imagine wat the children grow up to be and it goes on and on and on......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
honestly Jakarta have over then 14millions population and the higher accident records so far per year is only 400 - 600. Here records as high as 300 accidents per day with only over 1million population. thats something.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
If you can't stop them maybe there are things to be done with car design that could prevent or reduce injuries. Or would that be an admission that parents do let there kids stand up.
There would be a lot of opposition to admitting it, despite the overwhelming evidence, but it is often the admission that is the first step to a solution.
While it may be the traffic Dept. Resposibility, The problem is that they have no Authority. By this I mean that all anyone has to do to get out of a traffic fine here is to know someone, were else in the world does this happen? I am sure if I was back home and told a cop that he can't fine me because of my cousins uncles brother works higher up than him or I'll see that he loses his job and gets deported that they would first of all take me to the police station submit me to a drug and alcohol test then slap with with a life driving ban before throwing me in jail to think about my actions.
I'm happy to see our discussions end up in the media, means that something might actually be done about it!
if kids wont listen then the parents have to make sure they do as they are told or we aint gonna go nowhere, and besides who is the adult here and who is in charge?the kid or the parent??
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
thanks tallg!
i think they strolling us now tallg. I think we should send our discussion link to Traffic Police and Authority instead.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
untill you've checked and found all seatbelts buckled.
Kids do lot of bickering over seats too, who gets window seat and they cry if they dont get their fav place.
Approach it like a basic etiquette issue. Teach them first of all that what seat they sit in is NOT important in the greater scheme of life. They will not die if they don't get a window seat.However if they dont buckle they might end up in hospital
Ok, I think we've ragged on Afaque enough now!
How about we turn our venom towards The Peninsula for using QL to get ideas for stories ;-)
toss to that ofmyheartshape
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Its Traffic Dept's responsibility to check every car and fine those motorists/parents who are violating safety laws.
Traffic Dept has to grow up now!!!!
so sad that in 2008 pple still refuse to see the benefit of wearing seat belt... the police make so much traffic rules, but they dont implement them.all you see them doing is passing traffic at roundabouts.. they need to get out there more and do their jobs the right way.....
Peace everyone! I have a kid too and i love all the other ones as well. Didn't want to kill anyone!!!
yes tallg, totally agree with you. The Authority should start the video advert to educate the Qatar Citizen in general.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
You people killed Afaque,
I'm sure he didnt know he was going to come down so us...LOL
Afaque, dude, jokes apart, I think, safety comes first, and surely for the most priced treasures that we as human beings cherish - KIDS - so I think having all the fun is alright but on the roads, the Roads are no Arena mate, thats the only thing...
Good that you were joking, and were following all rules, and hey dont let your kids have fun in the Car alright,
Cheers buddy...
tallg, always welcome!
It seems we may have got through to Afaque.
His attitude to road safety shows how a hard a job it is to get people to do the sensible thing and strap their kids in. It doesn't even enter their heads that it could be dangerous. That's why things like TV adverts are necessary to educate them.
I'm glad you've taken on board our comments Afaque.
hello Alexa, why do people take it too seriously,,, I really was kidding a bit ....I obey all the traffic rules.... and I drive safely. thanks for the advise and cheers now!
hi mis-cat, I gave up already,,,I agree to it
I remember what they did in Canada. They showed all these horrific videos and stuff to kids and drilled into them the importance of seatbelts, so the kids went around harping at the parents to put their seatbelts on.
NO it is not OKay once in awhile. In my home state in Australia it is Law that children upto the age of 18 months must be restrained in an approved child saftey retraint they are talking of upping that to 10 years old but it is law that children and adult passengers no matter what age must wear a seat belt at all times otherwise the driver will be fined and lose their licences if it should also happen that its an adult passenger who fails to wear a seat belt then that person is also fined and if they carry a D/L then they can lose theirs also. It is also an instant fail of a driving test if you fail to apply your seat belt before turning on your ignition.
Safety comes first, keeping your child safe is the top priority, most parents let their baby/toddler sitting with the maid rather than spending money to buy the child car seat
all right! tallg, you guys win! have fun!
An airbag can kill someone (child or adult) if the person isn't using a seat-belt. The bag is designed to inflate and deflate very quickly, providing just enough cushion for the person flying forward before the seat-belt kicks in.
They should start showing the UK seat-belt adverts here. They're really horrific and get the message across so well. I've noticed some of the UK radio adverts on QBS, so maybe the TV one's will come soon (hopefully with Arabic translation!).
yes mis-cat is right, the Authority and the School, starting from the Playgroup to start teaching and have daily reminder about this seatbelt thing. Just hoping people will listen and implemented tho.
the hardest obstacle is: If people dont CARE.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
well everyone, you are right but it okay once in a while! isn't it, let the kid have some fun....kidding....after all that safety air bags i think he has good chances for surviving.
well everyone, you are right but it okay once in a while! isn't it, let the kid have some fun....kidding....after all that safety air bags i think he has good chances for surviving.
I don't see it in my country so no it doesn't happen everywhere. If an adult is caught with no seatbelt it's a minimum of a $200 fine, if a child is in a car with no seatbelt the parents are lucky if the child doesn't get taken away from them for endangering the life of their child or neglect.
mao jud
That is so ridiculous of you to say, infact wait a min, it is more pathetic to say...shame on you for saying such a thing,
Its not parent's fault...
Dude, if you freaking cant get your kids to behave in the cars, then might as well sit back with them in a bloddy Taxi or rather dont have kids at all...
So dumb of you mate...
Shame on you, are you a parent by any chance...
Of course it's the parent's fault Afaque!!! It doesn't matter if the kids listen or not, they should strap them in. No argument.
Kids will listen if you tell them that the result of them not sitting down, shutting up and buckeling up can result in death. Sometimes shock treament is the only way.
No afaque is the parent fault, if the kids dont listen make them listen. they dont know any better way. we do as an adult. I have to say I see this scenes everywhere in my country but our accident records is not as high as here.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Education is the key and not just the parents, children should also be told of the consiquences of saftey in a car and why they should wear a seat belt.
cool it mila, happens everywhere, I been in the that place when I was a little boy.....its not the parent fault, The kids don't listen these days....
one sad thing here is there is a law, but no one is implementing it :(
"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compasionate with the aged, tolerant of the weak. Someday you will have been all of these."
I was wondering that to Tallg!
was stunned to see this in the papers this morning.
[img_assist|nid=92055|title=BE HAPPY|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
yes tallg, they are our stroller. hihihihi
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
i agree with you..its the parent who has to take the full responsibility on this matter..a 12 month old baby has no idea about seat belt and even older ones would love to jump around in the back seat, instead of a crying baby in a propperly secured seat, parent would prefer a happy and silent baby without any protection happily jumping around without knowing what a risk he or she is at.the child should be educated aswell and parents has too do it.
Good on The Peninsula for running a story on this, and the sooner the police actually crack down on it he better, rather than just talking about it.
I can't help but wonder if it's more than just a coincidence that The Peninsula article comes the day after the thread about seat-belts on QL;
We know how they like to keep a close eye on the hot topics on QL!
i agree with you that authorities should take action with such cruel parents but this is also responsibly of parents to take care of kids and avoide such horrable action of life.
"Keep smiling with care "
That is too advanced for them.
They have the laws - enforce them!!!
It is depressing how people just spawn kids and can't look after them.
And this is not an ANTI any race statement...because we have just had a really depressing case in the UK of some stupid woman who had 7 kids by 5 different fathers and all sorts of rubbish going round.
I have witnessed, a child sitting on the ledge of a front passanger seat, window while the car was driving at least at 50km. It also annoys me when I am getting my children back into the car at a shopping mall the imapatient person waiting for my parking spot honking thier horn at me while I am strapping my kids into their car seats, so much so that on a few occasions I've yelled at tthem that they might not care about the saftey of their children but I do, so they can just wait.
as I said baka on above, the parent have the option and power to stop the accident or any unwanted situation, this pretty good deal for them but why they dont care about the important of seatbelt specially for their own children safety???
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
yes Gypsy, I think the Authority should give brief video to all the citizen specially the uneducated person like them, as they probably never watch tv (only make babies) how important seatbelt is and the impact of accident if they have seatbelt on or not.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
not a good idea at is to get the number and report to police,would ne one listen to you in qatari road..they all want to die by driving fast and kill the
innocent passengers which can be childrens, like what happend couple of days back..very baad indeed..the child has no controll of the reckless drivers :(
A Risky drivers and so as Risky Parents... tsk...
Live and Die with DIGNITY!
Good onthe Peninsula. As I said, yesterday I spotted a little girl with her head out the sun roof! People who let there children run around the car with no seatbelts are horrible parents and should have their children taken away from them!
oh chingkay.. this is just too sad. the parent have the option and power to stop the unwanted scene/accident but why they dont care???
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
hi mila u know in saudi its a normal scene daily....they will leave their kid inside car alone along busy highways ....