Thank You For Your Support!

Hi Everyone
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank the people on Qatar Living who took the time to vote for my sister Aisha Al-Naama in the Sahem competition, whom, without your support, we wouldn't have made it to the top 5 finalists!
We're really grateful for what you've done for us and I wanted to share this joyous news with my fellow QL'ers. The competition isn't over yet, and now that we're in the last leg of the race, we still hope we've got your support!
Here's a link to the video we submitted for the competition..please have a look and let us know your thoughts and feedback..and bare in mind it was done quickly because of the time constraint before the deadline so pardon us if the text appears a bit small..
This no doubt is the former Ren Yulan mayor, deputy secretary general of the provincial government WANG Guo-Zhao is currently a.Do not say Miss. This is Mengji Liang WANG Guo-Zhao intersection with an old friend for many years, sometimes feel a little less comfortable. north face jackets WANG Guo-Zhao body of cold air, as if actually there is a qualitative visible things, believe it will hurt.
We both appreciate the support. The voting on Facebook is still up...if you haven't voted yet, then please do so now! They'll be announcing the winner tomorrow at the award ceremony so please continue supporting us :D to vote, click on the link..
Best of luck :)
Keep it up and Good Luck.