Thieving Maid

I got this from friend maybe some of you already got it but I thought I share for the rest of you who dont know yet
Thieving maid - do not employ
Last weekend we had to have our maid escorted off the compound after finding out that she had been stealing from us for the last nine months. We had wondered why we were getting through so much money recently and kept loosing items but just put in down to living in a big house and the cost of living going up in Qatar.
Unfortunately all along it was our maid. Over the time she was with us these are the things we know she stole - I am sure there was much more:
- English and Qatar money - lots and lots. Also friends and family's money.
- Husband's wedding ring
- Sunglasses
- Jewelery
- Cds
- Clothes
- DVD player
- Watches
- All our wine
- Spirits
She is currently looking for another job I suspect so I want to warn anyone thinking about employing a maid. She comes across very professional and well presented, speaking good English. Do not be fooled.
These are her details:
[mod note: As we have no proof of these claims the details have been removed.]
If the maid is the issue or having some bad attitude towards her employer, we are free to publish it anywhere with matching picture and identity...
Why if the employer rapes, beat, hit, not giving food, tortured the maids we can't do that.... we can not post the details of the employer... because maids doesn't have right for justice???
LIFE IS UNFAIR... just asking :)
then as the lovely woman I was fortunate enough to find found 100 QR under the table in the living room and left it with a note saying, "Madam take good care of your money before it gets gone"...good advice I think.
It was drak I though that it was the wife scratching my back..Until
Now I know where my Wedding ring
photo :
enjoy ;-)
Publish her name and picture for all to see I say! Then make her work for free until she eventually makes up for the stuff she nicked! Infact, discreetly chop one of her fingers orf...that'll teach her!!
I grew up in HK and we had a horrendous experience. Our maid used to smack us for absolutely nothing - although I told my parents they didn't believe us and they were old school - 'well you must have done something to deserve it' She regularly used to lock us out of our apartment to 'clean' What she was actually doing was 'personal favours' for other men who lived in our block. The reason my parents never cottoned on was because they were both out at work all day.
Eventually we went back to the UK for a number of weeks and came back to find that she had done a runner with a lot of my parents possessions - clothes, jewelry, money etc.
It taught my parents a valuable lesson - ie to listen to their kids and take decent references.
ps - my parents always paid more than any other expat family so there was no real reason for her to behave in this way.Just goes to show things never change.
I hope not all maids steal but my experience has been every maid we have sponsored did steal, nor did I say every maid does. Ours would trade their loot with the neighbors maid so you would not realize they were stealing. I asked our last maid why did she steal she would not say and we asked her if we had been fair with her. We have employees that stay with us for like 20-30 years and now even their children are working for the family. I told her had she asked I probably would of given her the things she took. A friend brought a couple in her house and not only did they steal but she reported them and like someone pointed out given they were not sponsored by this person they got fined by the police! I haven't heard them enforcing this law like they did in the past. I don't have any maid now as I can't tolerate their behavior. Its an unfortunate part of help here.
well this might be the reason for the maid to steel all these stuff..
Emad =>
she did not report to the police because she did not sponsor the maid. It is ILLEGAL employing a maid not under your sponsorship.
maybe its me, but all these things stolen and it took you that long to discover and do something about it. i know there are maids that steal, but one thing is she cant defend herself to all these accusations, and if this really happened, then you should have done something earlier...
Me too... I don't know where did I put my refrigerator... maybe i misplaced it !!!
and all their wine? OMG, she must be alcoholic! lol!
or maybe, she's a wine connoisseur!
they should have reported her to the police.
is she guilty? did they caught her in the act?
Hey, didn't I have a car yesterday???
Oh well, it's a big country, I probably misplaced it.
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
We don't know the truth so it is unfair to the concerned housemaid.. she can't defend herself here in QL...
We appreciate your concern but that's not right.. why don't you go to the police station???
I remember a funny incident in Saudi. A colleague of mine went home early from work and found the "house boy" sitting on the sofa, watching a movie from his porno collection and drinking his whiskey.
Well theives comes in various sizes,sharps,colour and race......if truely she did it then thatz really bad cos we had one from Ethopia too she was really nice but sometimes she act stupid and that made us send her back home but stealing noway.......Please send me her contact number if you do have it and her Picture.
The fact that she's Ethiopian is irrelevant and doesn't mean all of them are thieves. To not employ one based on this story is tantamount to racism.
Nine month passed away...
She stole so many things...
She drank your wines, sunglasses, wedding ring...
Sad.. to say.. you did not notice.. long time..
It is hard to believe your story....
that's a very weird assumption!
i'm sure there's nothing going on between them..
owen, she's ethiopian..
Stealing is not part of a maid. To generalise in this manner mean all maids are stealing and this is not the case.
It is not necessary to have a live-in maid any more as there are enough services offering maids for whole and half days.
Although many complain about how maids are treated and how they don't get paid enough money many people don't want to pay more than QR 500 - 700 for a maid so for all cheap labour.
Don't leave things lying around that can encourage the maid to steal, go around and check your maids room now and again this will help to live without suspecting.
What I wonder is if the story is true why didn't they get the police - stealing is stealing whether by a maid or someone else and it is a crime.
thanks brit... :)
so wine differs from spirits?
wonder what is the nationality of this "thieving" maid, and do they have pic of her? (but don't post it here if there is)...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Wow how scary is that? I was advised to take an ethopian maid because they request less pay then an asian. But I have to say that I feel somewhat daunted by the intrusion of privacy of having a live-in.
Still I am a horrible housewife and she could help me out.
But to have someone who lives in our home and steal from us. I don't know if I could put up with that.
I think spirit are alcoholic drinks like brandy, rum, port and stuff like that but I could be wrong.
Drink, booze, alcohol etc etc
errrr..what is spirits?...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Usually the maids take things you don't use everyday or pieces of things so you don't notice they are missing. I recently sent a maid home that was stealing not about to transfer sponsorship and give someone else a headache. I didn't call the police as she was the sister of another maid, better to send her home. I have been told this is part of having a maid and you just have to put up with it, I don't think so.
9 months passed and never reported to the police ... hmmmm ..... probably the husband has a relationship with the maid .... and those are gifts ....
She kept stealing things for nine DVD, watches and even wedding ring...Something fishy
might be the same one 8-| .. i dunno
Emad =>
so what if she is?
btw.. that maid was Ethiopian too!
Emad =>
lool :D
Emad =>
the booze is to be shared to the bf... :P
how the heck do you put losing a dvd player as something that happens in a big house?? and the wedding ring? why did your husband take it off in the first place? hmmm
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
my friend left for holiday once and gave the housemaid the house keys to clean while they were away,(really stupid act) she had a party at their villa and the only reason they found out was because they had a laptop that had motion sensors .
9 months!!! lol! And why wasn't she reported to the police, rather than just letting her back into the workforce?
It seems her former employer is both stupid and irresponsible.
i got it from international ladies potluck group ....
It happens all the time...
I advise you all to lock your rooms when you are out...dont keep valuables around...Search the maid's room from time to time.
well i think u should report her..
i think u should be careful when u hire a maid.. my friend found out that his maid invites her boyfriend over whenever the parents r out.. and guess who found out first.. the 5 yrs old son!
Seriously it took them 9 months to work it out???
it's a good thing we do not need maids...
These things happen all the time..
However, I wonder whether this story has been "authenticated".. otherwise , by publishing the lady's name, you may be doing her an injustice..
You should have given her a higher salary.