These things will give us better life

Many people complain about their life and that there is always problems, of course there will always problems and there will always be good things as well, there is day and there is night.
One of things which can give us better life is the believe in faith, believing in faith gives us many good things or help us to do good things and below is some good things which I found on one website, and I would like to share it those who are intersted.
(sorry for not putting the link)
1 - Fulfulling an act of worship of Allah, as believing in the Qadar is a manner by which we worship Allah;
2 - Strengthening one's faith, as the one who believes in the Qadar will not be easily swayed, and will not be distraught by that which he experiences for the sake of the truth;
3 - Bravery, boldness, and firmness, as the one who believes in the Qadar knows that he cannot die except if his appointed time has come, and that he will not experience except the trials and tests that have been Decreed for him, and he will not be distraught by what he experiences of harm, disasters, and unpleasantries;
4 - Tranquility, and lightening of distress and sadness;
5 - Patience, as those who do not believe in the Qadar might be driven to disbelieve in Allah, some of them might go insane, some of them might experience Satanic whisperings, and some of them might be driven to commit suicide. Because of this, suicide rates are increased in the lands whose inhabitants do not believe in the Qadar, such as America, Denmark, and Sweden. Most of those who are afflicted with psychological diseases are those who no belief in the Qadar, or who have weak belief in the Qadar;
6 - Generosity, as the one who believes that he will not become poor unless Allah Decrees this for him will spend of his wealth freely;
7 - Sincerity, as the believer in the Qadar will not perform an action for the sake of the people, as he knows that they are unable to benefit him in anything that Allah has not Decreed, just as they are unable to harm in anything that Allah has not Decreed;
8 - Reliance upon, certainty in, and submission to Allah: {"Say: 'Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us...'"} [at-Tawbah; 51]
9 - Lack of reliance upon the soothsayers, astrologers, or the fortunetellers; not having to wipe the dust of the graves (seeking blessings from them), make du'a' to other than Allah, or devote any type of worship to other than Allah, as he knows that none of these actions carry any benefit that Allah does not want, or any harm that Allah does not want;
10 - Contentment, and not being eager for the dunya;
11 - Humility, as if Allah raises him by way of some wealth, status, knowledge, etc., he knows that this is all from Allah, and that if Allah seeks to deprive him of these things at any time, He is Capable of all things;
12 - Enraging the innovators who involve their own opinions in the Wisdom and Shari'ah of Allah (here, he is referring to the Qadariyyah, who deny that Allah has control over His Creation).