
By kiwikitten •
I never knew that getting a taxi could be so hard. I have found that you need to give at least 24hrs notice of needing one - there is no such thing as wanting to go out somewhere at the last minute.
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I always walk to the nearest roundabout and wait there till a taxi pass by. Sometimes in 5 minites but average 10 minutes.
Also several drivers at hotels gave me their card so I can call them.
But for a short distance i go for Karwa. That will coast me about 10 riyal instead of 30/40 riyal for a private car.
Bear in mind that if you are going to a hotel, you can phone them and they'll send a car round straight away. It's more expensive, but more dependable!
Also get a card from the hotel drivers, as they usually work for a seperate transport company. Again, more expensive but at least you can get a car at short notice. The drivers are a lot more pleasant too :)
"Never argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
I don't think most of the Taxi drivers know where they going
right now its a bit better than a year ago situation.
ppl would wait for damn 90min maximum on road to get a taxi.
and if you would get one they will ask you where are you going which way or sorry sir my time is finished am going back to station
taxis..depends on your location, sometimes it takes forever to wait. most of the time im lucky i dont have to make a booking...i can get a cab in 10 minutes!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
spanky to the BATCAVE!!!
spanky1423's picture
If you need transpo asap call FOX 4622777
They have better cars btw. A little bit expensive but at least they take you to your destination when you need it.
I had not had a problem so far with them turning up on time - but I did try and call the other day at -0700 to book one for 1430 only to be told that not one taxi available until 2030 - I find this hard to believe. Its so frustrating not to be able to go out when you want to.
Unfortunately, I'm one of the few that has to deal with karwa everyday. I have to call at least 24 hours just to book a cab for the next day.
I have weird experiences with Karwa to say the least.. don't get me started on those meters that seem to frantically move oh so fast! Even when the taxi isn't moving!! I had to tell the driver that I've noticed that and he switched the thing off! What is going on??
They have the money to buy additional taxis but I just can't seem to figure out why they haven't purchased any new cars lately. Their service is relentlessly disappointing. Oh hey, most of the companies here in Doha have bad service.. Qtel, Dohabank, Karwa.. Can't wait to leave hey. Things are getting pretty hectic!
And besides the unavailability of these Karwa/Mowasalat taxis, most of them even have BAD (and i emphasize on BAD/RUDE) drivers - not all, bust most! I also strongly advise you get their plate numbers, the date and time of the incident/your complain, etc. Also had a couple of bad experiences with their buses. What's wrong with the world?!
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!
give them time, they still developing!
As for taxis.. I think Qatar would be THE only nation on this planet to have taxis of one company on roads.
Planners themselves are to be blamed.
if you don't intend to buy a car or rent one, you need to make a deal with a taxi (or even a private car) driver where you get his cell phone number to call him when needed.
I have noticed that some private car owners have realized this growing problem of lack of taxis in Doha, and they have started offering their services (although against the low).
Qatar needs to get rid of the "monopoly" mentality when it comes to material/services (communications, transportation, technical car checking, DISTRIBUTION (QDC..hahaha)...etc)
This would enormously help in developing the infrastructure that is badly needed here.
how I wish that those old orange taxis would returned into the system....
they were everywhere....
worry free co'z you'll arrive to your appointment on time...
or to rent a car...
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
till this day i have never got a cab in doha on time you have to give one hour gap thats standard here wonder what this karwa is sometimes i think they are sleeping or on vacation
Theres nothing new about that issues..
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
This is part of the reason they lost the olympic bid.