Things you do not like people to do

By Straight Arrow •
There many things which people do, but among these things there are things which we do not like other people to do, so what are the things you do not like people to do and why?
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These bad habits should be stopped
What are things that you consider is wrong and what are the things you consider right or acceptable for you, can you describe please?
Second question are you the type of person who say there is nothing called good or bad?
Dirty after they use it, the keep traces of .......
Spending too much time in toilet..especially in public places :-p
I do not hate anything...hate is useless waste of energy. Plus, if you put so much feeling into negativity, it might stick to you...
arrogance in all forms! Oh and anyone oppressing another.
hunting rhinos
Two words to spell out your question - "Pet Peeve"
-People who think they know everything and back up their worthless opinions with false information, just so they can come across as ‘brilliant’.
-People who don't cover their mouth while sneezing or coughing
idiot drivers who use their phones while driving
idiot drivers who plonk their car in the middle lane at 80kph or less on a 100km/hr expressway
idiot drivers who use the middle the right hand lanes to make a left hand turn at round abouts
idiot drivers who don't use their indicators at all or do so after making the turn or changing lanes
idiot drivers who use their hazard lights in foggy conditions
idiot drivers who use the straight ahead lanes to make left hand turns at intersections
idiot drivers who can't use any of their mirrors
idiot drivers who don't put their children in car seats
idiot drivers who .............
Putting on perfume without having a bath to office ..
People who oppress the freedom to chose what you as an individual wants to do
people chewing food with loudly voice. i hate that
-using bare hands to dig out pickle from the bottle
-using the same slippers inside and outside the house
Rude and disrespectful sales assistant,because well..they're rude
rape i hate rapist
-behind me when there is a lane of cars standing still in front of me,and for me no where to go :(
-spitting on the street
-no adhere to traffic rules/laws
-childs not restraint in the car
Changing lanes without indicator on busy roads.
walking in to lifts (elevators) when i am trying to get out :O(
1. People throwing sandwiches and cans from their car on the street