Thanks a Ton QLers, you all made it happen for me.....

By Vishwanath •
Thanks a lot to all the people who replied to my blogs.......
I GOT MY DRIVING LICENSE TODAY. I cleared it in 1 shot straight..... :) Every peace of information from all of you was so useful...... I concentrated on each n every aspect of it.......
QL has become a part of my life now...... It is just alt+tab away..... I have it open all the time... If I need any help any advise..... I got the the whole lot of Sweet QLers to help me........
Thanks to all of you once again..... Now it is time to freak out...... Ya carefully, I heard it.. :0)
Sorry for the delayed reply, I took Al Rayah driving school. Had to spend almost 200 QR on Instructor for the right tips... Till then he was not willing to open up properly...
Ya, the traffic jams are amazing.. I am already enjoying it.... :)
Vishwanath...which school...?
...seems like you had "wasta" ....ha ..ha..ha.
Welcome to the Traffic-Queue.
As for QL its the best Media / Qatar. Even better than the News White Elephant Al Jazeera.
Congrats ... Glad u made it in ONE SHOT Dude ....
you mean you don't want vish to do the 2 cm space gap entrance into the roundabouts??? Love getting honked at when there is no way to enter the ramp and no where to go...the only thing wrong is you are ahead of them..
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
well done but please dont honk your horn unecessarily at others who just want to enter a roundabout safely and use your common sense and u will survive thses crazy roads
All the way Vishwanat! Happy driving!
Yes, I will better be careful abt the Land cruisers & other SUV's on road, I Know what u mean :)
Thanks once again to all of you for the useful tips...
Don't spend all your points in one day lol.
mabrooook bro ,
as scarlett said ,Watch out for land cruisers .
Congratulations dude.
Just becareful on the streets and an advise, dont drive way below or way above the speed limits... people do get angry at that.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
be careful of all the OTHER drivers on the road! EXCEPT ME ;)
Mabrouk vish :)
Now u're ready for the daily Traffic jam :D
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
congrats....take it easy on the road okies...:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
now all you have to do is be careful of all the OTHER drivers on the road! Watch out for land cruisers and Darude...he'll be that flash that streaks by you at light speed...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Brand New or Second Hand :)
Hey mate, U just got it right.....
Congrats!!! So now want to buy a car :)