Anybody got fine at Wukair-Wakrah near EZDAN3 from Trafic police last week .I got two messages of fine costing 1000QR and approached Wakrah police station. Where I got the answer from the Captain that he cant speak English.Still really I do not know the reason since the MOI website shows the reason of fine is " You are keeping two licences". If anybody has the same experiance please let me know and what you have done to recover or pay it.
Thankful for your Valuable advice
The policeman was specially stationed somewhere in between the mosque and Ezdan 3 with his pathfinder on the offroad specially for that purpose. street policemen don't bother with queue jumpers.
This is a solid lesson for queue Jumpers. on that day everybody who did the queue jumping got fines.
FYI, I pass this place everyday between 6.00 - 6.30am
Nishant, it was his bad day or say hard/bad luck that he found policeman on street during off roading. Even today morning , many were doing the same thing but no one got fine though they break the rules.
Its Crime to be caught ( while theft ), Not to do Crime :):)
Just passing.
if this is true i wish the policemen start giving fines to people in Doha for the same reason.
A million times i have wondered why is it that i should stick in the traffic lane while people like these just break the rules and still get away with it.
A new trend seen now a days is to stop by the straight going lane at the signal and then take a left when the signal is open. this is reckless driving and putting peoples lives in danger.
It is only QR 1000 X'mas Gift. Just pay & forget about your off road exp. ;)
Its good way for you that you have to go khalifa main traffic department office its near of main immigration office, there have 5 men high position and they are speak english very good , they can hear your problem and they can answer you and explain in english for you, after that if its true that you have to pay 1000 QR , you can do something, go to typing office and ask him to make Merci or forgiven letter address it for manager of traffic department and ask him to reduce the fine.
Its good way for you that you have to go khalifa main traffic department office its near of main immigration office, there have 5 men high position and they are speak english very good , they can hear your problem and they can answer you and explain in english for you, after that if its true that you have to pay 10000 QR , you can do something, go to typing office and ask him to make Merci or forgiven letter address it for manager of traffic department and ask him to reduce the fine.
Oh You are one of the lottery winners. I have seen the traffic officer writing the vehicle nos. of all the off road drivers who tried to beat the traffic between Mosque and EZdan 3 R/A :)
Anywat QR 1000 is a small X'mas Gift for you :)
So you are the one who was driving on side road to over take complete lane from EZDAN 4 TO EZDAN 3. I have personally seen the policeman to write manually car numbers who were driving offroad to over take that lane in morning arround 6.15. ( check your time ) :)
I was irritated when i have seen same person trying to overtake almost 3 days. why he cant start only 5 minute early to save huge loss....(1000 bucks it much to me )
well hope you got the reason now. and that fine is real unusual,unexpected driving in Doha.
there is maybe a problem with the english translation.. maybe you did a wild swerving while trying to overtake another car.
Never heard of such type fines before... Do u really have two license..? If yes, then
Might b they are rite..!!