Types of drivers in Qatar
Types of drivers in Qatar:
1- Left wing driver
He is usually too fast, he uses his flash lights and horn too often, he likes tailgating, he can do all the above while texting, mostly young guys who think that we are living "Fast and Furious", warning if you saw any in your mirror just move over!
2- Right wing driver
He is usually too slow that he is faster walking, he doesn't care what the speed limit is, mainly texting or checking his whatsapp msgs, and if not they are mostly older people, or women who just got their license.
P.S the right wing drivers sometimes go to the "Left wing" side and they keep driving too slow, and if they have been tailgated they will use the left indicator to tell you that after 1000 KM there is Traffic Lights and he is going to go left, in other words "I am not bloody moving"
3- Middle of the road driver
These people are not sure where are they going, so they stay in the middle to decide later.
4- Taxi Drivers!
They are all over the place, they can be any of the drivers above, and they think they can stop anytime they like, or even change the lane, all what they need is put the indicator on and goooooo, no time to wait any other driver approval.
So, where do you see yourself?
P.S all what is written above is for fun, don't take it seriously!
Oh no,,,forget it, I will come and pick you :O)
Sulieman: Will do.. i'm still trying to clean the Recaro on the passenger side :O(
@britexpat,,,Next time you go let me know, Rizks isn't a good company :O)
I can bring some drinks and chips for the ride
@Rizks,,, you are a sandwich short of a picnic, I didn't say it's funny, I said it's just for fun (I am not being critical or serious) dumb baboon :P
Sulieman: I don't know the maximum. The last time I pushed the pedal to the metal, we reached nearly 199 kph and Rizks soiled his Lungi ... So I had to stop :O(
if its 'Just for Fun'....you could have posted it in 'Funnies' ! :(
You Octopus with one leg.
britexpat, what is the maximum speed in your pink kia?
I usually stick to the middle of the road knowing that at anytime I can put my foot down and my Pink Kia will move into the left lane leaving behind rubber and awe struck motorists