Temptations - the law enforcer gets tempted

London: Saudi women with attractive eyes may be forced to cover them up under a new law in the country.
The ultra-conservative Islamic state has said it has the right to stop women revealing 'tempting' eyes in public.
A proposal to enshrine the measure in law has been tabled, Daily Mail reported Saturday quoting Sheikh Motlab al Nabet, spokesperson for Saudi Arabia's Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.
Women in Saudi Arabia already have to wear a long black cloak, called an abaya, cover their hair and, in some regions, conceal their faces while in public.
If they do not, they face punishment including fines and public floggings.
The proposal was made after a member of the committee was attracted by a woman's eyes as he walked along a street, provoking a fight, one report on the Bikya Masr news website suggested.
The woman was walking with her husband who ended up being stabbed twice in the hand after the altercation.
The virtue and vice committee has repeatedly been accused of human rights violations.
In 2002, the committee refused to allow female students out of a burning school in the holy city of Mecca because they were not wearing correct head cover. The decision is thought to have contributed to the high death toll of 15.
Read more at: http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/saudi-women-with-tempting-eyes-may-be-...
Excuse me???? Why, because I say people should stick to the Sunnah? Do you have proof that the Prophet asked women to cover their eyes or face flogging?If He didn't do so and neither did the Sahabah then how can anyone else make such a law? FYI I happen to be a niqabi as well, and yeah I did so by choice with knowledge of the deen of the Salafus Saliheen! Seriously, you seemed so keen on giving dawah on this site and you actually insult a Muslimah for speaking about the Sunnah? May Allah guide us all brother, in our misguidance and cover us with his forgiveness..Aameen Ya Rabb!
The threshold stimulus for a sexual response is being lowered..not a problem except that if such socially conditioned men see a normally clothed lady on the street,they may go wild.
That's a problem.
Since the days of Eve, we men have been tempted and succumbed .. :O(
Hmmm, sorry about that, wasn't aware of the sources. But I still stand by what I said in that it's inaccurate.
I lived in Riyadh, not Jeddah.
If most of the world is heading to more exposure. You can only expect the consevatives to go for more covering.
I've never understood why it's the women who have to cover themselves. If it's the men who are unable to control themselves and the men who have the issues, then why don't the men wear blinders and let the women do as they please?
Hope and pray such bans get established.
FathimaH did you forget to take Medicine?
Haven't they got any thing better to do!
Surah An-Nur: “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest.” (An-Nur: 30-31)
This story is written by an Egyptian on an Egyptian website. It also quotes an Ha'eal district spokesman, Sheikh Motlab al-Nabet, and mentions that it is as a result of an incident cited in a Saudi newspaper- namely al-Watan.
Strange that the sources for this story are muslims, hence we should conclude that this being an anti-muslim piece of propaganda to be false.
I suspect you lived in Jeddah - the most liberal of provinces in Saudi.
A quote from the Egyption article above:
'Saudi women are already forced to wear a loose black dress and to cover their hair and in some areas, their face.....'
After Saudi mission how many have you stared here in qatar
For someone who claims to be '18-25' that was suprisingly childish. Well done.
All those 10 years your job was to stare at women and see wether they wear headscarf and abaya and stuff Great
I've lived in Saudi for 10 years (I've just moved to Doha from there) and I can tell you first hand that this is complete crap. Women walk around everywhere without a headscarf, the only thing that remains compulsory is the Abaya. Women are free to choose if they want to fully cover their faces. Living in this day and age, I'm not suprised this sort of anti-muslim propaganda is being published.
If France can ban the Burqa
Why cant Saudi enforce their laws accordingly .Their county their laws
Doha Knight - exactly what i was wondering about. This hypocrite must have been really staring more then hard enough to see her eyes through her head dress. Just imagine if he goes to a free country where they dont cover their head and sometimes they have very little cover on the other things too.
Does it mean that men who get aroused looking at 'tempting eyes' of a lady would move around with a permanent hard-on if they ever go to any other country..
Now they have to recruit a new Force and give them the task to check the eyes of each and every lady, coming out to the public and judge which eye looks beautiful and which is ugly.
Good move.. It starts with the those sultry doey eyes and then the bumpy bits and before you know it .. :o(
oooops... I wrote www.qatarliving.com in the address bar, how come i am SaudiLiving.com thn
Hope and pray such bans never get established. If the Prophet himself and his companions never ordered such bans and neither did even the generations of pious law makers after them ever make such rules what makes a Motlab al Nabet think he can do so? Sheeeeesh!
PS: who judges who's eyes look tempting??
those people are embarrassing...they are assuming all men are idiots.
The proposal was made after a member of the committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice was attracted by a woman's eyes as he walked along a street, provoking a fight
If the Saudi government continue to push their conservatism even higher, men, a few generations down the line, should get excited just looking at a black abaya hanging in the shop window imagining it would be worn by an attractive women someday.