And then I joined Fitness First!

Not sure if it was the right thing to do but the lack of nicotine in my body was giving me ideas of transforming my fledgling big-tummied physique to a perfectly toned greek-god sculpture like resemblance :) Happened to be at City Centre last evening for a cup of coffee with friends and thought of peeping in to Fitness First and have a look at the people sweating it out and walk out. No more no less. So I walk in and a sweet girl with a highly convincing tone convinced me to sign a few forms and hand over my credit card to her and then also to key in my PIN for a Gold Membership for 18 months!!
Today is suppossed to be my first day and my first gyming session after almost ten years of being happy. Hope I'am able to utilize every riyal I have already spent and get rid of some excess fat and build some muscles :)
Any tips or experiences shared here would be most welcome!
BlueBull, congratulations! I always feel happy to hear that someone is quitting tobacco.
Good for you.
Hi if u want personal training , u can cal
Me , my self John I am a certified fitness trainer from Issa and active iq also I am an army trainer so if u want contact in this no77108630
Today was much better...Only 3 Kms on the treadmill and 1 Km on cross trainer.Tried some other machines and got a hang of things around.
Max - It's 23.4% now :(
U and me almost have the same stat BB wats ur bodyfat %
drsam - Thats coz docs must look like docs not like Gods Lol;)
oh! i've been to gym for the last 8 years, and i'm still a lazy couch potato. no greek poseidon nor atlas :(
Max - My session was brilliant yesterday. I finished 5 Km on the treadmill and 3 on the cross trainer in 1.30 hrs and today my whole body is hurting like hell.
Rizks - My weight is 79 Kgs and height is 5.11 feet ;)
Tinku - I'am told that if I'am regular,I will look like a greek god in six months at the rate of 2 hours a day ;) So you'll have to wait till then hehehehe
Aspire was closed in August a couple years ago and I went to Al Masa. I think I spent as much that month as I did the entire year at Aspire. Nice enough place but the parking was hell and the cost was crazy! It takes me almost 35 minutes to get to Aspire from West Bay Lagoon and it's worth every minute. The gals are great and Carrefour is right there for after-workout shopping.
U can start with Wikipedia and Hollywood movies :D
BB how was ur first work out session yesterday
Lol it's cool and I just realized I know too much Greek mythology nerd
Zeus has long hair and beard and the god of lighting the guy on my dp having a happy meal is god of war
BB wats ur weight ?
Happy Ending or should i say 'the Beginning' ? :)
wow! see u tomorrow than to form the nuclei of the QL-first fitness gang!
drsam - No problem...I'am changing my time to yours now :) 6 to 8 am suits me perfectly.
BB CAN'T SORRY. i go to the gym from 6:30 to 8:30 AM :(
i don't leave work before 8:30 pm , and if i go there afterwork, i will have parking trouble.
drsam - No that was not me :)) But lets catch up today at 7...if you like :)
I have a lot of muscle cramps already and can't sit or stand. I have to do both together -sit and stand! Very difficult to work like this sitting and standing at the same time. My boss doesn't seem to be too pleased ith my posture.
Anytime Gym is already opened officially, infact during weekend i see some people jog in the threadmill at around 2am...lols but hey, tats the booty of this gym ! :)
BB: You are welcome.. No, im not a pro buddy.. i just know too many things that im not supposed to..LOL
Fitness first is the worst gym to join in doha.. sorry guys.. but this is the fact :D
Al-Massa in Al-Nasr
Fareej (something like tht) gym in Najma
Just Gym behind Al-Sadd sports club
Qatar Fitness near The Center Roundabout
Oh btw, this reminds me, theres a new gym in Wakra, i think its called Anytime Gym... and the beauty of this gym is.. it'll be available 24/7 !!! ;)
Im not sure if they have already opened it officially or not .. anyone else heard about it?
fitness first gang! sounds funny! i'm in.
BB i was there yesterday and today...and i met a new comer in the that u?
do u speak arabic?
Aspire sounds really good but ja girl it's kinda far from holiday villa. There is a fereej gym very near too holiday villa but I m not sure if they have group classes
Thanks for the info Mandi. How close isn that to the Holiday Villa? As you can see i'm a newcommer to town.
JA, Aspire has over 130 classes per week as well as an equipment room. All for 150 QR a month.
Max1986 do you know which gyms i can get signed up with to do spinning, kickboxing and zumba? Would also use the gym equipment and need personal training.
Never ever thought of Going to a gym outside.....
Have Gym inside the Compound i live in, which is Full of Beautiful Chicks...... ;)
Lol fitness first gang
Wirehead - Thats a must come back and we can have a group of our own ;)
nice to know you're enjoying it. it is easier to sweat in the warmer months. i hope you'll have the will to keep it up, unlike me. been a member for two years now and i was only active for the first 4 months. i plan to cancel it tomorrow. yes, some of the trainors are not very knowledgeable but the program they gave me really worked and they have better weight training equipment than some of the hotel gyms. i did lose a noticeable amount of weight (according to popular opinion that time;D) and felt better with the changes in my body.
it all went downhill when i first went home for a vacation and when i came back i lost my groove and didn't go as much anymore. then my visits became less frequent. i always kept saying i'll be coming and be more diligent starting tomorrow, next week, then next month but i always found excuses to not go. like stress, my period, and now my office location moved away from city center so i found another excuse not to go.
Reporting from FF - I came here at 7 and still going strong. The machines are rattling with exertion ;) I have lost half litre of sweat and have completed 5 Km on treadmill :))
This place is cool and it's FF's birthday party tonight so my memership got celebrated as well.What a day to join!! I'am happy and 'am off to some more cardio ;)
I'm an Aspire gal.
Seem like lots of fitness professionals in here, hope to get some best gym tips while as soon as i reach Doha )
Lol agree tink they also have coffe lounge there but cc parking is a headache. I was really disappointed with the fitness group in QL its soo dead
Let me drink to your good health...
Aight blue get the info and pm me or we will meet somewhere
Tinkerr I have heard only good things abt u u name the palce and time I m there :P jk
Tinku - You should join too ;)
Tinku - Yes thats a good idea...Atleast we will not smoke there ;)
Thank you so much max...Iám not sure of my exact body stats except the height and weight etc. Will send it to you over PM tomorrow after I get some more infor from my session today :) Thanks a ton for the offer of help. Really appreciate it :)
No man I don't go to first fitness anymore as I mentioned in my some earlier post but pm me ur body stats and I will try to fins the best workout and diet plan for u
Max - I'am so thankful to have met you...Maybe we can meet at the gym if you are there...Let me know what you think.
Not really but ppl have paid me few times so I can train them. The iron bug just bite me real hard and I got really in to fitness. I have been working out for cpl of yrs and always happy to assist and motivate ppl to do the same
Max - Buddy are you a trainer?
Yea u do need to watch ur diet if ur plan is to lose fat u can check too they nutrition and diet section or ask me. And try to have fun don't be too hard on ur self have cheat meals once or twice a week
Mandi - Thats completely true...I feel like drinking more coffee and more choco chip cookies :(
Don't worry about it too much. You may crave a little extra sugar while detoxing from nicotine.
Wow thanks again guys...I was having a a hot chocolatee with whipped cream and my friend walks in and says I need to stop all that:( Not sure what else I need to stop.
Ya that is cool but u might feel lazy the earlier u go in the day is better and also drink coffee with lowfat/no milk 30 mins before gym it work as a pre workout supplement. 7 to 8 hr sleep is must for ur body to rest and go to anabolic state
Of course it is!
Just one more question - Is it ok if I take a quick nap from 4 to 6.45 pm before I hit the gym? Is it ok health wise?
Max and Mandi - Thank you so much for the pointers :)
Good luck! Get a gym buddy so you will have that extra incentive to show up even when you don't want to.
Check out they all kind of plan from diff trainer just follow them strictly ur money will not be wasted
CL - Thanks a ton for all the tips...looks like you are a pro at fitness ;)
I'am planning to rattle all the nuts and bolts of every machine in the gym as I mentioned earlier and I really mean it. I will try to get maximum ROI in the first month itself :)
LOL.. Marco, No use man.. im not attracted to myself :P
Plus you have chicks walking and jogging around you, all you need is to take off your t-shirt and show them your one pack abs and thats it .. they'll be running behind you ;)
Captain_Lost: but u can't ogle at ur self every 2 seconds working outside the gym with no huge mirrors in all 4 corners! For a full 4D visual effect :P
On a serious note
You don't need gym or fitness centers to lose weight
MOST effective way to lose weight is Jogging/Running..20-40 mins/day... control a bit on what you eat.. and guaranteed weight loss in 2 weeks..
you can either go to aspire park or corniche (I prefer corniche coz you can see other people and it motivates you to exercise more)
Im not saying that you made a mistake or whatever, i go to gym myself.. but i always spend about 20-30 mins on treadmill and some aerobics before lifting weights.. Yeah, i spend less time on weight lifting than aerobics+cardio .. because:
1- If you want to expand your body size, you try to lift really heavy weights (Fat/calories always burn no matter what you're doing)
2- If you want to maintain the same size of your body but better shaped (ripped), you use normal weights but increase the number of exercise Reps/Sets. (You can always gradually increase weight when you feel current weights are getting too light for you)
A very general and common tip:
First 1 or 2 weeks: Do all mixed exercises= Aerobics + Back + Biceps + Triceps+ Chest + Shoulders +Thighs (if possible)
2 / 3 sets for each muscle and don't try to be a hero by lifting heavy weights... just work out your muscles and get them ready..
Good Luck!!
Lol I agree with u MN so many wannabes in gym here
Went 2 months sick of daily 45 mins vehicular excercise in Parking area...didn't go for 6 months..sold the last 4 months...
lost QR 2,500/- and gained 6kg extra :(
if you gave your card to me, im sure you'd have lost plenty of 'em fats, sooner and without much effort :0
Tips for gym-goers
1- Don't walk around in the change rooms naked!
2- Don't hog the treadmills!
3- Don't drink protein shake at the gym
4- STOP starring at other guys at the Gym or someone might think you are ogling and checking them out and then you end up either with bouquet of red flowers or a black eye :P!
5-STOP looking lovingly at yourself in the mirror! Yeh I know you so separately wanna look like those fancy lookin Bollywood actors but hey Your body hasn't changed since the last time you looked at yourself. It's only been 10 seconds! So now quit ogling at ur self! ItI hear it leads to self-perversion! :P
Don't run super-fast on the treadmill just. Oi! It ain’t the London Marathon! OK!
6-And again don’t hog the bloody equipment!!
7- Don't grunt. And don't drop your weights! You are not the hulk!
Good LUCK!
ROFL .. MN.. Dont squeeze my lemon now got your own ..use them ..haha :P
It's not really that good of a gym and trainers r not that good with the exception of few and parking is pain in the asss and I hope u live nearby cc otherwise it will take u thirty plus minute to reach the gym a anyways good luck BB
and cheaper too !
Qrs.1200/- for life time for you to paddle around..:)
works out great*
for 18 months works our great actually. What i dont like (or didnt like) about fitness first here is that they dont have a swimming pool like most other locations (read UAE).
Im not sure if they have it now though as its been long since i had been there.
CL: easy breezy = lemon squeezy
OMG!!! I think I just found my soulmate...^^
I think your cycle was much better.
Rizks - You missed it by a few hours this time...Next time I promise you will get it ;)))
Guilt - I hope I dont go through the same cycle...I was depressed when I lost my bike and was looking for a way to exercise. frankly I was under the impression that loosing the bike will make me totally depressed and would not allow me to exercise anymore but now with this membership I'am quite positive and looking forward to having a good time at the gym.
1- Lose excess fat
2- Build Muscles
Thats all you need .. easy cheesy
It will be like some of my friends who starts jogging. First two days exactly on time, then will start 10 mins late will be back 10 mins early. Gradually you will find them sleeping inside the blanket with a note 'please do not disturb'.
nishantvshah is right. You should have someone to motivate you on a regular basis.
BB - i am ur best to best Friend and my bday is next week ! so can i expect the same b'day gift frm you ? wink wink*
for first few days/weeks you will have this excitment after that u will occasionally visit CC but not to FF instead Carrefour to buy burgers,nuggets and tons of fizzy drinks in ur trolley ! :)
Nishant - Since you brought it up...let me tell you...I didn't pay for me alone. I also paid for my best friend for the same membership as her pending bday gift pending for last 4 years ;)
So I paid my fees multiplied by 2 :))
MN - When I join the gym I'll be the star workoutter :)))
I want to rattle all the nuts and bolts there on every machine.
Nishant - I paid 4999 QR for 18 months. It's better than the Silver and Bronze membership as it works out much cheaper on a per month basis. Offcourse it's good only if you are committed for that long ;)
drsam - 6.00 am is midnight for me ;) But yes parking is gonna be a big challenge but what to do. Maybe I'll park opposite to CC. I'am looking forward to my session today ;)
how much was it for a 18 month gold membership?
Btw, you need to find a friend who would motivate you to go to the gym everyday. I paid 6 months money in advance and did not even go 6 days to the gym. :-(
at BB
the main disadvantage of fitness first is the parking: u won't find a place easily, unless u go there at 6:00 am like i do.
tinkerbell that what really happened! they explained evrything, took blood pressure, weight height, blablabla they try to impress u. but frankly they are very pro. anyway, last year, i only went 30 or 40 times. i'm soo lazy, and hey i love being lazy.
BB: you are so fat, when you walk in the gym today everyone will think you are a walking whale
:P! AAAH ! I’m so damn funny! *_* laugh now or I’ll turn the treadmill up to full speed :D :D :D
but how come u got 16 months? i only got 13 when i renewed my contract. ur not counting the 3 months u can freeze are u?
do show at 7 pm or else they will bombard u with phone calls. these are the first 3 sessions of personal trainer who will test u. on the second appointement i just told the guy (who was very nice and professional):
ur wasting ur time on me. i'm a couch potato. just show me how to handle the machines, and forget about my diet and body fats (he made me hold a electric wire, passed an electric current threw my body, and told me: u have 17 kg of fat instead of the average 14 for ur weight/age)
Planning for a six pack BB?
good luck to you. i also go to fitness first and it's been a year. hope to see you there regularly.
VLCC is more promising for those in love with laziness :)
FS - Ya sure...I might need to wear full sleeevs going forward to hide some of them...
i hav better bulges then BB ! :)
Hold on guys - I got a call from them now and my appointment is fixed for 7 pm in the evening :))
BB..happy working out..:) so we soon gonna see you with all those bulges..:)
why u guyz back of Buddha (Old man) physic ? :(
go for jawaan (young mans) physics...:)
BB: You are just jealous of my Buddha physic!
BB, if you would have paid half of tat amount to me - i would have given u better tips for fitness as well as a good diet tips ! but its too late now - u already paid them - right ?
Ask them for reimbursement - if possible ? :)
EggJetLee !
Rizks, Arnold Shivashankar! Is that the Indian translation?
I feel sorry to you BB for paying that whole amount to FF. However wish you good luck for the time being and hope to see your post on the same subject after a few months.
Tinku - Lack of nicotine is a truth. I have gone from 15 a day to almost nothing...:) And yes, I'am hoping I get to benefit from the huge amount I spent plus I'am being told to hire a personal trainer as well ;)
Ha ha hahah! No no stop it hahahahaha! She must have gone out for a drink after work to celebrate her commission.
Well 10 out of 10 for commitment BlueBull. I really seriously hope you get value for money and keep up the visits. Please let us know how you get along.
TB - I won't have to pay every month...I paid all at once last evening :) The full amount!
Tats great BB tat u have joined the Gym for keeping ur body fit !
Daily work out is very essentianl in todays part of world were we eat all those high calorie foods and drink fizzy drinks like camel !
So best of luck my priend, hope to see soon ur body like Arnold Shivashankar ! :)
You are going to be gutted when you loose interest in the gym and still have to pay every month with no way out of the contract for 18 months.