Totally Awesome

A transgender Oregon man is five months pregnant, he revealed in a national magazine.
Thomas Beattie, of Bend, Oregon, who was a woman prior to his operation, has published a first-person account of his pregnancy in the April 8 issue of gay publication The Advocate.
"Wanting to have a biological child is neither a male nor female desire, but a human desire," he writes.
Beatie was formerly a lesbian who underwent a sex change operation in order to marry the love of his life, Nancy Roberts. At the time they were living in Hawaii, which bans same sex marriages.
They moved to Oregon and, after 10 years together, they longed to start a family. But Nancy had undergone a hysterectomy years earlier due to medical problems.
Beatie's sex change surgery involved chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy, but he chose to keep his female reproductive organs.
Though he was legally a man, when the couple decided to have children he stopped taking male hormones and began getting his period again.
Beatie was then easily able to conceive a child using donor sperm, without fertility treatments. After losing a life-threatening initial pregnancy, with triplets, he and wife Nancy are expecting a healthy baby girl in July, he wrote in The Advocate, which shows a shirtless photo of him with a baby bump at 22 weeks.
He plans to continue living as a man as his pregnancy becomes increasingly obvious to the world. "Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am," he wrote in The Advocate.
Despite discrimination from doctors, some of whom refused to provide medical care for the pregnant man, as well as questions about how the baby might be affected by having a father for a mother, Beatie seems to think whatever obstacles his family might face are well worth it.
"I will be my daughter's father and Nancy will be her mother," he said. "We will be a family."
There have been questions as to whether Beatie's pregnancy may be a hoax. According to Fox news, Beattie is under a confidentiality contract, which ends on April Fools' Day. Beatie says that he won't be speaking to the media until then.
However, editors at The Advocate said they have spoken to Beatie's doctors, who confirmed the pregnancy, according to news sources.
Beatie writes, "Our situation ultimately will ask everyone to embrace the gamut of human possibility and to define for themselves what is normal."
You go dude!
Aside from the moral factor, I think parents can do a lot worse in how they raise their children then make same sex relationships normal and okay.
I would however be concerned over the testosterone injections and if this will damage the child growing within her?
Also will the sperm donor be part of the childs life and have some responsibility? Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
No matter how much love and care they give their child, he/she will still face many troubles both from the outside world and his/her own psychology. I mean if I were their child, I would definitely have trouble trying to cope. It's just too bizarre.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Yeah shes a he with 'he' thoughts and looks like a 'he' confusing. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with lesbians (my good friend is one) but where transexuals and kids come into it one has to think about the affect on the kids in later life. Probably more so with transexuals than with same sex couples....
true supernurse, but hes still a she. Its not like a man biologically got pregnant. Once the baby is born, they will live like a couple...Its no different than two lesbians raising a child, just the process is different.
I agree to a certain extent nadt, yes ofcourse......but call me old fashioned but biologically men are men and females are females and if you wish to change that then consider the consequences should one of them decide that it would be 'normal' to have a child.....
I personally believe that if a child is raised in a loving, secure family(regardless of whether its a convential family or not), who understand and support their children, they will face any challenges thrown at them, regardless of outside pressure.
sorry, too way out......imagine what the poor child will have to deal with later in life. I'm sorry, I'm pretty liberal but one has to think of the consequences of the innocent child in this relationship...
How could he legally be a man if he still had female genetelia.
very true Alexa. Seriously though good luck to them...It will be very challenging for them but i guess it will be worth it for them. There are a lot of "unloved" children from conventional marriages, im sure this liitle bub will experience a lot of love and affection which is the main thing anyway...
lol alexa so true...ok i take it back, your right at least women can handle it. When hubby is sick, you would think it was terminal, but we have to soldeir on regardless of whether we are sick oe not..
yeah Alexa imagine....oh dear...
Well Cornellian ill take the pregnancy part and switch men after babies are
I'm not jealous at all! I would rather be pregnant than having a male partner who was a female and still has the female reproductive system.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Im a bit jeoulous of his partner, i wish my hubby got pregnant with our kids, i married the wrong person....
It's a female, who sex changed into male by removing the breasts and getting testosterone injections; however, decided to keep the female reproductive system. So legally, he's a man. He did that so he can marry the love of his life cause same sex marriages are illegal in Hawaii.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
I believe he is a transgender, and chose to live as a male.
tra la la
It is a bit weird. If he still has his female reproductive organs then isnt he still a she?Hence would be a lesbian couple? Or would she/he be transgender?
This is too weird. But hey to each his own.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Ohh I saw this on the news! The pictures are really amazing. How lucky they were able to have a child, as it is a human desire.
tra la la
Yes, I agree in the states same sex parenting is becoming alot more normal. My best friend is hoping to have a baby one day and she is also a lesbian. And I think she will be a great mother in the secular sense.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
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Well it's the states, so it really won't be THAT abnormal.
i just hope the child can grows up in such loving environtment and forget the abnormal thing other people might think of their parent.
weird world indeed gypsy.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
I think it's really cool. Make's me remember that's there's lots of fantastically crazy stuff happening out there.
wow.. gypsy such a shocking news you give us today. am totally grateful for my woman reproduction organs, its totaly awesome thing and something you cannot deny as a woman. Nature speak for themself.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.