Too many post repititions

I quite actively frequent the QL pages, when I'm not too busy with working, studying or designing writing instruments.
But nearly everytime that I do happen to come by, I always see nearly the same posts.
1) Qatar Salary expectation of XYZ profession.
2) I have xyz years of experience, should I accept the offer or not?
3) I'm xyz amount of Qatari riyals, my family wants to come with me, should they, should I also bring ruffy our pet dog.
Isn't there a way that these don't show up on the frontpage? rather you could goto a separate area to view these and read similar answers, as similar emails even after few years lose thier value in terms of demanding a response.
Hey its just a thought, would appreciate your insight into it.
The way I see QL in 2008, is that its come a long way and it sure has matured into something of solid platform where the residents share their ideas and point of view.
mojo - questions about earnings and stuff hardly ever make it onto the topics listed on What are you on about?!?!?
jasminejasmine don't sweat it mate, it takes a whole lot to get things on my nerve, anyhow I'm more grumpier when I'm fasting...and also get well soon.
By frontpage I mean...the very first page you see when you type in though if a system was in place where the authors question was scanned by the system to pick up the similar keywords, and mention to the author of the similar questions asked previously would help saving the authors time, as he/she would get a prepared and an answered answer to their generic question.
Yahoo answers follows a search system where in when you are typing the Q in the Summary bar you get a list of already asked Q's . So if your Q is the same no need to ask just click on the already asked Q's.
If these kind of posts are hidden in a section, I dont think the person posting will get adequate response as respondents wont actively go to those topics and respond. When the post is on the homepage, people see the request and respond to it.
Have to agree about the jokes!! Mojo, sorry if I sound grumpy, am in bed sick and the laptop is making my knees hot.
The jokes ..I say are the most repeated....some are repeated so much...phew
Totally, but its a direct reflection of the many types of people that visit this site. Many are not familiar with proper forum etiquette to begin with.
"Search before you post" it's likely you question has already been discussed a few times.
Some people have a question and they just ask like this is their magic genie. The thing is, many people here will answer anyway. They don't think their time is being wasted answering a question that has already been discussed.
what do you mean by front page?
All I'm saying have those type of posts, but in an area where they are not visible on the front page, and anyone who wishes to see / access them, simply goes to that section of the website.
Tallg has mentioned that normally they are not seen, and if they are, then the author has incorrectly categorised them.
Actually, I don't agree. A forum such as this is formed by the posts. It is not a private club and unless it became "members only", people should be able to post freely. You can always ignore the posts you don't like.
Those posts very rarely make it onto the front page;
If you want to browse posts by different sub-sections you can do so here;
To see all posts listed in order they were last commented on use this;
If a post is in the wrong sub-section of the forum it is the fault of the poster, not QL.