Teen trouble - Young and reckless in Dubai
I searched for this thread, but seems it does not exist. Just giving a heads up to all the parent's of teenagers. I was personally shocked after reading this article:
Hope such things do not exist here in Doha.
I have heard of Ethyl Chloride spray inhalation which also has the same effect of intoxication, but effects last only for few seconds
The problem here is that parents buy into the bullshit that there are no drugs or drug problems in the ME because of it's strong moral values. I can't count the number of times that I've heard parents of teenage children say "Oh it's so lovely that I can let my teenagers go out and have a good time and not worry about them because there's nothing dangerous for them to get into, because there are no drugs here."
If they actually knew the amount of drugs in this country they'd lock their teens up and throw away the keys.
Just because you think a country is safe is no justification for not teaching your children the dangers of drug use or not keeping an eye on them.
@ ajmani,hate to burst your bubble,but i don't think you want to know the kind of stuff that young people get upto in Doha...only difference is,it will never get reported because the official line of course is,"Qatar is a 'family' oriented country, nothing wrong ever happens here & everyone is always happy."...the UAE thankfully is slightly more realistic & open minded so one gets to read such reports...
As Kbaisi pointed out,there were some pretty crazy things going on here back in '94 when i was in high school,can't even imagine to what level that madness has gotten to now...
As britexpat rightly pointed out,the lesser the venues/outlets for young people to express themselves,the more there is bound to be these kind of instances,with substance abuse being the most common action resorted to...plenty of ALL kinds of things being sniffed,snorted,injected & smoked by youngsters here in Qatar i assure you,just that you don't get to hear about it/see it...
I am sure that this type of thing exists in Doha also. Teens by nature experiment and in places like the Gulf, where teens are bored and unable to express themselves, they resort to such actions to pass the time and have fun..
I am no expert in parenting, but instilling discipline is responsibility of parents. I know, at times managing rebellious attitude of teenagers might be a pain area, but it has to be dealt with. The point is not to suffocate them, but not to be too liberal as well. Teenagers should understand that getting high on such things will lead to nothing but suffering for themselves and their families. I am still so disturbed with this news :(.
FS, I don't think parents need to be keeping a 24 hour watchout on their kids. If they instill the right morals in their kids from the starting, and give them the proper attention they need, kids won't fall prey to peer pressure and end up getting involved in such problems. Sometimes a parent who does not give the child enough space and suffocates them in place, is precisely why these kids try to rebel. It's a fine line to walk for parents.
kbaisi..you are right...only way to help these kids is to educate them...and parents should know what their kids are doing and whom they hangout with..
Teens are the same everywhere, Love to experiment.
Guys please stop derailing the topic at discussion here, if you disagree with a poster explain why and move on, this childish name calling back and forth won't achieve anything but ruin a good thread that addresses a serious issue.
I know this does happen in Doha as two English kids in my HS died back in the day, this is like early 2000s. Both from butane inhalation, and I know another person who was in seriously bad condition after engaging in such activity but survived. As of today I am not sure how common it is but it is a very serious issue. Teens will always experiment with being rebellious and sometimes these phases of rebellion can produce fatal results. I am not an expert on such issues but I feel the only way to help kids deal with such issues is to teach them the importance of being able to resist peer pressure, I believe it would be more effective than just those sex/drug ed programs.
But how do you combat the desire to get drunk or get high or have these kinds of experiences? Some say that increased parental supervision is necessary, and it seems clear from the case above that there was a failure here. But parents can't watch their kids 24 hours per day, can they?
anwarji, You believe 14 year old teenagers are responsible and realize the meaning of their actions?
Smoke plz stick to the topic.....lol
and leave my bum alone...u Pervert ! :)
Rizks your bum is our National Hero..always sticking its head out to get screwed on every forum before everyone else. :P
ajmani, hit contact button on top right hand side and send message to moderators for help.
First of all teenagers who participate this kind of parties ... they know well and so clear mind before entering to the party so....its their own disaster.so..they have to worry about this more than us.....
Thread hijacked!! Help!!!
and a stinky cat pooking his bum in between to get some attention....:)
What dog fight? I can see only one dog in this fight called Scotiabank LOL. OH wait the other dog is having bebsi and bobcorn
Come on guys.. this has nothing to do with any specific nationality.. this is something that happens all over the world... True not that rife here in the Middle East (or maybe it is and we dont hear about it) but its sad all the same....
But I do that here, too....
The only bathroom I've ever cleaned was my own.
oooh name calling on an internet forum, you hurt my sentiments :( . You just enforce my Idiocracy theory. Probably a result of all those years of inbreeding.
I didn't realize Canada was the country being used as a personal toy by the US. These forums and your friends led me to believe that US was abusing the Muslim countries only. Make up your mind will you?
Scotiabank: clearly you DO have the time to debate....
scotia I think you have been using the butane yourself. Do you want to join the anti - west brigade?
Dog Fights !!oOOOOo
fight fight...
lemme grab ma bobcorn and bebsi along with KitKats...:)
So now I'm the one making stupid comments? How is the usage of drugs in Canada related to teens inhaling butane in the UAE? Drugs use by teens and young adults is not limited to any specific geographic location. Stupidity and Racism have no cure. Try not to bump your head too hard next time.
You can just blame the parents, as always. This hedonism is rife in most wealthy societies, not just ex-pat society in the M.E I find. And frankly, it's depressing.
With the pornification of modern culture and young people growing up with the expectation that every day should be a party, not therefore living in reality, this isn't surprising...
I say let the kids do it, let em suffer, learn the hard way, lesson learned.
I find it ironic that someone named Scotiabank (presumably after the Canadian bank) is speaking so poorly against Canada. First of all you yourself should get your facts straight, Only 23.6% of Canadians have used or use drugs, and the majority of them smoke marijuana and not harsher substances (which is 11%) http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/drugs-drogues/stat/index-eng.php
So get of your puritanical high horse you moron.
Ooops deeepb !!
where did it mention that this is here in qatar as well?!!
Scotiabank, are you ok? Did you bump your head somewhere? These are kids in the UAE that that the article refers to. Only nationalities mentioned were Jordanian and American. Where does Canada come into the picture? Try to keep your biased opinion and personal attacks off the forum.
Girls were stripping topless and getting into the pool? The host of this party was the parent of one of the girls and they just stood there like dumb twits doing nothing. How nice..
never knew the use of butane! i mean im 24 not too old for their ages, but i know id be terrified to death to attend such parties. it's a strange world we live in
We were all teens ONCE !!!
OMG, This horrifying. I never knew this use of butane............@!!!!
just wait..........
is following u also..........
bring the thrill to some kids. Who knows, some are doing it here! Hope there's none! Very sad and bad ending for young people!
What do we expect now a days? Teenagers are wild of anything! GOD TOUCH them.
i agree with u,
I guess this one is detailed: http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/general/in-the-high-lane-can-of-worms-1.648391
Can't imagine teenagers these days going to such limits to pump in adrenalin!
posted the thread on Butane inhalation i think but overall article is okay