TotalQatar jacking QL Classifieds
I posted some things on QL for sale then got an email saying I had posted them on Totalqatar.
I didn't post them there, and didnt authorize anyone to post them on my behalf. What they are doing is scouring QL ads, ripping off classifieds and then posting them on their site. hmmmm.
I mailed them, told them to stop and they actually called me and said they were actually helping ME :)
Do you think this is ok? It is illegal to do so as it is a fraudulent post with your contact details and such but, would you be upset? I sold a lot of the items but because of these bozos I keep getting calles for them even though I removed them from QL.
I have already mailed the mods...... just curious.
Hmm, tried to call them and he turned off his phone.... grr this is frustrating.
I already said I did that Bald :) Thanks for the info though.
Canuck - you need to click here:
I doubt the mods have that sort of power but the site owners certainly should!
delete by mod
No one is authorized to post something on behalf of others unless he/she gets the permission..Yours is a very unique case..i really wish it should get sort out soon...
maybe it is just a spam man
they think u r QATARI and u have a lot of money so just ignore it
no no... thts not rite.... some ppl find very easy method to promote their websites!!!
but never win!!
Kieron, this site is also infringing on QL, should they not be told?
billiards table.... phone.... do you need a full list :)
"I have already mailed the mods....."
What on earth can these mods do?
Not OK...
Surely that's not ok......needs to be stopped ASAP. No one can post something in anyone's behalf without permission. Height of desperation.