Suggest Good Topics for a Documentary!

Iám planning to make a low budget documentary ( Not more than 1 Million QR ) on any interesting subject under the sun. Iám looking for suggestions and would appreciate any help QLers might have to offer. Below are some of the topics/subjects that crossed my mind:
1. Poverty in UK
2. Affluence in Middle East
3. Villages with low population in China
4. Girl Child in western India
5. War in Afghanistan - Path to Prosperity
6. The Truth behind Kony
7. Terrorism in Southeast Asia
Iam also looking for expert cinematographers with previous experience. The shooting would start early June if all goes well and I would be happy to receive your suggestions/tips/support etc.
i like the idea of strom but please do it in english.
1. the poorest in the richest country.
- discuss laborers life in the richest country.
2. behind the desert
- about living in deserted country, animal that can survive or laborers working in desert
behind the veils
i guess do a documentry abt the life style of local men/women in their private lives ( i m not referring to parties) :-)
consequences of technological advancement
The Truth behind Kony
*Discrimination among human races
Threat to marine life in the Arabian Sea due to increasing water temperatures, salinity and inflow of chemicals from power and desal plants..
2. The truth about tolerance.
3. Bullying
I'll think of others!
...and investigation into what my maid did with my golf clubs.......
What the hell did she do with them?
Role of social media in political change
Plight of labourers in the Middle East
Life of a maid in the Gulf
I have a few:
1. Affluence in UK
2. Poverty in Middle East
3. Villages with high population in China
4. Boy Child in Eastern Pakistan
5. War in my left nostril - Path to the gold
6. The Truth behind Kony Island
7. Terrorism in my pants.
Ok, no more beer for me.
I like this one too abour China's Capitalist Revolution:
One day in the life of an Emir.
- wild-life in qatar (autochtone/migratory/introduced birds-fish-reptiles plants...) similar to "wild-france" aired these days on animal planet.
- quantum physics, particle accelerators: update, near futur projects studied and/or space (through the wormhole with morgan freeman-like on discovery science)
- worse case scenario: what to do in those circumstances: earthquakes-fire-insect or animal bite- lost in the desert- sudden crippling war where electricity and water are cut/bombed, evacuation schemes/ survivalist vues.
boring ain't i?
I like documentaries, it creates awareness and opens the mind of people about something they don't know exists and if it does exists people turns a blind eye about it. Where would you like to publish your documentary?
Living and/or working conditions of the laborers/household help/Fast Food workers in Qatar.
How to race a Lambo on D Ring road.
A Labor's life in Doha