switched at birth - 56 years later.....
What a story...two women discover at age 56 that they were mistakenly switched at birth...it's got a happy ending though :)
What a story...two women discover at age 56 that they were mistakenly switched at birth...it's got a happy ending though :)
Thats a bit uncanny.
I love the final paragraph about one of them "growing up loving horses" which was "unlikely" in a family with no history of riding and supposedly was evidence of the switch. I think I've yet to meet a little girl who doesn't love horses. Journalists are stupid :)
They are remaining with the families they grew up with but have in effect blended their families together hence the happy ending.
Switched at birth...........& now even after discovering it, can they switch families again?......... I think they
can't. They must be too attached to their present.
GOD HAS REASONS FOR EVERYTHING...beyond our human understanding...
no use going back to the "what might have beens" but the lives they have touched in their lifetime is worth all of it...
still enough time to catch up with biological families!!!!
as someone said; Secrets are made to be found out with time.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Wonders never cease!