Students kicked off Facebook for eating a cat

A group of Danish students have been kicked off Facebook for cooking and eating a cat.
The students, from the Danish School of Journalism in Aarhus, posted 30 pictures of themselves cooking and eating the animal, reports the Copenhagen Post.
But their protest, aimed at drawing attention to the way pigs and cattle are raised for meat, was slammed by the animal rights lobby.
The students say the cat was feral and had been shot by a farmer trying to control the number of cats on his land. They say it was killed humanely and prepared by a professional chef.
They said they were surprised by people's reactions and were 'disappointed' their Facebook profile was no longer accessible.
"We wanted people to think about what it was they were putting in their mouths," said Laura Bøge Mortensen, group member and the editor of a student magazine that carried an article about the meal.
"It's hypocritical for us to spend thousands on our pets, yet buy the cheapest pork from Netto that comes from pigs that have lived a horrid life. And just why is it that it's worse to eat a cat than a pig?"
But she admitted the group struggled to overcome reservations about eating an animal normally treated as a pet.
"We had to count to three before we sat down to eat, and I wouldn't really say that we stuffed our face. Everyone did take a bite though," she said, before revealing the taste was "a little like chicken, with an aftertaste of fur".
But Ole Münster, director of Denmark's version of the RSPCA, said: "This is the worst way to draw people's attention to animal welfare. The choice of a cat was an especially bad one, since we get most of our calls about them."
at AbuAmerican..dont worry dude no1 is gonna eat ur cat! but for real them Chinese ppl are just freaky..i mean is there anything they don't regard as delicacy hehe..from catz, dogz , cockroaches, 2 baby fetuses and god knows what...
Well I wouldn't try it britexpat, but other cultures eat it, so as long as it's done humanely...and checked for diseases ick!
So, theoretically, we could catchthe stray cats in Qatar and use them as food. Provided they are humanely put to sleep..
Would solve the prooblem of the stray and provide cheap sourse of meat....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
whatever rocks their boat..i don't think they're any weirder then the Chinese who eat fetuses..
Hey, whatever floats your boat, as long as the animal was killed humanely, it doesn't bother me. Although if it were me I'd be pretty pissed that I ate a cat for nothing. :P
Is not freedom of speech, is freedom of the cuisine....
A lot of Asian countries eat domestic dogs and cats, they even have farms for it.
President Bush,In a message to Tehran, he said: "You bet you have a sovereign right, absolutely, but you don't have the trust of those of us who have watched you carefully when it comes to enriching uranium."
LOL. Well I'm sure they thought it was a good idea in the first place, maybe not after the first bite though. :P
what happened to their common sense..
danish they do it again...
Freedom of Expression.