
We are all different and I for one am quite eager to use swearing as a release of frustration when angry or disappointed. I know people who never-ever swear and I often watch my ps and qs around them as I respect their decision not to use bad language. I also think you get varying levels of swearing. The odd everyday swear words and then the real bad ones which only slip out when you have no other possible way to express yourself (only happens about once a month thought!!)or if Ive had one-to many too drink!
What Im trying to get at is: do you find swearing offensive if in moderation? etc, is it merely a western thing? and do you think it is appropriate to use bad language if you dont know people i.e. forums, first time socials etc??
I was VERY shocked when I read one of the usernames from Qatarliving: Fukutoo! Surely this is in bad taste and the moderator of the site shouldnt allow this....Im just thinking of the other users on our site. I mean, we would blasphamise a religious name as it isnt politically correct, so why is it ok to be able to use "Fukutoo!" as a username???
I think Ive just opened a can of worm......Ive got my suit and armour ready! Let rip!
Yes it's very offensive.
Look, when someone from the gulf sees a westerner swearing, he sees him as socially inept, ill mannered hooligan.
Not even children walk around in the open & swear in full view of everyone (or anyone).
The worst case of swearing is in the religious thread. Some swears untill a threatening stage to defends ones religion or giving degrading personal attack remarks in response.
It all depens on the situation... The "F" word is so versatile.. Often used in discussing payment at the Ramada..
Swearing comes into its on when on the Football Terraces.
not everyone mate...i love it!! :)
The English language should be proud of the word "F***". It is one of the most versatile words in the English language. It can be used as a noun (Mary is a fine F***), or as an adjective (Mary is f***ing beautiful), or as a verb, both transitive (John F***s Mary), or intransitive (Mary is F***ed by John). It can be used to indicate anger (Get the F*** out of here), or fraud (I was F***ed at the used car lot), or innovation (Get a F***ing bigger hammer). It can be used to express fear (I was F***ing scared). I could go on and on. I don't know why everybody hates this word!
living in a country where fluency in the english language is limited can be hard when it comes to swearing...use the F-word as an adjective or an adverb & arabs(expat & local) fly into a rage like you've cussed their mother or something...i mean come on,all i said was "what's your f#%*g problem?" & the guy's threatening to report me to the cops for abusing him???...WTF??? oops sorry did it again,so anyways i for one avoid it as much as possible around arabs with limited english fluency 'cos as they say, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing...
So old??? Wadapak!
Yeah, the thread is almost three years old.
eviloops ! where r u now? its been soooooo long ....
I don't swear, but it doesn't bother me when people around me do. I would prefer my children not to as i don't think is sounds very nice but being the age they are (18 and 19) its their decision. The reason I don't swear is because when growing up, everone around me did (or seemed to) and it was just my way of being a bit different, not to swear.
Depends on what words u consider are offensive, heh. I use 'damn' and lighter words often, other ones... well i just lets them slide by in my head till im calm again, works for me. There are moments when you see something incredibly stupid which makes u say "WTF?!" out loud without thinking, lol.
can be very empowering. At lest in my case. I dont cuss or swear publicly unless im under severe stress or extremely frustrated.
Now that I have a little boy(3 months), I am aware that the swearing can only go on for a little longer. I do not want my son running around swearing. I agree that its very important not to influence your children in that way. As far as when they are teenagers, the swearing to me is not a big deal. There are much worse things they could be doing.
Hi Eviloops,
Just how did you get your user name? We are interested.....
Oh Muozchick I totally agree. Often I look at Usernames and it can tell you a lot about a person. It might be interesting in a different thread perhaps, to find out how we all got our usernames...mines a funny story too!
So whats the warning, BEWARE: Fukutoo is immature....stay well away...LOL!!!
Well, it's not offensive to me...I just think it's immature. If someone wants to have a nickname like that then so be it. I look at the nickname as a "warning" of their immaturity. Therefore, the nickname may be doing everyone a favor :)
So what about the Username I mentioned in my first post? Do you think its suitable for this site? or should it be removed?
When singles get married/have children, alot of things change.
one is, you don't swear in front of children, because then they swear/cuss. when children swear, everyone wonders what kind of parent are you? and children swearing is simply not attractive.
swearing is simply a habit and can be changed, but in order to change one must stop completely. that means not swearing in all facets of your life: work, play, social, at home, etc.
that's why i try, try, try not to swear. it's all about the children, and if you don't swear you can move in and out of any social situation/group.
I cuss like a sailor. Its horrible, I know. I don't know if it's being in a Military environment my whole life or what. I just do it and I really don't want to stop doing it. HOWEVER, I do NOT do it in front of people I don't know or people that I know don't like it. I think its totally offensive to do it in front of people that do not like it.
Can of worms opened...