This time Pakistani Mens are on FIRE

After PAKISTANI womens who refused to full body scan in manchester airport. Now six PAKISTANI parlimentarians refused to full body scanning in washington airport. And returned to PAKISTAN..
I certainly hope they used extinguishers by now bleu. Otherwise even their remains would've been charred by now.
Please stop challenging peoples intelligence and education. many here will be much more educated then you. Your arguments are baseless and and not based on truth. You need to get out of your imaginative world. While I agree with you that all fingures are not equal and majority of the People living around the Globe are simple people, this is also true that a nation is judged by their collective actions and not by the character of individuals.
Further the scanning process is shameful and offensive for every one, even for American people. But scanning diplomats is inhumane and against the rules of mutual respect between the states practiced for thousands of years. Any one supporting this is supporting a shameful action which is again very unreasonable.
No body has agreed here with you and you still think you are very clever. start accepting other peoples thoughts rather then supporting the oppressive lunatics. Stop becoming einstein of the century cause every body will laugh at you. Your arguments are baseless and shows your westernised ignorant uneducated propaganda of being Mr. Nice same like the americans throw candies for children from planes after they bomb them. You really live in fools paradis or may be you just being naive of whats hapening in the world.
George Golloway once said about Iraq while he was facing American Senate " You Kick some one in the --- and you expect them to not even swear back at you".
After all has been done by American and their supporters, you still expect all to say HO HA to them. When will you accept the rality?
Your views are too blindly biased to realize that I never defended or protected here the US.
What I advised you here, was that you should never generalize and having unilateral and closed opinions, is quite a narrow view of the word.
None of these features (biased, generalizing, unilateral opinions and narrow views) are characteristics of a good education.
Please reflect accordingly.
= End of my contribution to your education =
And Nick stop arguing the notion of "god/Bad. Black White worlds" Every one here knows and educated enough to know what is happening around the world and how CNN and Sky news is twisting words to shift burden. How American sponsored channels show the heroic activities of their soldiers and brain washing people like yourself while those soldiers are carpet bombing and busy killing innocent people and when this is proved, it is said that this was collateral damage.
American Politicians are winning election for the sole reason that promises are made to intervene more countries and more people are butchered for the sake of so-called fear of terrorism. Let the American Public reject all this and I will become their biggest fan. But for now they are responsible directly and indirectly for the chaos around the world.
I feel like you are living in fools paradise...
To your earlier comment, you just read the convention and thought that only luggage of diplomats cannot be checked. Now go ahead and read the norms of Customary International Law. Please don't tell me that there is no such thing as customary international law. Any body with diplomatic status are never checked or scanned any where in the world except US. Why? because they think that no rules apply to them.
On the other hand not just their diplomats and officials but hired assassins like Black Water would just use green channels and refuse to be checked. Every one knows that they carry illegal arms. USA is using them for target killings around the Globe and US embassies are protecting them. In law these kind of people are called mercenaries and no state should protect them. But how will America know that? It needs to be a bit educated to know these things and America is still living in the dark ages or at least pretending to be ignorant.
On the other hand people are kidnapped and take to detention centers like Guantanamo Bay and kept there illegally without a trial for indefinite period and not even considering them a POW's rather calling them enemy combatants to escape International Law.
Stop protecting USA as the list of illegalities is very long.
The current scanning process is just a small instance of their disrespect for Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis and other Muslims.
National regulations should not be offensive and this is extremely unreasonable to see people naked despite the fact that there are many other ways used to check people.
USA can scan their own senators and Generals even Barrack Obama. We don't mind if they are asked to take off their clothes, but they have no right to do this with other respectable people.
The more you want to protect USA the more people will be against you unless America and it's supporters express their apology to stop oppressive and disrespectful activities like the current stupid airport scanning
No, it's the Pakistanis who were on fire. I'm sure they used fire extinguishers.
Oh the people are still on fire in this thread eh?
Who are "they" you referred to?
Is it Mankind? If yes, you know the reason, Man are not perfect, a creation of God, but not perfect!
Here we are again, separating the world into 2: The West and Islam! Great and very intelligent, continue this avenue and soon you'll have peace in the world!
Are you able to understand that in none of my comments I was taking a position to defend or attack the West or any other region, group or religion?!!!!!!!!
Were you able to understand that all my comments were neutral and objective, and just insisted in impartial principles:
1 - Countries set up the rules for which they govern themselves and all who visit these countries must respect those rules or stay away.
2 - Generalizations in a negative tone are unfair and offensive and are the result of ignorance of their impact.
I might even agree or not with your views about Iraq, West, America, Israel, Pakistan, Islam, etc, the point is why you are attacking when I have never expressed any opinion about those issues.
Now go back and read what I wrote, you may find that we have more in common than what you and other blindly assumed.
One more time: stop preconceived ideas, they are wrong and ignorant versions of the world we live in.
That world isn't that black and white, good or bad only.
Everywhere, in every country, religion, political party and any other group, you will find the nasty and the ugly, the good and the beauties
Having a unilateral view of things is reductive and very limited!
The way each one writes reveals the level of his education. Education allows you to see things in different angles and perspectives and will equip you to think independently!
A powerful weapon in the politicize world!
why they always break the promise.....???
..there is no rule in the game of life and death..
i am just reply you...why westerns always looking for excuse????????
..... Unreasonable Searches? ... Reasonable expectation of privacy? ...
I wouldn't consider a full-body scan reasonable. Even when most people would accept it.
do you realize we are here debating Airport Security Controls?
if anybody refuses to go through security check when entering Pakistan, Pakistan has the right to refuse entry to that or those individuals!
Simple as that mate, logic is universal!
they are like uninvited guests around the globe. :-)
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
will gve u ref..
ever u heard?
Might is Right
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
But why US diplomats refuse to go through any security check in Pakistan?
Please understand the actual value and impact of a generalized negative statement and avoid it accordingly.
Please note that one thing is to comment on the specific topic of this post the other is to divert it to other issues (no mater how serious they are).
As for the topic of this debate, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), excludes the diplomatic bags from security checks, not the individuals. Here is an extract:
Official courier mail (the diplomatic bag) that is visibly marked or that can be identified as such, must not be opened, detained or x-rayed.(...)
Airport security controls and Diplomatic agents’ hand luggage:
Diplomatic agents and their personal hand luggage are subject to normal airport security controls."
Moreover some countries have made reservations to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations!
In the US case all passengers in the United States have to go through random checking. Even US generals, members of Congress and senior officials and diplomats are not exempted.
Now, you we not agree but that is their rules and either we comply with them or we don't go there.
whatever salman, maybe you missed this
which our govt IGNORED.
or that Labour were elected in an election where only 9,562,122 people in a voting population of approx 50 million voted for them.
Golden123 CLAPS FOR YOU......
nothing more to say...
and if anyone is not agree i am damn sure he is dumb... and dumb never understand.. they are just like wall... wether beat wether argue wat eva but they never say ok... !!
..there is no rule in the game of life and death..
I don't like the idea of the naked scanners. It's not about security, but the illusion of security that one refers to as 'security theater'. It's not going to stop planes being bombed by a determined person, only provide the illusion of safety.
Case in point, over xmas I was given a pat down after the metal detector beeped at me (didn't take off my belt), the pat down didn't check under my arm pits, the groin area or backside, I wan't given the beepy wand or made to go through the detector beltless to check there wasn't anything else I was carrying.
Another example would be the banned items list. This cartoon sums it all up really.
Goldie....don't be silly, there is no country that is a true democracy, just as there isn't a country that's ever adopted true communism (Russia lasted 24 hours). It's not a democracy when the political system is dominated by two parties who can afford to price anyone out of an election. Who do you vote for? the lesser of two evils? don't vote?
In the UK people have responded to a lack of choice by simply not voting. Look at the polling stats for the last few decades. There is no "None of the above" option on the slips over here...we are pretty much powerless.
Do you honestly think the British public like having their taxes given to bankers who through greed messed up the economy? or being lied to over going to war against Iraq and having to also foot the bill?
Over a million people marched through London to protest the war against Iraq and all that happened was Parliment banned organised protest outside the house of commons using the terrorism act. We were ignored.
Salam every body...
dont mind guys if i get rude lill bit...
we pakistani if do any thing its called publicity stunt or wat eva.. and if the other do it its called man ov honour...
if muslim girl do hijab its call extrimist and if a nun in church do it.. they give him a great honor...!!!!
why is this so..
american and america have always problem from muslim and especially pakistn.
wat can i say every one knows our elete class is working for them. they are there men just like happend in Iraq.. when every one was thinking that army and all official will stand against america with Saddam Hussain.. but no one stood up.. coz they were dogs of america.. america is following same policy..
now this body scan is just for muslims. america knows that muslim dont like it.. or prohibited in there religon.. then why they can't introduce flexible rules for muslims???
in pakistan americans were visiting from 2001 till end ov 2009, without any info, there was no check and balance for them, when a country is doing such thing in other countriesd then it should give lill bit relaxation to others?? i dont think so there will be any problem..
just one question form americanS?????
will they allow ful body scan ov nan of church??
why u ppl always do propaganda agains pakistan??
..there is no rule in the game of life and death..
I am not dividing the worlds. it is already divided in thousands of was. Till you dont accept this, you can never change it.
Lets presume that every thing I said is done by American Politicians. Who elected those politicians? Isnt USA supposed to be a democracy? So if presumed that what ever the politicians have been doing is against the mandate of the people of USA,,, Where is the will of the people? How many people protested against the evils committed?
I told you before that I am not saying that all Americans are bad because like anywhere else the masses are busy earning their bread and butter only. But their silence in this respect and not objecting on the cruelties of their leaders is itself a sin.
I again specifically reiterate that The action of insisting on scanning diplomatic mission is illegal and the law of allowing the scanning process is a bad law.
I agree with you goldie123. Thousands are bothered every day for no reason just because "Great Americans can feel safe" and some people still think that no one should even complain. American politicians are putting fear in their minds to win elections... how foolish and inhumane.
Keep dividing the world between Muslims and non-Muslims, and you will go far in reaching peace!
One thing is to comment on a specific event, the other is to blame an entire nation for what a group of politicians decided to do!
Do you like to hear stupidities such as "Muslims are terrorists"?
No, of course you don’t like to hear such stupidities because it’s not accurate and not fare for so many innocent Muslims that have nothing to do with what some few do in the name of this religion.
I don’t like to hear this too and I will also label these stupidities as result of ignorance.
Just like I did to your generalization. It’s offensive for a nation that is massively contributing and acknowledge by your own Emir, to the development of Qatar.
Even if it wasn’t the case!
Do you still feel comfortable to generalize after the example I gave you (which I assume it will directly touch you) to better understand my revolt against generalizations.
If you go back and read what I wrote, you will never see me defending any country invasion or occupation, no matter if it’s US, Israel, Iran, or any other.
All I am trying to do here is to recall your attention to the fact that none of us here are enough qualified and informed of the true facts of everything that happened, to blame an entire nation of what Politian do!!!!!!
Step one step back, be partial, and see things in perspective and in the historical context of humanity.
Once you reach a certain intellectual level, you will realize that there are always two sides of the same coin.
No matter how accurate you may be, you lose your argument when you blame any given entire nation for what politicians do, including your own that just like all of us humans, are no saints!
This is not about trials and convictions, you and I are not in hand of the ENTIRE facts and because of that its fare to be moderate, considerate and specific in comments you make about entire nations!
Goldie123 u r genius... amazing...
you mean to say that you generally want to ignore what happened and you want to take away my freedom of speech. What is wrong is wrong whether you understand and admit it or not, I will call it your ignorance.
Besides it is not an American hate speech. it is the chain of events which took place leading Americans to be disrespectful to the people in general. Now whether or not you agree, the scan process is distressful a disrespectful.
As for as this blog is considered, I will advise you to read "Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961)" and about diplomatic rights.
The people who were asked to be scanned were on a diplomatic mission and could not be checked, stopped or scanned. Which means that the terms of the above Convention has been violated.
Even other wise We have the Right to criticize such laws in which you are considered guilty till proven innocent. In the process of scanning you are really considered guilty till proven innocence. History will always criticize such laws whether this principal is used in the anti terror laws, the current scanning process, Nuremberg trial, Group of Four in China, or the trial of Jesus Christ.
Further the most effected people from such scanning process and other related things are either Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis and other Muslims. For this sole reason We have all the right to abject on it without exception.
Ignorant because you continue to generalize and assume you know everything beyond the events you named. We (all of us) only know versions of what exactly took place.
Naive in the sense that you still believe that the world is black and white and think that the good is always good and the bad is always bad!
Note again: I am not defending or accusing what the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Persians, Jews, Moors, Chinese, Indians, Japanese, Europeans, Americans, Africans and many others, did wrong along the last few millenniums.
The entire history of humanity involves domination, abuse and control from one party over other.
It’s ugly and tragic but its how humans have been behaving in the struggle of power along the past 10000 years or more.
Now, considering the number of nations who suppressed others in the past, is it fare to go and blame every single individual that is currently alive because of what happened in the past?
Do you think that your posture of hate and revenge brings any peace to the world?
That is why I dare to label ignorant and naive anybody who generalizes in his hate and revenge accusation speech.
I am not American and what I am saying here does not exclusively apply to defend your American hate speech, it applies to all ignorant who self proclaim themselves to be qualified to issue hate general verdicts against humanity in general!
Dont be personal mate and dont challenge my intelligence. Check your own writings in this blog. I cant see any any logic in any of your explanations. I wrote earlier about international conventions and international Law. you need to educate yourself before you can comment on me.I am amazed that such ignorant people can exist on planet earth.
About americans, I told you earlier that pleple are judged collectively of their actions. and the fact is that if your government does something wrong, the whole nation will be blamed for that because you have elected them. Americans wont ellect idiots like G. Bush twice if they didnt wanna support violence.
Personally I dont have any problem with any one but When you can declare denial of Hollocaust to be illegal, accept criticism from others for the millions you butchered around the globe.
Alternatively you are trying to tell me that you support cruelty and mass murder and all American illegal actions.
Come on be reasonable. no one will buy this.
Can you give me the logic of American invasions in all the countries in the last 100 years?
Do you defend what What Americans did with the native Americans?
Do u defend Guantanamo Bay?
Where was the great American nation when 5 millions were killed in Rawanda? Who opposed action in Rawanda?
Who is sponsoring and encouraging Israel for killing innocent people?
do you want me to give you more examples or you can have the courage to do some search on the internet before you can judge my intelligence.
And the best you can do is to call me naive and ignorant... Bravo
Let the people judge
Goldie123 ,
What exactly did I say here about Americans?!
NOTHING at all! All I am doing here is telling you that what you write and how you write it reveals ignorance!
Your imagination is out of control to the point you dream what I never said!
Don’t you have a bit of self respect to realize your limits of knowledge of any of the events you listed? Are you so naive to the point of still believing that the world is black and white and think that the good is always good and the bad is always bad?
Are you that limited to understand that we should never blame every single citizen of any given nation for what their politicians did?
If you had a mediocre level of education, you wouldn’t write what you wrote the way you did.
Note very well: I am not here even defending any country, I am just pin pointing you towards your own limits!
End of my contribution to your self improvement path!
and besides it is not inferiority complex. Check the topic first before you said that. The topic is that official delegation (who had diplomatic rights) was asked to go through scan. which is a violation of international law. Now why it is done? No excuse will be sufficient for that because USA damn cares about any law and international norms or customs or conventions and can even go to the extent of killing innocent people.
And Nic I am not accusing every individual American. USA is a multicultural society and I am sure that 99.99 % a normal innocent people just leading a normal life but States are judged by their collective actions and not individual actions. and the truth is that collectively Americans have been supporting the actions of their governments making them responsible for the actions of America.
It is easy to judge for any person with a little brain that in the last one hundred years Americans have been violating sovereignty of a lot of countries and killed millions. It will be a sin to keep yourself in denial. Americans must oppologise to what they did to the humanity rather then arguing that they need to be more safe. Your politicians are putting a fear in your mind that you are not safe and you are fool enough to accept it so that you can kill more people around the world whether in Japan, Korea, Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other country. Did you find the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq yet. You are still crying that Americans suffered a lot in Korea and Cuba not considering that you were the one who attacked these countries. You keep crying that pearl harbour was destroyed by Japanese but ignore the fact that millions of unarmed civilians were killed when u used the Atom Bomb. Who made America to be the international judge and policeman. Still you must proud that you kidnap people to Guantanamo bay. Bravo..
Well I wont like anyone to insult me just cause someone could feel secure. That someone should deal his insecurity himself rather then insulting me. Besides checking diplomatic missions is illegal under international law and America has been and continuously violating all norms of conventional and customary international law. How do u want people to feel living in an illegal world with the biggest violator being USA.
Security rules are to be universally applied.
Why on earth a security check becomes an insult?
And who are you to judge the US or any other entire Nation?
Do you even realize how gigantic this intellectual exercise would be, for you to be able to cover every single individual American citizen in what they did or not do to what you accuse them of?
Are you God or what?
Do you understand the value of accusing an entire Nation of their entire history?
Think about this and see how much sense your comments make!
Well I wont like anyone to insult me just cause someone could feel secure. That someone should deal his insecurity himself rather then insulting me. Besides checking diplomatic missions is illegal under international law and America has been and continuously violating all norms of conventional and customary international law. How do u want people to feel living in an illegal world with the biggest violator being USA.
Well I wont like anyone to insult me just cause someone could feel secure. That someone should deal his insecurity himself rather then insulting me. Besides checking diplomatic missions is illegal under international law and America has been and continuously violating all norms of conventional and customary international law. How do u want people to feel living in an illegal world with the biggest violator being USA.
No, what I said was I want to be checked when I am picked and I want to comply with the security rules, so others who travel with me will feel secure from my side.
As I said, rules are to be universally applied!
Your constant need to counter-attack with off-topic issues implies some kind of inferior complex - think about it!
We r proud of our behavior... As america is proud of slaying millions of innocent lives..
yeh its a crazy world..
There might be a miscommunication with the authorities involved, however this kind of act will be interpreted as something from the white house. you know what i mean...
the 'average profile' is a hoax but in 'media' we trust isn't it? discussing it further will only strengthen our disagreement.
so to each his own (opinion)
So u wanna feel secure by insulting people... Y shouldnt America change their policy of interfering in sovereign states so that no one bomb their planes rather then killing millions innocent around.
are you nuts, how do you expect us to allow you with all those bombs stuck to your skin. if clean, why do you resists normal security check. and height of being nuts is you are proud of it!!. its crazy world.
It is on record that JFK was asked by his advisers to sink a couple of American ships and blame Cuba for that so that America an attack cuba.
American politicians are even fooling their own nation. Besides How can you trust the judgment of an idiot like Bush.
Cuba, Bolivia, Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and many more countries are affected by the American terrorist activities. Millions innocent majority of them unarmed civilians have been killed to test American weapons. America is the only country who used atom bomb. Just wondering who is the biggest terrorist.
the whole world boycott american's, and why particularly in Europe they were most welcome, just becoz "Might is Right"?
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
the main reason for the two world war, was religion, which ended up with bombing nuclear weapons on Japanese cities.
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
Security stereotyping is composed by the "average profile" of the terrorists.
if I look like one and I have to be checked, no big deal because I am clear and all who fly with me can feel safe from my clearance.
Unfortunately this is the world we live in. If religion and religious fanatics didn’t exist, we would all be more united and peaceful!
Similar threats like the ones you were having from Iraq and your politicians are still trying to prove that Iraq had chemical weapons or should I say that People in America are coward enough to kill millions around the world just because they are afraid. Be real Man. American should deal with their fear by going to a psychiatrist rather then imposing their will and demanding degrading things.
the insult comes with 'stereotyping' a classified sector of the human race as terror suspects. its not comfortable to get 'chosen' for a security check just because you belong to a certain clan. add on that is the inconvenience of missing flights, the interrogation, etc.
The threat of terrorist attacks on planes is very real my friend. They are just trying to ensure that people dont get blown up in mid air.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
Americans have made the whole planet insecure so if they feel insecure they should deal with their feelings and consult psychologists rather then insulting other people.
Do some research. I am telling you again that diplomatic missions have rights which includes immunity from being checked personally or their luggage. Check Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961).
They have a place in Tora Bora for people who think every one can be sent to Guantanamo Bay. Other wise Guantanamo Bay Jail is illegal and immoral and America should be ashamed of it.
the security rules are for ALL, regardless their nationality, gender, religion, professional status, etc, etc, etc
insecure people tend to react defensively!
Nic it is illegal to ask diplomatic and official delegations for a scan and otherwise immoral.. dont u think
Nic it is for the people who have the brains to understand. Read it again before you comment.
Goldie123 ,
your waffled comment makes no sense!
they are good in destruction, and they are doing it from the 2nd world war till now.
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
This is the most illegal, racist and ridiculous thing to ask a diplomatic official trip to go through a scan. American missions to other countries should go through the same thing and then they will realize how it feels like. This is extremely degrading, immoral and against ethics. While I agree with some friends here that no one should travel to America, I also want to see other states imposing similar rules for Americans. Who knows some American may be involved in a conspiracy against another state after all Americans are not angels and besides they were the first to use Atom Bomb and currently become international police and interfering in the sovereignty of all the countries of the world. History is the witness that American have never been kind to humanity and if they had more power or they ever get more power they will destroy the world.
if they refuse for body scanning then y they let them enter in pakistan, every thing mr. zardari is doing he is asking permission from america... so if they did these things that to show the world that they follow america so they are wrong...
I am not Pakistani, but why people here are very scrutinize this nation. Just because of this Pakistani Delegation story written in the newspaper? I believe so many other nationality ever refused to have the body scan if it is conflicts with their belief. As the story written as well, that they had been "PROMISED" by Washington not to under go, body scan. From Political side, they may be want to proove that not all terorism source from their country. May be they want to proove that even without body scan, Amerika will still be save, anyway, they had a meeting with Washingtong??
Come on people, what if this happen with your own goverment? Dont you feel bad if others critize you they way you do to Pakistani in this forum???
Anyway, why it is really bothering others about what happen to Pakistanis?
If they don't agree for scan then they should be sent to guantanamo bay.
Great move! Maybe wit the body scanners, some people would stop traveling making it more comfortable for those who have nothing to hide.
umm do u guys think people can watch us through Satelite ?
-: Perfectly ImPerfect :-
their home country as a parlimentarians... one who is depending on his family will be ready to do everthing...!
...Life would become Dull if there were no such Difficulties...
This is nothing but a bullshit thread
mr_qatar some people learn from their previous experience! but you're not one of them.
nice one xray
People are So Dumb they dont See Meee :P
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
"The more I see of the world the more am I dissatisfied with it." Jane Austen.
and by the way mr_qatar what is 'womens' and 'mens'?
AWKHAN you are right.. it could also be a publicity stunt by politicians but shows a sense of concern with screening.
i THINK Pakistan government paid for this trip and they had no problem (travelers)to return since they are not loosing anything and publicity free of charge.otherwise I met lot of Pakistanis in europe and America, they illegaly crossed boarders (some time it cost their life)to get legal papers I met some of them, they were even ready to run on park lane wearing birthday suit.
one good reason not to visit nations that have applied the full body scan in their airports.
i mean what good is a vacation where you cannot traffick those 'things'
It is for everybody's security.
LOL Speed,
Time to spend our tourism and vacation money towards, far east, GCC and other beautiful countries in Asia, I guess :)
maybe they hiding something?
The one who stays calm is the one who is in control
I respected laws of Saudi Arabia, when I was on transit to Dubai. I made my wife to cover her head, even if she was not comfortable doing so. I had two options, either not to visit or comply with the regulations.
It is the same here. Do not visit these countries if anyone is not comfortable. It’s only a matter of time before Pakistan itself will implement these scanners.
Question is - who set them on fire ?
P.S - please don't answer it :P
the news article in full details... many here does not bother to click the link to read the full article.
At Washington Airport, a delegation of Pakistani politicians has refused to go through a body scanner as part of security.
In protest against being asked to enter the scan the politicians have immediately broken off their official trip, say Pakistani media.
b>The politicians travelled to the United States at the invitation of Washington. They had been assured in advance that they would not be obliged to undergo a body scan.
They say the scan, which does not show the naked body, but does reveal its shape, is used discriminatorily and conflicts with their beliefs.
Last week, two British Muslim women refused to go through a body scanner at Manchester airport.
As a result they were not allowed to board their flight.
Body scanners have been made compulsory at many airports since the botched Christmas Day attack on board a plane from Amsterdam to Detroit. The would-be bomber had sewn the explosives into his underpants.
Few points to be noted:
1) They are politicians not a normal citizen of Pakistan.
2) "The politicians travelled to the United States at the invitation of Washington. They had been assured in advance that they would not be obliged to undergo a body scan." - They have a full right to protest since US Authorities did not fulfil their promise, so the politicians felt humilated by their action.
3) "The would-be bomber had sewn the explosives into his underpants." We all know about USA tatics, if they wanted to implement something they will do anything to gain the purpose.
This is simply a political news.
Huh they were invited by Mrs Clinton and there was a promise that there wont be screenings for them!!!
i heard this in the news yesterday..
If they dont want to follow security rules of other country better they stay in Pakistan You have to respect the rules and regulation Mr_Qtar
lol sugardaddy. sums it all up.
Very Soon, There will be a Caption -"Pak BUTTS are on FIRE"
never obey the person who wants to see your ass....
Did someone call a fire brigade yet?
"Live with passion, Die with style"
Whats wrong with that this is for safety of everybody who will board the air craft
Wasn't it optional?!
If u r visiting a country u have obey the rules of that country , Its all about secrity reasons.
I dont understand why they refused.
refused a body scan huh! :)
i wonder why
...listen to the sound of silence....
Hard headed people!
"I'd love to change the world, but I can't find a big enough diaper"
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc