URGENT!!!!!-Child custody & DIVORCE

By rainbow_serpent •
please, Im finding it very hard to get the right information & at the moment I cannot afford a lawyer. Please if anyone can help me out. I am going thru divorce, all are set in the court - today I was told that I have to give my daughters passport to her father (palestinian holding an Egyptian travel dox). I did all the hard work form the day my daughter was born - I was not given any type of support. Is is possible for me to get the full custody of my daughter??? At the moment she is holding an Egyptian Travel dox & Filipino PASSPORT, But her Iqama is in the travel dox... If anyone can help me out, please, i dont want to loose my daughter.
Usually in Qatar children reside with the Mother until at least the age of seven.
I am very sorry to hear of your trouble. You need to get a lawyer/translator and state that you wnat your child to live with you. If you have not understood what has gone on it may be that your husband has said that you don't want your child to be with you.
Handing over the passport ensures that you cannot ' abscond' with your child.
Love is the answer...
i think the court has decided in his favor.... as ive said they didnt even give me a translator. just like that. I wwas married here in Qatar. SO many rules, and everybody is saying something else. I dont wana go desperate and "kidnap my OWN daughter"
Can you let the courts know that he is using your child to get even with you? That is really bad, and if the Judge knows, it will affect his decision is awarding custody. No one should ever use their own child as a pawn.
Good luck to you, I wish you and your daughter the best.
tra la la
If the things went so bad between me and my wife like that, I would pay anything for my kids without questioning :/ This is just unfair and ... let god be with you ... Of course with this travel dox as I told you before .. he can't even return to his home just in case he wants to.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
he wants my kid just to give me hard time... i mean before we met at the court today, he agreed to share expenses as soon as he got his salary.,. which he got already!!! NOW that ive asked him - i dont even want cash - ive asked him to buy the milk & pampers by himself... today he told me, that he is waiting for the judge to say how much he should give & stuff like that... i never wanted money at first.. I only wanted to be the sole/legal custodian of my daughter and to change this travel dox with the passsport which is much better for her.
how can i go to the police stn when were in the courts already......
in the courts ... how can the police station be related?
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Approach Police Station.
So sorry to hear that, guess that the holder of such a thing [your husband's passport] won't be able to go even to Palestine if he would be deported for example. Hopefully you would get your daughter and not him, why he wants the custody of her while he was not of a support at all? So sad but whenever i hear about something like that i got frustrated, careless men and irresponsible ones too as someone very close to me suffered the same ... Good things that she got no kids in between ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Please call me, i sent you a PM.
How old is your daughter now? I know that age does matter for your daughter's custody based on shariah law. Also I advise you to read the below information, it may help you understand some laws regarding child custody. Wish you good luck!
-Child custody following divorce
-Requirements of a mother custodian
-A mother's right to physical custody