Tricky question!

Guys I have a question, suppose that I decided to buy one of the apartments in one of the freehold projects such as the pearl or the west bay, what will happen to my sponsorship status, will I remain under the sponsorship of my company or this will change? And if it changed and I was granted another type of residence permit, will I be entitled to work in another place in Qatar or not?
You can work whereever you want to work here, US, UK all you have to do is keep the house under your name
thank you guys...I really appreciate the help
I know for a fact that you wont need a sponsor when you buy a property. Unless the law changes again. Who knows.
"improvement beggins with i "
hamlet you will have to wait.
If you are in a hurry better check with the immigration guys.
have to push it up again (for the last time)..may be someone will give me a definite answer
have to push it up again (for the last time)..may be someone will give me a definite answer
ngourlay thanks for the help
Sentibhim, your flat give you a for life residency that has nothing to do with your sponsor, in other words you will be sponsored by your "flat", my point is what if you want to work in some other company...I think as ngourlay body thought of it yet
I cant believe the sponsor of Qatar.They can do anything.If they dont need you,What would do yo do ? cry ? or Ready to pack your bag ? or take help of court ? what about your Apartments ? So i think automatically this,this recent sponsorship must be dispose.
The Gulf Times has an occasional column where legal questions are answered. Try them. My guess is that no one has thought about it yet.
Sentibhim...I would like to change my sponsorship in that case of course, but what risk you are talking about, I didn't quite understand your point.
I think yo don't need to change sponsorship .You may be the boss of Qatar for 20 years.I dont know the fact.But,If you want to buy a Apartment ,who want to be in Risk ? are you ?
lemme help u further, as i too am interested to kno the answer to that question :D
"Drawing Is Thinkin Aloud" - Gehry
No answer yet, I have to keep my question on top for the time being!