The superfood called Avocado
The avocado is a superfood. What is a superfood, you may ask? A superfood is a food rich in nutrients and is considered to be very beneficial for a person’s health and well-being.
The avocado grows on a tree that is native to Central America and Mexico. It is classified in the flowering plant family called Lauraceae. The avocado is a unique type of fruit, because whereas most fruits comprise mostly carbohydrates, the avocado is rich in healthy fats called mono-unsaturates. This is what gives it the rich, creamy and smooth texture that it is well-known for.
Here are some interesting facts about the avocado.
1. The avocado comes in different shapes like round and pear-shaped and sizes like black and green.
2. The avocado can weigh between 220 grams to 1.4 kilograms.
3. The avocado is full of fiber, potassium, copper, vitamins and minerals like vitamins B, C, E and K.
4. The avocado is good for weight loss because it is very satiating.
5. The avocado is sometimes called the ‘alligator pear’ because of its pear shape and green bumpy skin like an alligator.
6. The avocado has no cholesterol or sodium.
7. The avocado reduces cholesterol levels and blood triglycerides, and increases good cholesterol to lower the risk of heart disease.
8. The avocado is full of antioxidants.
9. The avocado may be helpful in preventing cancer and reducing chemotherapy effects.
10. The avocado is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
11. The avocado has become a very popular superfood.
Did you know the avocado was good for your health? Did you know it was good for weight loss?