Vehicle Registration and Insurance
By new intown •
What happened to the search QL button?
Anyway,I want to understand a little bit more about vehicle registration and insurance. What are the rules and procedures for new and second hand cars.
Gone with the wind
There are three sides to every argument: your side, my side and the right side
Search Button on QL is quite temperamental....
.......On really dull days it does not show up.
Second Hand car - go to murul with original owner and the insurace valid for 1 year issued under your name. pay QR 450 and get the new registration under your name. but you need somebody who can speek and write Arabic. (There are translators there for a fee). Bought Second hand before as I am not rich enough to buy a brand new car. poor me
for brand new car ... first year of insurance and registration normally thrown in by the car showroom (they do everything and included in the car prices).
no idea for second hand, never buy one :-)