
A Jewish man and a Chinese man were drinking in a Pub
all of a sudden the Jewish man got up and slapped the Chinese man,
Chinese: what's that for?
Jewish: that's because of Pearl Harbour
Chinese: It was the Japanese not the Chinese!!
Jewish : Chinese Japanese all the same!!
few minutes later the Chinese man got up and slapped the Jewish man,
Jewish: what's that for?
Chinese: that's because of Titanic
Jewish: Titanic??!!! what's it to the Jews?
it hit an iceberg!!!
Chinese: iceberg GOLDBURG ALL THE SAME!!
Having lived in the US for a bit, I know that. But I'm sure not all the folks on QL understood that part.
A thousand comedians are out of a job and you decided to be one now... LOL!!!
Good thing you didn't post it in the funnies, it wasn't funny when you told it :-(
Stick to your day job colt.
When i read the post, i didn't quite get it.. but after reading colt's it was an ROFL!
Once I saw Colt in the restaurant and I went up and kicked him in the balls..
Colt asked,"What was that for"
I said," because You are ugly :("
Colt thats the same joke as the OP!
Rofl Colt...hahaha...
Colt... LOL
A Chinese man walked into a pub in New York with his pal.
He says to his pal, "Hey! That's Jurassic Park Director, Steven Spielberg over there! God, I wish he'd come over to say hi".
Spielberg suddenly walked over and gave the man a heavy punch on the nose.
"Hey!! What's that for?!"
"You bloody Japanese killed my granddad when you bombed Pearl Harbour!"
"I'm not Japanese! I'm Chinese!"
"Chinese,Vietnamese, Japanese, you're all the same!"
Spielberg says as he walks back.
The Chinese man calmly walks over and gives Spielberg a really heavy punch on the face.
"What... !?!"
"No, no, an iceberg sank the Titanic!"
"Iceberg, Carlsberg, Spielberg, you're all the same!"
what significance does the Jewish man have with Iceburg, Goldburg?
It's supposed to read a Chinese man and Steven Spielberg... then the joke is appropriate!
ahahahaha.... after "evil grin" lol
Lip curling into a grin stare
Heard this joke for the first time many years ago but for some reason it always makes me laugh