Traffic Violations

By sweetsunshine •
A word of caution for all you guys who drive- pls check the ministry's traffic violations website off and on-a friend of mine just got a notice from them last month about a 7000QR fine due to the department from him on account of various traffic violations committed by him over the last 3 months!these guys send such notices only after its quite a big amount-thought ill warn youll-better safe than sorry-i've decided to check once every fortnight what with the new traffic rules and all!
its a white Benz, im not certain abt the Model but then again i do have a pic, its not an ambulance.
as if though 22888 has paid all the fine
I guess it may be an ambulance number.
Motorcyclists are ‘allowed to carry pillion rider’
" ... THE Traffic Department has clarified that a motorcycle designed for two passengers is allowed to carry a pillion rider.
The department discounted another misconception regarding the new traffic law saying that it was not compulsory for passengers in the back seat of a car to buckle up. ...
... the law was clear on both the topics. “If the vehicle is designed for two riders then there is no problem in having a second rider”, provided both of them wear helmets....
... pointed out that speeding was the most common reason for road accidents which often resulted in deaths. The main casualties of these accidents were the youth, “the wealth of the nation” ..... Islamic scholar Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi pointed out that speeding was tantamount to committing suicide and that it was “haram”. He implored them not to drive above the speed limit and kill themselves.
Several youth asked the officials why it was necessary to wear seat-belts within city limits where one could not drive “fast”...."
Best way is to cancel the license after a fixed number of violations in a year. But I am sure such crazy drivers will then start driving without a valid license and pay the fine if they are caught. Jeez… no solution to control these maniacs.I dont care about their life...but they are risking others life thats what bothering me.
Ive got 2 stinking radars again .. tht makes it like 5 this year :(
Gotta slooooowwwwwwwwwwwww it down now !!!!!!!!
QAR 500 is for driving with both legs on the seat, one hand using the mobile and the other hand using his Palm....I mean the Palm Pilot.
Both legs: obviously using cruize-control.
I think we should give the guy an award! For being the role model !! I was speaking to a friend and he was telling me that his boss has a monthly budget for his speeding tickets!!
"Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching "!
Why does the fine amount for driving above the speed limit varies from QAR 300 - QAR 500 ? Should it be one same amount for the same violations ?
Wow the fine is a big slap on traffic dept. am proud of him. but i dont remember i never had any student like him
That 228888 guy is a criminal...cant they just apprehend him...??!!??
Or is he checking out if the Roads are fit for F1 races?
Let me deduce:
Ok this guy obviously stays around the Dafna area, so people in that area watch out for that 228888 no.
He has been to Dukan area So it is obviously a 4-wheel drive vehicle and probably on the expensive side.
But it could also be a WHITE LandCruiser with letters in GOLD!!!
Also since the no. seems to be some sort of an "Special" no.
And since Dafna seems to be "Diplomatic Area" he could be highly connected.
May be his parents never bought him Playstation but got him a 4-wheel drive for his 10th birthday.
While on this topic, the Traffic Violation List on MOI site is not updated. Where can I find the updated version.
an unsolicited advice to you.... tell your friend to be a more responsible driver. I mean 7,000 QR worth of violations in just 3 months is too many violations. He shouldn't even be driving.
Just a thought.
By the way there are two sites. One is the MOI website and the other is the Qatar e-government site.(google it) Check those out because sometimes the info is not the same on those two sites. I have a friend who had no violation on the MOI site but had a violation on the other site. So I keep checking both.
I just checked mine... no violations yet!!!
why dont you sign up for metrash. That way you will know if you had violations almost immediately though in some cases it may take a month as well.
here is the website where you can check for violations...
what's the website??
He might be an higher official or might be the cop itself... So doesn't have to pay...
Ohmigod!!thats some money that guy's gonna have to pay :)
soory for posting something not regarding the topic
check the Violations of Licence plate " 228888 "
his total amount of Violations are more than my dad's monthly income.