Traffic Signal - Radar

By charlesqatar •
Dear Friends,
I would like to share my yesterday's incident from Cournish trafic signal.
I was going from Airport road to city center yesterday evening around 6.30 to 7.00am. While I was passsing one signal through courniche (signal turning to souk waqif), some problem with that signal.
When the signal is still red and police men said, to go ahead, and the signal was red and redar was flashing for about 15 cars.
Regarding the above incidend, is it use to happen here in Qatar usually ?/ Does anybdy experience this yesterday ?
Please give me your comments !!
Have a nice day and safe driving to all !!
Dear Brainheater,
Thanks alot for your kind information !!
Hava ce nice day !!
Dont worry, ur plate no. will not appear in the system as the act was from Traffic police & not u.. but still if u r worried abt it.. then speak to Captain Mohammad Hassan at 4785675 & explain him the situation.. He will take care of it...
& now where is my Small Pizza wid Garlic bread ;-)
Think it takes 2 to 4 days to get updated. keep a watch
Normally. wen I can come to know, that, its not in the system.
Bcz, This morning, I check and Its not yet updated,
When they are goin to updated the system
Additionally, the policeman will be in at least one of the photo evidences at that date and time, if you happen to be fined - so you can prove your side of the story easily, even if there happens to be any miscommunication between the police and the traffic dept.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
you are safe. It does happen but not most of the times.
"Knowledge is best used when shared."
it has happened before. Do a search and check the threads. You will be OK. the police supposedly inform the traffic dept. when this happens and they cancel all the fines for that period of time.