Tipping Culture in Qatar

To tip or not to tip, that is the question...
Actually, it is not, indeed, the "question".
Most folks coming to Qatar want to know how much should they tip here and what is the tipping standard.
Coming from Canada, our guide is we add on an extra 15% to the meal cost as a tip, it's a similiar case in the United States. However, the reason for that is that waiters are paid less than the minimum wage and are expected to make tips to compensate.
For this article, I asked a couple British expats what their average tipping rate was and one said "10% - if you're being generous". The other agreed saying it depends on the place.
I have noticed that in Qatar different people tip different amounts. I have a friend that always just gives 3QR and another that gives a flat 10QR, regardless of meal cost.
When people go to fancier establishments they often can tip a bit more than their normal.
If you ask, people will rarely be forthcoming about how much they "really" tip here. But it honestly seems to be wholly at the customer's discretion. It's almost like Qatar does not have a tipping standard or culture.
Wait staff seem to be fine with whatever they get as well.
I will also say, that many of us have left restaurants in Qatar without tipping anything at all. You are tipping for service and if the serivce is pitiful, why reward it?
What is your tipping normal?
ashokstar: There is a difference between a tip and a bribe. A tip is given out of one's free will. A bribe on the other hand, is illegal payment one is forced to make usually in a covert manner to get a job done.
If some one give a tip in advance before the service is provided, it's meant a bribe.
If some one tip after the service, it's a reward for the good work.
I think, usually in hotels they call it (pooling the tip). Example: A number of waiters works for a shift will divide the tips between them and may be including the kitchen staff through a supervisor or in charge. (At the end of a particular shift) I am not sure what is the participation for this from the employer.
True Story:
My friend use to give a gift to teachers at the beginning of the school starts and his two kids usually given more preference in many activities. (Monitor of the class, more points for activities etc.,)
But i always give a gift if necessary to a teacher after my child complete that year of class. (at the year end). I may give a gift to previous years teacher. Usually my gifts goes to a teacher who has nothing to do with my child on the present year.
I hear some people talk that my fiends kids are achieving as his father already entertained the teacher. I can assure His kids are equally good as others. Unfortunately due to His attempt on this manner, people think in a different way. I am sure what He does is wrong and indirectly it's effects the children.
So, its not necessarily you need to bribe to get your work done. You assess a work after it completed & reward.
Please reward or tip people who deserve. As one of the comentor pointed, let the tiring worker to be happy. His laugh/happiness will bless your life.
@ Wunae
Don't you think... this is unfair on others who cannot offer tips???
Mohammed800 correctly said.... You do not need a service to give Tip.
In addition..... yes,... give someone who watering the landscape in hot weather... the paper seller at signals... even you can give at petrol pumps...
My point is... He should do his job with what he agreed with his employer.
In addition, I would like to highlight which you all might not aware.
Some of the employers, keep a box Back Room of the shop. Once waiter get tips, he should deposit there.
End of the day employer will count ALONE and give certain potion to each.
Allah knows, whether something going to Employers pocket too.
With the low salaries these people get, a tip does bring a smile on their face while hardly making much of a difference on the pocket of the giver. One can see it and feel it.
I always tip at the carwash. And when I go on a Saturday afternoon they recognize me and my car is always washed faster than the people who only pay for the 'basic' wash! If I pay people a little bit extra, they help me a little bit extra.
5 - 10 Rials are ok for me.
I think the tip depend on the service. If one receive an excellent service, obviously a guest going to tip them.
Mostly tipping culture works on leisure environment. On a business culture people are in a hurry and still a good service can be rewarded.
In some countries there is a service charge added to the bills and it paid to the staff at the month end salary in the service industry.
Normally i recommend to tip (or may be Sadaka) for the people who sell papers in the signal's, Cleaner's who works in the public area (under hot sun), The gardeners, who pour water to the plants, trolley boys etc,
I don't think you need to have a service to tip. If you feel some one to be given few riyal's, just give them. Don't hesitate.
My personal opinion, like giving tips or may be Sadaka to others will cure many of your illness.
I see some people have problem in skin, I am afraid, those people need to be cured (In sha Allah). On the other hand I believe in my self, please give away your funds to the needy, In Sha Allah, you will get cured soon. (This is a personal thought of mine.
If my thought is wrong, total blame is for me. No body else)
Thank you and have a nice day to all.
Zam Zam: You are right in principle.. However, the reality is that Tips do encourage better customer service in most cases - It is human nature
Tipping is an act of generosity. If you are having a good job and good salary then give charity to those less fortunate. Most people nowadays are heartless.
You giving tip mean... you downgrade his job.
Specially in Car wash...
If you give he will wash nicely if not normal wash.... how disgusting...
Same in restaurant, if you are a regular customer... waiter knows you... if you are not giving tips.. he will not care you while he must care... because he is paid by employer to do the job.
I can hear someone shouting DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH HE GET PAID.................Yes I do.
If you really wish to help someone.... help someone who you did not get any service from...
Tipping mean... you are bribing....
britey, no wonder with all these tip money she bought an ugly and cheap Lipstick which makes her lips look like punctured tyres.....:(
I always tip Chin Tu Fat because she has such a wonderful smile ... Well worth the 2QR
You have many things in your list to discuss....first "Hi, I don't know you, can you do this for me - topic ! "....now this...
BaBa, don't make a fool of yourself here...its as simple as it is....in your first topic - its simple and upto you to pay your friend who recently became your very close friend....
Secondly, the tipping thing- its simple- if you want, you tip them as per your wish- if not, its upto you - they not gonna harm you for not tipping them....:(
Cheers !
Tipping is a act of Bribe. Suppose in a car wash centre a person who give 5 riyal upfront for his car wash get his job done nicely who are not paid.
All kinds of Bribe will lead to Hell. Islamic scholars please issue a fatwa regarding this topic.
We all do work that is needed... An elephant does not expect a tip for pulling logs out of a forest
I give the guy at the petrol station 2 or 3 Riyals because he has a lousy job in the heat. On the other hand, I never eat in a restaurant because I want to know what goes into my stomach. And the frequent closures of restaurants only prove that eating out is anything but healthy.
10% minimum if the service was good