Is time really running out ?

LP: Please respond.. This is rather worrying ..
The radical theory by academics suggests that time itself could be slowing down - and may eventually grind to a halt altogether.
Scientists claimed the accepted theory of an opposite force to gravity, known as dark energy, was wrong, and said the reality was that the growth of the universe was slowing.
Their proposal, published in the journal Physical Review D, claimed dark energy does not exist and that time was winding down to the point when it would finally grind to a halt.
The slowing down of time will eventually mean everything will appear to take place faster and faster until it eventually disappears.
Professor Senovilla told the New Scientist: "Then everything will be frozen, like a snapshot of one instant, for ever."
Source: Telegrah
I have read atomic clocks gain or lose time when placed on jets moving in opposite directions. What I understand is this; because no time measuring system in the universe is independent of motion, we observe a dilation or compression of time.
In another experiment, radar signal reflections from planets are delayed when the sun is near the path of the signals. This shows that the signal, in the form of radio waves, gets distorted due to the gravity of the sun on their way.
Now, does that prove it’s TIME which is getting affected due to motion or gravity?
I think its the atomic clock getting affected due to the motion and in the latter case, its the signal getting affected by the gravity.
Where does time come in here?
gudentag herr Pirate....
You are excused, moza.
Indeed the dual state that most find hard to comprehend...... and yes its a difficult name for a non-German speaker!
I know it's difficult, but his name is 'Schroedinger'. (Austrian)
You must open the box, moza. Only then can you find out. As long as the box is closed the cat is both: dead AND alive.
I'm just stroking Schrodengers cat as I read this..... I'm not sure if it is dead or alive...
The probability that you understand it is 0.5, adey. So, there is an equal chance that you don't.
What's that quote about Quantum Physics? If you think you understand Quantum Physics, then you don't understand Quantum Physics.
Or something like that.
Look at it like this, KN, we measure intervals and call them time (seconds or minutes). But it has nothing to do with time. It's really difficult to explain the concept of time as the fourth dimension because for many people it is so different from length, width, and depth. But this is only because we grew up in the Euclidian geometry which has become obsolete since we have Rieman's Geometry. Geometry per se has seen a lot of development in the past 60 years, but it also has gone beyond common sense. The best way to approach Relativity and Quantum Physics is to forget everything you have learnt in school. And then you should ask questions like a child. And if you don't understand the answer you are given, they probably are wrong.
LP, Second law of thermodynamics..Entropy always increases which is the level of chaos in a system. At one point of time entropy will be max which is the state of ultimate chaos or a hetrogeneous state of the universe. After that, nothing can change.
But, what has it to do with time? I agree we will not be able to measure time because there would be no events, but this is the same now as well. If we do not record any two events, we cannot measure the time between the two.
Thanks LP, indeed that was the point I was struggling to articulate.
The magic word is 'entropy'. Whatever is distinct now is considered a 'distortion' of an otherwise homogene universe. To maintain inhomogenity energy has to be utilized. When the energy is used up the entropy will win. So, the end is not a hot universe, the end is a dead cold universe with no interaction of any particle, because all particles have the same low energy level and are not able to do anything. Such a scenario also makes time obsolete, because, if nothing can happen, then there is also no time needed.
Think of it this way - in order to film slow motion scenes one has to use a high speed camera ie more frames filmed per second. Now imagine the reverse scenario.
to come about that I have read over the last few years. Firstly, the idea of the Big Crunch ie the Big Bang in reverse, which in effect will run time 'backwards', resulting in forever occiliating 'bangs' and 'crunches'. And Secondly the ever expanding theory which will lead to the heat death of the universe - this seems vaguely related; surely if energy and matter no longer, for want of a better word, 'function' then would not time stop or cease to exist?
i missed that thread! :(
"..The slowing down of time will eventually mean everything will appear to take place faster and faster until it eventually disappears."
This is a load of bollocks..if the time slows down how the hell will things appear to us faster and faster??
Does he mean our eyes would become a slow speed camera system to record the events and mind would be another normal speed viewing
That's why it's called "Theoretical" :o)
Iam not a great fan of theoretical physicists as they themselves don't know what they are talking about..
In this case, Zanzibar, the thread is dead.
I wish time could reverse to the point it goes backwards and I could do things properly second time around.
I know what you mean. You try and explain the basic premise of relativity and qautum mechanics and I think at worst people don't want to believe it to be true. Even a unified theory of everything escapes us at the moment but we are confident enough to accept there are some things we do not know, instead of trying to fill that void with fables.
But I get your point: some people are limited.
It's not my fault, moza. I have a good understanding of the size of the universe, but it doesn't frighten me. It amuses me that for every grain of sand one can find on every beach on earth there is a galaxy out their containing 200 billion stars.
Now, now LP. You are talking on time scales very few people understand here. Most people can't see past when City Center will open again, let alone the fate of the universe.
No, we were talking about 10^24 years from now!
It is interesting that time is not a constant, despite what people believe and what they percive. It can be altered especially by large gravitational forces.
As LP things like this blow people's minds so best to go and read some happy books.
"that's just the reverse effect." It is also hotly discussed if there are processes in the universe that are irreversible. It's not clear either so far.
Brit, time as a dimension can be bent by a mass. It can be bent so much that it cracks. If you imagine a time-line which is bent through a mass to such an extent that it splits, then the two ends are apart from each other and time (quants) cannot pass on. Then time would stand still. But this is not a very new idea. There is only one culprit so far: does time have a direction? We, including me, don't know yet.
One scientist said that 'We believe that time emerged during the Big Bang, and if time can emerge, it can also disappear - that's just the reverse effect.'
That's an interesting question, brit. If time would stand still, one of the four dimensions would be frozen, and everything in that four-dimensional space-time would also come to a stand-still. However, the whole concept of 'time passing' is not really good. Time doesn't pass, time is created. Basically you are always in the present. You can't be in the future because it doesn't exist yet. You can't be in the past as it isn't anymore. Therefore, the moment of the present is all that counts. And, according to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, you cannot find out 'where' you are when you measure 'how fast' you are. For normal people, however, the thought is frightening.
Sounds like QL after one too many beers.... as Flan can attest....