Stop putting Facebook topics on QL, please?
We are losing sense of creativity and proper informative commentary in this website. Just because networking sites like these has added their extra features of comment/reply boxes in every of your shoutouts or topics that friends may read about that doesn't mean it's a great idea to see what QLers has to say on the same 'shoutout' you made over here on QL. If network sites like those gets a very lame comment (or more like friendly/personal or private views) everytime you open up your Facebook or Twitter or such, it will surely amplify the same amount of lamer comments once the same 'shoutout' gets over here. This is a bit of a general information/message board website where different nationalities or just about everyone can read, gather information, and participate on a topic or comment, whether sarcastic, humorous, or straight-to-the-point. There's more to read on QL than Facebook, and if you still want QL to return back its former reading interest, make your posts/comments to be more sensible than the ones you put on Facebook.
Like one of our QLer said in her old comment:
What comes from Facebook stays in Facebook.
lol pajju
सोनम दी नेपाली बाबु
it just that most of your FB friends are QL members too :)
What did FB do to piss you off?
who care abt FB .. puck off FB
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein