Valid protest or Anarchy ?
Ok, they may not be good at winning wars, but the latest goings on in France highlight - what to me - is great about "liberty"; The right to stand up and voice their opinions against government. We used to do it as students and in the early twenties, but ..........
So, are the French protesters going too far or doing the right thing ?
I agree that perhaps they are not looking at the bigger picture.. However, my point was about the right to protest and voicing their opinions.
Many a time, governments and the press view this as anarchy and take measures accordingly..
The government is the servant of the people, and not the other way around.
but on the other hand, they are not grounded if they don't accept that this economic crises is bound to affect things like retirement age and pensions. It's tough on the generations that will pay for it, but in a way it is a force majeure.
Ça ne va pas, non?!
The number of working hours by itself, does not provide you with productivity!
35 hours/week, may be more productive than 60 hours/ week.
Productivity is measured by quantity of output/per hour.
As for the OP question, even though they might have a point, the social system is about to burst and if they want to maintain it for some time longer, they have to do something about it, either cut benefits or increase charges.
By changing the retirement age from 60 to 62, they are doing both as well as reversing their progress towards the European current trends.
general it's actually good that people can't hold the government for ransom here.
where strikes are way common. Its teachers,doctors, students,public transportation guys, workers etc.. sometimes it achieves the desired results and sometimes it doesn't. However I find it horrid when for example the Electricity and Water Board wen't on a four day strike. Island-wide the water and power was off and many lives were lost including patients in hospitals! Such protests can never be right,IMO.
I wonder what would happen if the same thing were to happen here...?!
It would have to be something that REALLY made them mad though. i.e. Banning white Landcruisers, banning curbside ordering of fast food, banning nannies ("WHAT?! I HAVE TO RAISE MY OWN KIDS?!?! HOW DARE YOU?!", etc.
Are there any French here in QL today?
i think they are exaggerating.
So what the retirement age have increased?
with all due respect, The french are the least productive among other western European countries. They take full 35 paid leave days, they barely work from 9 till 5( that includes the long coffee breaks & lunch breaks)
No wonder most leading french companies are sold or offered for sell
Strike is never a solution to any problem. This "Protest" is plain and simple blackmail in my opinion.
If it gets the desired results and its for the betterment of the country and all its people, and its done in a peaceful law abiding manner then why not?I see it that rather than seeking an anarchy its more like them giving their government feedback and advice on how best and fair to do things, Allahu alim. however its never a good protest when laws are broken and there's violence involved even if the protesters have a valid enough cause.. Two wrongs do not make a right.
The French chopped of the heads of all their Royal Family. I wouldn't class this as going to far where they are concerned ;)