Tumbs up. Did you know?
By Aisha-Taweela •
We have this thumbs up thing now. Which is a nice idea specially as we can earn a lunch. But did you know you can give yourself a tumbs up. I mean give your own answer a thumb? It will noit work if you try to give yourself more. One is the limit but still....
Well they did award this weeks best answer to Qatarisun and someone else I do not remember the name of.And it was not Qatari who awarded the price but Ahmed. Is he an administrator?
Aisha...the lunch is just to bait people....
It would be physically impossible to sit through to read every Q & A.
I dont believe Qatari is going to give coupons for the best answers every week or month. There would be tons of it already.
OK, What ever.....
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
but am sure the competition is judged on the answer given and not how many thumbs up we get :)
B+ for me
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
aisha... we can earn a lunch???