Strange happening at the Corniche !

Went for a walk on the Corniche last night. Saw a couple of people fishing. Watched them with fascination for an hour or so as they cast the line repeatedly and then sat expectantly for the fish to bit. Alas nothing.
Then it hit me. It was night. The fish obviously can't see the bait in the dark ...
Why didn't they realise this ?
That's Wanda.. How did yopu know that I have a goldfish named Wanda..??
We like to "wanda" at the corniche. She says that it helps her feel one with the ocean :O)
I smell something "fishy" in QL and especially in this thread...:)
Mr.Britex went for a walk on the Corniche..:)
closer to the corniche on their nightly swimming!
ahi hi hi... it's cool to get wacky once in a while!
Good day Brit!
"To err is human, to forgive is divine."
So, either the Doha fish are blind or they are cleverer than the fishermen, because they didn't take the bait..
Ha ha, but you all still rose to the bait - LOL
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
fishin on cornishe is definitely forbidden. 600 QR fine! watch out :P
I agree with u!! lol
"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."
George Bernard Shaw
In my statement do u see any such word as...'I guess? That's bcoz I am an angler so I know about night fishing either on full moon night or any normal night.
"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."
George Bernard Shaw
and what exactly were you watching them doing? waiting? i mean if someone asks them they'd say we're waiting, and then asks you you'd say: i'm watching them waiting!!!
I don't know Britexpat, but I sense sarcasm in his post ;-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
the fish are more smarter than they appear to be ;O)
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
goodpal ....if you fish at night you would have more chances on a Full Moon night than on anyother night
....elementary....its the light....
It seems you have no clue about night fishing....well most of the good fishing is done during night!!!
But as for you Brit...I suggest you do some research about night fishing and fish in particular...
"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."
George Bernard Shaw
Usually the fish "sleeps" after sunset....if you can call it (as does most of the animals or birds ....if there are no artificial lights around) and settle towards the bottom....
The best time to fish would be early in the morning when the overnight hungry fish will come out looking for food....I guess
Doha is indeed a strange place.
fish can't see through all the rubbish during the day anyway.
just getting away from their wives a bit.
Its a universal sport.
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
Nice try .
You're not talking to any old idiot here. With all the fishy smell around, how can they focus on the bait ?
sorry brit i wont repeat
Iren he was fired last yr for his bad fishing
I am not a fisherman neither... but all I know is that I have seen warning boards on the corniche,reading.
1) No Fishing
2) No Cycling
3) No Bar-B-Q
4) No Smoking........
But they were wearing night vision glasses
Good Morning Brit...:)
Thx for the info..didnt know that fishes are night
You are obviously not a fisherman, the fish smell the bait and can still see clearly at night. Fish typically feeds early in the morning and in the evening.