swine flu after school holidays

Iam requesting all the parents to call their kids school administration ,those who r not off in september and request them to stay off in sep .As u know most off the kids in their summer holidays goes to european countries and the will bring this flu with them in the school,If they do then keep this in mind there is no medication at all to kill this virus ,its a multi organ failure virus that spread through person to person.
I have heard that Qatar international has extended its holidays because of this viral disease and choeifat has given only to kg1 and kg2. Why only kindeergarton? are the
grade 1 and onwards kids are not human? do the school have some medication for the rest of the kids?
wajeeha kyun humari naak katwa rahi ho..plzz khuda ka khof karo.. baat ghalt ki hy kam se kam apni profile tho teak kro..."male--housewife"...wat rubbish...
"War is not fought to determin who is right, only who is left".
Now as u all know that the ministry has extended school vacations just because of this swine flu,and we have been given forms to fill up and to return to the schools so that our kids could be vaccinated.
so tell me am I and the ministry both are wrong. or are u guys going to convince the goverment?
I knew you were joking :)
Wajeeha seems to need some convincing however - and she doesn't even eat pork!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I was just having a laugh. I know the virus doesn't spread by food, but there are so many people out there who believe it so what can we do but hope for 'light at the end of a long tunnel?'
"Influenza viruses are not spread by food."
in the original document this statement was actually in bold type and underlined!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Oh yes, AMAZING! I did it all holiday long (cough cough) ;)
Thanks for the laugh :)
... Park House School is up and running, full hours and there is absolutely nothing happening. No swine flu! So it just shows - a school with kids from all over the world travelling all over the summer and nothing wrong with any of them!
From a more reliable medical source than wikipedia.
"H1N1 .... Is it safe to cook and eat pork and pork products? Yes. ... Influenza viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get H1N1 from eating pork or pork products."
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Swine influenza (also called swine flu, hog flu, and pig flu) is an infection by any one of several types of swine influenza virus. Swine influenza virus (SIV) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is endemic in pigs.[2] As of 2009, the known SIV strains include influenza C and the subtypes of influenza A known as H1N1, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3.
Swine influenza virus is common throughout pig populations worldwide. Transmission of the virus from pigs to humans is not common and does not always lead to human influenza, often resulting only in the production of antibodies in the blood. If transmission does cause human influenza, it is called zoonotic swine flu. People with regular exposure to pigs are at increased risk of swine flu infection. The meat of an infected animal poses no risk of infection when properly cooked.
suspending classes is not a solution with this aH1N1 virus.rule of thumb is'prevention is better than cure' this means proper hygiene could be applicable in this situation. every population is affected with this virus from neonatal to geriatrics. and it is already a worldwide issue...let the ministry of health be involved in this issue...
that's alot more detailed
driving kills more ppl
& mosquitos kill even more people
I think we all know by now that swine flu and pork are totally unrelated. Amazing that anyone was stupid enough to believe that in the first place, but the world is full of crazy people.
My question about delaying school is what will that actually achieve??
Are you suggesting delaying school by a week? A month? A term?? When will school go back? And how will delaying school make any difference to the situation.
Lots of kids sitting in close proximity in a classroom in September, or lots of kids sitting in close proximity in a classroom in October, or lots of kids sitting in close proximity in a classroom in December. What's the difference?
Is the world going to somehow cure swine flu within the next week/month/year??
If you are proposing schools don't resume until the world has been cured of contagious viruses, then your kids will never get an education.
... normal flu kills more people every year then this swine flu outbreak!
Alexa... I lad a laugh at your posts, you are so right in saying swine flu has nothing to do with eating pig. I just cannot believe how ignorant some people can be (no offense intended!). BTW, the UAE sell pork - so why are there not many cases either? Food for thought for the ignorant!
Have a lovely evening everybody :)))
Swine flu panic again.. dear God, help us!!
and acording to hapy, there's a big chance that your child could die attacked by a dog ;)
Please get over swine flu, the only thing you are infecting other people with is your ignorance but spreading around such rubbish.
Will the swine flu virus become resistant to antivirals in the future?
It is possible. The virus may mutate (change) and become resistant to the antiviral drug, and then spread from person to person. If the virus does develop resistance, it’s more likely to be to Tamiflu, the main antiviral treatment. If this happens, the government has a supply of Relenza that could be used instead
Before you reply to any thing on qatar living ,pay attention to ur words and language that u r using,instead of asking others to get educated first learn ur self how to speak with others
Is the new swine flu virus contagious?
The Health Protection Agency (HPA) says the new swine flu virus is highly contagious and is spreading from person to person.
Swine flu spreads in the same way as ordinary colds and flu. The virus is spread through the droplets that come out of the nose or mouth when someone coughs or sneezes.
If someone coughs or sneezes and does not cover it, those droplets can spread about one metre (3ft). If you are very close to them you might breathe these in.
If someone coughs or sneezes into their hand, those droplets and the virus within them are easily transferred to surfaces that the person touches, such as door handles, hand rails, phones and keyboards. If you touch these surfaces and touch your face, the virus can enter your system and you can become infected.
When are people most infectious?
People are most infectious soon after they develop symptoms. They can continue to shed (spread) the virus (for example, in coughs and sneezes) for up to five days (seven days in children). People become less infectious as their symptoms subside, and once their symptoms are gone they are no longer considered infectious to others.
gawd, whoever told you you can get swine flu from eating pork? that's just silly.. i eat pork and i dont have it..
If u check the list of the countries internet that has been affected by this disease then gulf countries r the least to be affected by it and europeans r the most ones as the pork is the main food item in europe
exile it reduces the chance of infection so it's a chance of not being infected
woo-hooo!! im fully vaccinated as well :P
I would have thought this would have died a death (excuse the pun). Is this hype still going on?
If you are going to get it, you will get it ANYWHERE!
Here, Europe, Pakistan, outer Mongolia, etc etc.
Jesus some people are so thick.
The path to true happiness is paved with gin and tonics :-))))))
So Alexa I guess you are fully vacinated after the Pork Barbies in Texas and the Swedish Meat Balls in Sweden..:)
Please Lewis show me one scientific report that says it works. It doesn't.
get ur children to wear surgical masks to school ppl, looks odd but definetly works
Excelent post xpressodoc.....
scaremongering... not one bit funny at all.. visit WHO website and educate yourself please.. jeesh....
We do had enough trouble with "believers" getting into hospitals these days.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
no problem with me we're starting sep. 27th
and plus students come from europe several days b4 the start of the academic year
you have not lived until you have found something worth dying for
may b Lake of Info.
"(A man is great by deeds, not by birth.)"
There is no medicine for swine flu??.....yes there is..its called Tamiflu...it is being given freely at hamad hospital.
Swine flu is a multi system failure disease..... .wrong....people with swine flu die due either to extreme fever or due to lung failure due to excessive secretions .
please dont spread panic....it doesnt help.....and its ok not to know anything about it and not spread any news at all than to have half knowledge and spread wrong news
Hospitals only for the "non-believers", heero??
Not even swine flu can get to you nor will you be scared where it comes from or how 'deadly' it can be.
Schools must go on.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
"If they do then keep this in mind there is no medication at all to kill this virus"
Who told YOU this crap? So you mean all those people who infected with this virus will DIE? :#
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26 - 35
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im a house wife ,planning to move to qatar in few months
Don't know where you are getting your information from but I work at Qatar International School and we are definitely starting on September 1st. Also I don't know if you relise that people can get better from the H1N1 virus as a few of my friends have had it over the holidays. There is no need to spread panic when all it is, is a bad flu. It would be worse keeping children away from school as they will have a lot of work to catch up on, especially those taking exams this year!!
I hope your children get a better education that you ever did. Do you know anything about swine flu? Obviously you don't, so stop trying to spread panic.
If your kids get it they are extremley unlikely to die. You have more chance of being hit by a landcruiser on the roads.
Please check the WHO web site if you want more and its people like you that cause panic in the world by spreading lies.
Modern English School will open on September 6, dont know why the Ministry of Education, didnt make it mandatory for all schools to start at the end of September...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it.
There is no use of crying over spelt milk"
Swine flu is everywhere not only in european countries.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.