Tanning bed in Doha??

By munozchick •
Yea, yea I know its a stupid question considering the sun is always shining here. However, I have a newborn and don't have the time to lay out. Anyone know if there are any tanning beds in Doha?
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I have not tried the spray tan yet...I'm chicken. I will eventually get it done though. I did find out that Golds Gym has one. Oh and Faces at Landmark sells Model Co products which has a Tan spray. I have used it before and it's amazing. It last for 4 days. I'm hoping that more places will start doing the spray tan so that I have a choice of where to go.
don't know how you did with the spray on...but i understand there is a bed in golds gym and maybe also in the inter-continental. i am in the same boat as you and on the verge of importing my own!! i will keep looking and if i find out anything will be sure to let you know.
Thanks so much! Any idea how much it is? How long it last? I'd prefer the tanning bed but the fake tan will do.
Why not just go fake? There are beauty places here that do good fake tanning and far safer than a sun bed. Try the Marriot hotel spa for fake tanning.