"Think or read first before you flag."

By heero_yuy2 •
If this is how easy anyone can click the 'flag as offensive' buttons on every post/topic in here, I say they should now add this idea to their updated QL community guidelines.
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and All the best for 30k points.
Hope I will get invite this time!
plz do search i have had 4 different signatures on QL.
and am looking thinking designing a new one :D
now i wish to get that by 30000th point jeez the time is so less.
I feel offended watching DA's signature 'Stirring and Burning in Fire 24/7' at QL since so many years.
DaRuDe, you just want an excuse to follow me around ;-)
I wish people would think of my signature everytime they are going to post.
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
the real problem hero...where/when you felt offended, if so ask MOD?
for that rude signature of yours i am going to flag you all the day .
I'm sure people will use their common sense before "flagging", there's a difference between someone having an opinion and someone being offensive.
I've only used it the once and not only was the thread removed but so was the the member - justified I thought.
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
I only flag what is actually offensive, and I select the matching category from the list
hero yuy, half of your posts dont make any sense. I dont think they are gonna remove a thread, just because few people flag it.
Rather it will be a head ache for the mods since users flag for silly things.
tEaCh Me RulEs I'lL tEaCh YoU hOw To BrEaK iT -rMs!
MODs will not action just because its been flagged..
Flagging doesn't automatically delete the thread or comment by the way.
**** Aal Izz Well****
lol s-isale...
Whatever community guidelines are there as of now are they being adhered to??
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
at least it helps remove irrelevant comment and topics that you yourselves put in the forum.