Time traveler from 1928?

Is a woman in a 1928 film who appears to have a cell phone glued to her ear in fact a time traveler? That's what some conspiracy theorists think this eerie scene (video below) from Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film, "The Circus" is telegraphing, or rather phoning, and that the woman -- who looks about as time-traveler-ish as Martha Stewart, is indeed a voyager from the vortex of time and space.
Have a look at the video.
What do you think?
I think the hearing aid looks exactly like what she's holding. So I choose that...or the rye sandwich.
I still think she's an old biddy talking to herself...
1- May be she is scratching her cheek
2- May be she is keeping her hairs back in side
3- May she is trying pat a drop of sweating
4- May be she is hiding her face is a side manner..
Lol, all of the explanations are hilarious. The hearing aid sounds convincing though.
World's first Mobile Phone was invented in 1922 :P
Here are some explanations:
I have read all the 700+ comments posted there so far but none is convincing....probably you are right pilgram, may be she is talking to herself or cursing someone.
Well my explanation is: telephone's were around in 1928 and in fairly common use and she's dressed shabbily and looks a little strange and psychotherapy, much less anti-psychotics were not in vogue, so my guess is she's nuttier than a fruit cake and simply THINKS she's talking on the phone. Not sure what she's holding, hell it could actually be the receiver end of the phone, but whatever it is, it's connected to nothing.
Maybe she is talking to herself, you see lots of batty old women walking around talking to themselves and she just happens to be holding her ear cos she has a pain??
I keep watching the video again and again, she is definitely talking to something in her hand but what?
It's 1928, no such thing as portable radios. They weren't invented until 1957 and were much larger than the one she's holding.
she is singing the same song playin in the radio
a small radio..??
Where do you see a mobile phone? I don't see one. Yes, the person has something in her hand...but I don't see what it is.
hmmmm Brit, and probably she is cursing someone for the pain. That's it. Fits in perfectly :-D
For a start , she looks nothing like Martha Stewart..
Secondly, as an expert in the field, I am easily able to discern that she is suffering from wisdom teeth issues and is holding a small icepack in order to ease the pain....
Simple :O)
Occum's Razor, the simplest explanation is usually correct.
Lol yeah, there has to be some explanation, but what?
If she wanted to blend in, she should've left her mobile at home too...LOL
It does look like she is talking into a mobile, but like WK said there is probably a simple explanation.
Snessy, probably she was trying to blend in with the crowd, lol.
Even if she is a time traveller, why would she dress like that?? So not cool!
The director of the movie must have sensed the advancement of today's world in advance and thus showed the lady with her hands covering her ear as if she was talking to someone.:))
soniya, in the slowed down video, she seems to be talking but there is no one around.
It must not be a mobile..
As said in the article at the end that woman must have been trying to shield herself from the scorching heat..probably, it's true..
I'm waiting for "beam me up Scotty" :-P
WK, explanation like? :-)
Lol pilgrim, true...
hahaha I don't know what she was doing but I am sure there is a simpler explanation for it..
You'd think she'd no better than to wander onto a movie set.
tinker, what if she was from our future like say 2050 where they have technology to talk across timeperiod? :-)))
Strange! very strange...