University of Liverpool is irking me

This is so annoying! If I open QL I find so many big banners like University of Liverpool and Muslim Matrimonial(Help muslims marry) and IBQ. These are pushing down the the recent comments pane and also the latest news.Now we have to scroll down to see the recent posts. This is really peeving me. Why Can't the ads be placed a little lower?
The IPOD ad is good though!
Com 'on QL'rs express your views on this
QL is soooo slooooow now.
Adblocker? I want one, but I don't really want to install stuff I don't know anything about. Any recommendations?
Well unless you're actually clicking on the advert then it makes no difference. Advertising deals are struck based on page views and click-thrus. They have no idea how many people are blocking the adverts.
I've never once in all my years of internet browsing clicked on a banner ad on a website so it's affecting no-one if I block them (except me, and that's in a good way).
if in life thats all u have to worry about,be happy my friend )
if everyone does what you say then the university of Liver.. will pull off this ad and Qatari will no longer have the money to run the site.
Just get an adblocker for your browser, then you don't have to bear them.
choose: QL with ads
no QL at all???
just bear with it and be happy :)
So I will bear with the adverts as Charan says.
Totally forgot that I have Adblock Plus installed in Firefox... I saw them after disabling it and refreshing.
the u Liverpool ad on the right and the IBQ ad on the top and left of the page.
What ads? I don't see any other than a tiny iPod ad.
get an ad blocker.
edifis - Premium Membership is not enough to sustain Qatar Living Expences (with soaring house rents). So Qatari has to rely on the Adverts.
What will happen if all the advertizers withdraw their sponcership leading to the closure of QL.
Sad end right.
We don't want that to happen so bear with it.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
I paid QR100 a year to Qatari and now my page is ads free ... maybe you should do the same. Get the premium membership.