
Today morning me n my hubby were heading towards my office when in one of the cuts he saw a car as far as three meters away, he took his turn to stand behind other car in line. BUT to both of our utter surprise, the crazy old arab lady (she resembeled palestinians/ jordanians or egyptians) with some old model car gave us a real big horn & started saying something & showed us the vulgar sign. Both of us were shocked at her behaviour & we almost lost our temper when I told him not to react to that crazy lady. I wanted to take her number & complain directly to the police about her vulgarity but then dismissed the idea & remembered my dad's words that with crazy ppl you cannot act like crazy otherwise there wont be any difference between you & them.
Do you guys out there too have some similar incident from ladies?
Nice idea for others to follow :)
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
(Tasweer shahkaar wo lakhon main bik gai ...
bacha jis main bagair roti k udaas hai)
Andrews - I had to pay QR 100 + stamp fee for the Police Report but that is a small price to pay my pleasure of seeing the Horror on his Face :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Lol charan..Hats off to you man.. You are damn right that idiot needs that kind of treatment..
Andrews - See I not affraid. one time I was waiting to park my car in an empty lot near Wholesale Market. Suddenly this car appeared from nowhere (from the opposite direction) and parked. I got mad and hit him from the back and get out from the car & told him call the Police.
Bugger was stuned & I left to buy things until Police came. Bugger had 3rd Party Insurence and told him to claim his compensation from my Insurence if he wants.
I found out later he never claim anything and had to bear the cost.
He deserved it :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Charan...thanks for the info..
and 4 accidents in 1 tell me your route and timings...I will keep away from your route..
Andrews - That kind of Insurence policy is called as Insurence Coverage with Deductables. This is about QR 500-1000 the most. This can be covered by paying a Higher premium for Insurence coverage.
BTW - I met with 4 accidents in 1 year and Damages were QR 7000 which was fully paid by the Insurence Co. My premium was QR3500. Next year I was refused insurence from them so I said Bye and took the policy with an another insurence co :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
(Tasweer shahkaar wo lakhon main bik gai ...
bacha jis main bagair roti k udaas hai)
lol Someonenew .......
Guess Androoos said those things to Charan
Lol charan... but full insurance wont do any good here in qatar..Insurance guy will tell u some Cock n Bull story and you have to pay them 20% or something like that if your vehicle is not new.
I have a friend who uses the following abuses when he's frustrated with drivers of the above classification
1. I'll set ur grandma's ass on fire!
2. Go bite ur dad's bum!
His argument is thats when people hear these things their first reaction would be to laugh and he'd be abusing them too:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Andrews - I am the Guy. I don't care who is right or wrong. I have full insurence to take care of any eventuality. The worst case scenerio I pay only QR 100 to the Traffic Police from my pocket.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Banning of all Expat Women Drivers will solve half of the Traffic problem here in Qatar.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Before I am like you... but this is Qatar, sooner you'll get use to it.
I can't change the drivers behavior and I will just waste my time and gain wrinkles by bothering myself to them.... just don't hit me and everything's fine.
Usage of road by rash drivers show that their Dads have given them this road in inheritance but I am sure if proper signals & wise driving sense is used all would be okay & driving experiences wont become nightmare for the rest ... cheers :)
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
(Tasweer shahkaar wo lakhon main bik gai ...
bacha jis main bagair roti k udaas hai)
with crazy ppl you cannot act like crazy otherwise there wont be any difference between you & them………….
I partially agree with you, but there should be some one daring to teach them a lesson.!!!
To be loved Do love……..
Give Your Smile To Every One But Your Heart To Only One!
Today morning I was coming from Firestation roundabout to crazy guy from the pocket road put his vehicle in my lane. I applied the brake with full of my strength and stopped my vehicle inches away from his car.
To my surprise he signaled something as if it was my fault..
The reason for posting here, If he is a QLer.. just to remind him that while driving never depend other vehicle's brake...
Thanx to all for the wonderful comments & inputs.
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
(Tasweer shahkaar wo lakhon main bik gai ...
bacha jis main bagair roti k udaas hai)
it happens to us too......
old lady, young guys (especially in groups)etc....
it usually happens when u wanna park ur car. it's like waiting for 'gold' and suddenly without respect,they just 'snatch'in d parking space that we'r waiting. snap, just like that!!
then we hv to find another 'gold', damn!!
when it happens,it really hurts, but after a while u just hv to forget and move on with ya life.
SMILE.......that's what we did. no point of being angry to such things, it'll just makes u look old!!
I salute you for what you did...keep up the good manners and attitude..
To really upset crazy people- Smile real big and wave-let them see that their craziness doesn't affect you-this will really upset them or it might make her smile-either way you win. Plus you use more muscles to smile then to frown-smiling is a good face excercise!
well as most of you have probably seen, you are going up the road, and you see a car on the wrong side of the road coming towards you.
If it is a male of any race creed or colour, i stay and drive as usual, scares em half to death, they are the wrong, and any idiot with eyesight would notice it after the accident.
If it is an arabic lady? hehe, screw that, i will try and go over the curb, climb a mountain, will the car to levitate.
Don't play chicken with women...
bizarre, lol
Just chill and forget about her.. It takes all sorts to make this world go round.
She might have been late to the "late 50's show" on TV.. Hence, the anger..
And then basically trying to console herself, and
hence the finger..
No worries..
Biting a mad dog will make u made... u did what a sane person will do.
Good that you don"t stoop down to her level! A pat on your shoulder as i say "Well done, you did a good job!"
It speak about the person you are.
Think of it this way. You just got reminded that you are a civil human being. And you reacted in a civil manner so its like a compliment to your manners :)You can't control anyone but you.
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
"with crazy ppl you cannot act like crazy otherwise there wont be any difference between you & them. "
Remind me one saying " The bad ppl are already punished when God made them as the bad"..
Just don't take it seriously
.u just did what is right.....
.just ignore f. mental, they don;t exist, lol
That lady was waiting for her boyfriend ans she thought you both are spies lol