Two diffrent sides of kingdom's culture
Hello everybody,
just returning from long duty out side Qatar, read topic of MaxPayne. very nice I put two incidents without adding any spices with it.
I was standing in Sloan street(London).in front of very famous butiqe one light green sport Rolles Royes stoped(here parking or stopping is prohibited)She(dressed in morden way) sound a horn(like 'rafik jib pepsi').Manger of store rushed outside.There were some instruction given by lady,who is driving car and lady(manager) went inside and within miniutes came back with abou 10 dresses hanging on her fingers.( I guess one dress costs about 100thousends Saudi riyals).Within seconds boots opened and all dresses were inside it. she gave credit card to manager. transaction was done in few miniutes. Oh! I forgot to tell you that on number plate of car there was small sticker of swards and date tree.
other incident.------
once we checked in one big big hotel in kingdom.there were porters(rafiks)and secuirities(Tayyabs).Scuirity person removed porters and start off loading baggages by themselves, since they know that I gave "big" ikramia(tip).(well! I am also 'rafik')
I'm still trying to decypher it..
He's linking the fact that a Saudi lady was driving a Rolls Royce convertible to the latest news that Saudi women are willing to work as maids..
Perhaps dw means "Dri-wer"
confused than ever! Maybe Brit can translate and shed some light.....
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Well now that you've cleared it up AWKHAN it's a nice little anecdote. Took a jiffy to tie up loose ends but I'm glad I took the time (and read all the comments, britexpat is obviously a descendant of Thomas Young)
Dear 'Briteexpat' A Lady who drove rr (sport) was arabic girl and that car had sticker, two swards and date tree and those secuirities were in kingdom and they were citizen of same kingdom.I wrote this after reading an artical about ladies who are ready to work dw in kindom.well now it will more clear. Please I dont want to heart anybody from any part of world, but this is a fact. and I think it shows the main reason why those women want to work as dw. What do you think?
hehe we can crack it, even the enigma got busted
SAMAEL.....will there be a Part II?......that would be interesting.....I would like to solve that too....I like
I got the first part, but I missed the second half :-)
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
You are nearly there..
Awkhan went to a posh area of London and witnessed an Arab Lady acting snotty and having people run around to serve her because she "looked" rich.
Awkhan then went to Saudi and the Security at the hotel ran around trying to serve him because he "looked" rich..
Its all to do with the Look!
*announcer Voice*
Tune in next week ladies and germs when we find out if he can Check out once he has Checked in... it will include such parodies as, going down stairs for breakfast, and your old favorite, Dialing for Room Service, that's right, Using a Telephone.
till next week.
Its a very jumbled story...
In london an english lady stops the car and orders dresses siting in the car....(something like this?)
In Saudi (I hope "Kingdom" doesnt refer to God's Kingdom)....the security guys did the porters' job to get tips....(something like this?)
Then what happens?........this is so
Even he dont know why he posted.
Is this some kinda episode ?
All that what you typed means what ???
The summeree is dat he can't smell..
whats the summary of the story