Teenagers jailed after "consensual sex"

Two Qatari boys and a Bahraini girl, all teenagers, have been sentenced to two years imprisonment for 'illicit relations'. The court said that it was convinced that the girl had consensual sex with the two accused boys, based on their statements which were in line with the result of the forensic report. The court said that it sentenced the accused to two-years imprisonment, considering their young age and the fact that they had no criminal record. The presiding judge, Abdul Aati al-Asad, has agreed for a retrial in early December after the girl and one of the boys opposed the decision. The girl was hospitalized on February 11 and she claimed that the two boys lured her to a remote area where they raped her.
Source: http://qatarjournal.com/article.pl?sid=07/08/06/1654228
i am sure even it was a real rape girl wud still be in prison...
He might just be using the first floor. No use required of front or back door in this case.
Some freelancers would be around LOL
sweet dreams :)
Dont you think its too late to consult an expert this time? LoL!
-->office hours open at 8am!:D
I'm off to bed now. Nighty nyt!:))))
Experts answer please. How did he enter?
No idea:(((
maybe he jumped on the wall:D
you can ask the expert, LoL!
Did he use the door key or the remote control to open the backdoor.
With rare usage the hinges would squeak, so the guy was lubing the backdoor to open it without making any noise :D
Guess there are 'virginity' zippers available
Well, being 50 or not is a minor issue LOL
Quote from PM
"She confessed to a sexual affair with one -- but she had lost her virginity being raped by the other?"
Hmm, i think the second accused(having affair w/ her) used to enter the house from the backdoor?
This case is soooo confusing!:((
Myself am confused and did not imagine the whole story and circumstances. Just posted that Gulf Times report to add more known details.
artificial injuries means that she could have scratched herself to support her words
Not sure!:P
what i meant is...do you think its likely possible for a virgin young girl to pay someone to have sex w/ her? If she's a virgin and above 50... then it could be! LoL:))
Sir: three teenangers had sex
who are they?
Sir: two boys and a girl
Sir: the girl was raped
but did she have sex or not?
Sir: she did
put all of them in jail
we cannot have teenagers having sex, They can only play solo
(No harms meant)
Is she still available :D
I know a similar story that a virgin girl paid a guy to have sex w/ her, but she was 50yrs. old? I believe that was a consensual sex! :P
THREE teenagers – two Qatari boys and a Bahraini girl – have been sentenced to two years imprisonment for maintaining ‘illicit relations’.
However, the presiding judge, Abdul Aati al-Asad, has agreed for a retrial in early December after two of the convicts including the woman, opposed the decision.
The woman was hospitalised on February 11 and she claimed that the two men lured her to a remote area where they raped her.
She told the interrogators that the first accused phoned her asking for a meeting. “When I went there, the second accused pushed me inside a car and they drove me to a desert area. After the first man raped me, the second man took me to his house and then to the hospital.”
She confessed that the second accused had a sexual affair with her. The man said that they had been in love for a year and a half.
The first accused said that the woman was the one who asked for the meeting and offered sex for QR4,000. He confessed to the crime but said he did not pay the money.
A forensic report showed that there were no signs of violence on the woman’s body. It also showed that she lost virginity some 12 hours before the test.
“The other injuries appeared on her body were artificial and within her hand's reach,” the report added.
The court said that it is convinced that the woman had consensual sex with the two accused, based on their statements which went in line with the result of the forensic report.
The court said that it sentenced the accused to two-year imprisonment, considering their young age and the fact that they had no criminal record
Did the girl said that she was virgin?
If that's the case then, it will be more likely of a rape case than a consensual case? I dont think a virgin lady will consensually have sex with 2 men at a time? just my opinion!
I think the point is that if the girl had consensual sex then she is also guilty and that is why she has been sentenced to two years also. If she proves that it was rape, then presumably only the boys will go to prison and she will be found not guilty.
I think this is horrible on so many levels. The first is that if the girl was raped now she is being punished- just because she wasn't covered in bruises doesn't mean she was forced.
She said she was raped- she had been a virgin and now she decides to just go and have sex with two strange guys that she wanted to pay to have sex with her? Hmm, not really likely. I guess her word means nothing to the judge.
I am a forensic scientist- and most of the time the girl has no visible markings and bruisings on her when she is raped. I would love to go see the evidence. She had bruises that were within reach or something like that? Of course she would- what isn't within reach on her own body.
Second- they are being jailed for having SEX. I know this is the middle east, but it still upsets me when I see this.
does it really proved to be consensual? do you think its a twisted decision?
it's a consensual case, but according to the girl it's a rape case
is it a consensual case or a rape case?