Traffic Violation for stoppng after accedent

2 weeks ago I was hit in the Gaidah flyover from the back by an indian driver I went out of my car and checked both cars and my car was having some damages but his was having none he told me to go to talk to the lady in the car I went to talk to her and it did not take more than 1 minute and thepolice arrived while I was talkign to her and told us to park on the right street. When I went tere he told me that I was blocking the traffic and that this is a violation I answred that it did not take 2 minutes since the accedent happened till he came and now I find out that he gave me a ticket for 500 QR :(.
What do u think is the reasonable time in such a case before it is considered blocking the traffic ?
FS, see the difference in translation.
Thx Guilt...
Khanan... yea he had it in his old one he need to intall the bluetooth soon..
IMPORTANT calls..nothing important than one's and others well being..
he might have learned the lesson but he will forget it soon.
gift him earphones/or bluetooth audio aid...
Thx Khanan..
its not me ..its for my atleast he will now stop using while driving...I am fed up of telling him...he get official calls all the time and its ALL important...
you can appeal to Officer on Duty in Madina Khalifa Traffic Dept. They sometime listen and waive off the fine.
By the way, blocking traffic after an accident where the mistaken is known is illeglal
Formatted it says that you were using the phone while driving or were watching a recorded material on ur vehicle tv or you did not put the child in the child seat that is the translation of what you wrote
Mobile use in the car..
Guilt I speack arabic but I think he did not like that I corrected him when he said that I was blocking traffic and I said that it did not take more than 2 mins. Maybe I should have gone ass kissing for this but anyway I was not going to do that. Is there any way that I can complain and rectify this?If there is nothing to do I'll pay it and leave it all to Allah. :)
استعمال سائق المركبة الهاتف النقال أو غيره من الأ جهزة أثناء السياقة مستخدما يده في حمله أو استعماله، أو انشغاله أثناء السياقة بمشاهدة أي مادة مرئية من تلفزيون المركبة، أو عدم منعه الأ طفال دون العاشرة من الجلوس بالمقاعد الأ مامية للمركبة
FS, get the Arabic text of it and post it here. Normally the English translation they give for traffic violation are not proper.
He did not understand what you have told. 2 minutes is not a time which should be considered as blocaking the traffic. Take someone who can speak fluent Arabic to the Officer if you cannot speak Arabic. Normally creating a road block after the accident is considered as traffic violation.
Anyone know what does this violation means?
I am not sure, but if its blocking the traffic we need to move our car immediately to the side