Stop The Discrimination
I really think people need to stop pointing fingers and discriminating against different races and backgrounds, everyone of us have our flaws that doesn't mean we keep going around bad mouthing people who might be worse off... U don't disrespect anyone because of bad encounters with a few bad apples... I have travelled quite a bit and i dont get back here and curse the entire country if a few people might be rude or offensive.. No matter what u look like or how u speak or drive, no one is perfect wherever u might be from.. So think twice before u lash out at another person or people from other places...
Diamond girl , what ur doing is fantastic.Hope the government steps up too. Last night i saw a sudanese family with an infant(not more than a year old) in the front seat, on the mothers lap, staring out an OPEN window!!!!!!!
they were too far for me a say anything and besides i dont speak much of arabic. Can raed it ,understand a bit but not fluent.
I couldn't agree more, and I really wish I could roll down my window and tell these irresponsible parents off, but being an expat has it's limitations. If you do it they'll listen to you. If I do they will get offended.
I'm sorry if I was harsh on you earlier; you obviously do care a great deal, and unlike so many other people, you are actually doing something about the situation! Mabrouk! :) I would do the same in my own country; but here unfortunately expats have to be careful lest it be deemed politically incorrect.
Keep up the good work! :)
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Always help others to be helped by others
WELL SAID ,,,,,,
thank you.
[img_assist|nid=7232|title=Dua|desc=Amen :-)|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=56]
may I suggest you start with Gulf Arabic/khaleeji is quite different to classical/modern Arabic...even withing the gulf the language changes somewhat...Qatari dialect of course is sopken by locals here.
Alexa, I'm sorry you don't know any you speak Arabic as this is a good start to help breach the cultural barrier and a real icebreaker...locals love it if people make an effort to speak the language of the country. There are many people trying to work for change, so so many good people who would like for Qatar to develop in a way that preserves it's unique cultural identity.
Not buckling up the kids should be severely punished. If an adult wishes to put their own life at risk and chance leaving their kids without a parent, it's their choice.
Taking a chance on sending their children through the window is not acceptable.
Driver training and awareness will do nothing to make Qatari youth better drivers.
The problem is they are full of testosterone with nowhere to release it. They reach puberty and start wearing the same white thobe Everyday. The majority don't play any sports or undertake in any physical activity. They can't date girls, flirt with girls or basically even talk to girls. How can this feel natural?
The only way they can even pretend to have a sliver of masculinity is to drive aggressively to release some testosterone which has to feel like it's going to explode inside them.
Moonbeam, it drives me nuts to see the living airbags ie infants on the front seat too!!! Shame them when you can...I do it all the time...I roll down my window at signals and talk to the next car...I have leaflets which I give out in similar fashion. 'It takes a village' if you're familiar with that expression ie everybody should do something as we are all one family really aren't we? I have shamed almost all of my relatives into buying infant seats and boosters...I try to do what I can. I give them as new baby presents, etc...there's really a lot you can c'mon everybody help me have a car seat revolution in Qatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will happen in time...after all in the west in the seventies kids were rolling about and bouncing about in cars so perhaps this generation growing up now will be the changing needs to do more though that's for sure.
Oh,Oh....Man: I don't like racism
Idiot: RACIST!!
Idiot's example of racist:
person: I don't like blondes
idiot: OMG RACIST!
guy: I hate Green Day.
dude: My friend is black
idiot: OMG RACIST!
man: I'm white
woman: I'm proud of my race
Computers have lots of memory but no imagination.
shes a loon! ( love you girl) we were behind her the other night and she flew off into the sunset shes a little speedy gonzales ..........!!!! bless her heart!!
But your right women have less accidents than men and there crashes tend to be when parking cars in car parks!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
Diamond girl, that is a good thing you are doing about the car seats. As a mum myself, I often stare incredulously at people that have their children practically on the dashboard here! Keep up the good work.
Truth........ LOL :) Women drivers? I didn't want to bring this up.......but, remember when we were all coming back from the Qaws meetup? Was I following you or Xena? I can't remember. At one point I had to struggle to keep up, and whilst we were all overtaking, I suddenly heard both cars infront of me slam on their brakes to avoid smashing into a speed hump. I nearly scared %$&$^ my passenger! And I felt like an idiot. LOL!
Oh yeah, I vouch for that, some women drivers shouldn't have a licence, but women tend to have less accidents and insurance policies will prove it. Insurance on male drivers is usually higher.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
start a good topic.
Never mind the Asians and Arabs that are bad drivers....we all know women are possibly the worst in the world bar none!!!!
Can see the combined fists heading my way already ha ha ha ha ha
We came we saw we were Qatarized
Let's hope people take as much initiative as u r taking to drive safely n properly on the roads out here.. I think what ur doing is really generous and a great effort to make it safer for everyone who is not aware of the danger...
yes Gypsy, we have that on the list too but can't do everything at once! I am actively involved in talking to families of high income as well. It's not an easy thing and there are cultural points like some would be offended if offered a car seat implying they couldn't afford it thenselves. I have to be a bit more subtle about it even though it is such a serious issue. Slowly but surely I know I and my staff will make a difference. I encourage everyone to do the same. A couple of hundred rials will buy an infant car seat. Plenty of people will happily accept one and use it. That has been my experience so far.
yes Gypsy, we have that on the list too but can't do everything at once! I am actively involved in talking to families of high income as well. It's not an easy thing and there are cultural points like some would be offended if offered a car seat implying they couldn't afford it thenselves. I have to be a bit more subtle about it even though it is such a serious issue. Slowly but surely I know I and my staff will make a difference. I encourage everyone to do the same. A couple of hundred rials will buy an infant car seat. Plenty of people will happily accept one and use it. That has been my experience so far.
I should've started a forum for drivers and FEMALE drivers in particular... U silly women get one thing to argue about n all hell brakes loose.... tsk tsk girls ... what happened about cursing each others hair or clothes n stuff :P
Qatari or non qatari drivers in land cruisers beleive they are above everyone and endanger lives. Second most dangerous are the drivers (mostly asians) in the hilux pickups. So call me biased but i am racist against these brand of cars and not the natinalities.
Supplying infant car seats to low income families??? Perhaps you should try supplying them to high income families.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
absolutely, it's a very serious thing and not to be taken lightly at all. just trying to inject a little humour on after all what is supposed to be a friendly forum...calm down Gypsy, stop the insults unless that dolly comment was a joke...everyone knows there are many bad drivers here...witnessed it myself but still doesn't mean that ALL Qataris are bad drivers...made a big faux pas yesterday when I was driving and mistakenly thought I was in the right lane to turn right but when I got closer to the turning realised was actually on the hard shoulder doing what looked like a typical move to jump the queue which is something that irritates me when others do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! part of my charitable work is supplying infant car seats to low income families and educating them about the importance of seatbelts. alongside that myself and some others are lobbying the powers that be about the need for enforcement of current laws and penalties pertaining to drivers. so I'm trying hard to do something for Qatar that will hopefully benefit us all. I do stick to my original point, however, that although many drivers are bad here they are not ALL bad. I do apologise if I have offended anyone but I am a patriotic girl at heart who loves my country and people and I do stick up for them when I feel it is appropriate. I am in no way sticking up for bad drivers however.
there seems to be some argument about drivers in Qatar in specific, and the developingo world in general. i've been driving in cairo for 2 years now, and overall people here do not know how to drive. they are dangerous and reckless (driving too fast, driving too slow, not checking their mirrors, driving the wrong way on a highway, driving the wrong way in reverse on a highway, driving 4 cars wide on a 2 lane street, passing your car within an inch while driving at 130 kph, etc.)
road accidents are the second biggest killer of young men in the developing world, the biggest being HIV/AIDS. that means that dangerous driving kills more than TB, malaria, war, hunger, etc.
anyone who doubts this can google it.
the UN had a conference about this last week. clearly the problem is severe when it gets to the point that the UN is talking about it, instead of poverty, HIV/AIDS, war, or any of the other serious problems it deals with.
pointing out that qataris in general drive dangerously is not racist. it doesn't mean that every qatari drives dangerously, it simply means that their is a problem in general that should be addressed.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
diamondgirl, no one is saying that every single Qatari are bad drivers...what we are saying is that things have to change on the roads to make it safer. There needs to be stricter laws when it comes to driving. I don't know about you, but I don't want to die because of stupidity on the roads. Your talking about peoples lives for crying out.
"I'll instruct my driver and security to drive in the most obnoctious fashion and try to mow down as many of you as possible..."
LOL and here I thought we were talking to someone who's actually driven!!! Run away little girl, go back to playing with your dollies and thinking you have any idea what's going on in this country.
Moonbeam, very true. And you're right I would never stop for a guy if I was alone in the car, but if I'm with someone I always stop.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
moonbeam, lighten up...bit of humour on the forum is never a bad thing...
Gypsy, LOL! They only stopped 'cause you're a girl! :)
Goodness knows, I wouldn't stop if it was a man I didn't know. Best to call 911, that's what my mom did when she broke down in the middle of a dark desertd stretch of road.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
You see, that's exactly the arrogance I was talking about.
You truly exceeded yourself. And here I thought you were an educated woman. Seems like you have a little growing up to do. Maybe when you have a child, you will see things a little differently.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Its that killer combo of being blonde n tatoos n all tht get ppl going out of there way for u !! Y do i suddenly feel terrified after saying tht :P
unbelieveable...ha ha ha...if some of you guys are determined that ALL Qataris (yup every single one who takes the wheel according to you) are bad drivers then maybe I should become one to so you can say 'see, told you so!!!'. I'll instruct my driver and security to drive in the most obnoctious fashion and try to mow down as many of you as guys have way too much time on your hands judging by the amount of time you spend on this if only you would spend that amount of time being proactive about all your whinging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I disagree Moonbeam, I've broken down in Canada a couple of times (used to have one hell of an old Ford Escort) and people have always stopped to help. Usually they've even gone way out their way to bring me to a service station.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
That is really wonderful what you just said. I wish more people (of all different nationalities) could be open minded enough to see constructive critism for what it is, and not label it as rascism.
Thumbs up to you genesis! :)
PS. For others, just wanted to add one thing. If you break down here in your car, I can guarantee that a friendly local will stop to help. Now where in the West, would somebody do that?! :)
So you see, there is good and bad in all of us.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
That might be true genesis but i still feel its wrong to say the whole country cant drive or all locals are wild behind the wheel or whatever else people were saying...
I remember last year in a similar thread, I felt offended when everyone argued that Qataris are always the Law breakers & driving laws are never applied here. After arguing extensively, it hit me that every one was saying the truth. Taking a ride a few hours later, I’ve looked around me in the traffic jam & there it was my fellow Qataris unbuckled, their children in front seat & writing SMS while passing a traffic light!
Strange you mention this. I went with my wife into a couple of stores at Villagio yesterday and the saleswomen at both stores didn't even look at us. So we just walked out. We didn't need to be escorted, a "good evening" would've been sufficient.
no i am not lost, just typed in a hurry.i was actually referring to an incident that happened when i was at the Highland store in The Mall.All geared up to make the most of the ongoing sale,but the poor(or shall we say lack of) service on behalf of the filipino sales ladies (yes plural) discouraged me from buying a single item (much to the delight of my husband)!!!
i guess she's lose(lamea)
I thank the sales girls(filipino) of highland at the mall for helping to prevent me from shopping at ur stores.Ur lack of interestand bored faces were more helpful than u can imagine. for a sec i thought my husband had bribed u!
DONOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY i dont only blame that only Qataris are Bad drivers na no not sure you guys have only experienced that in the city at day time or evening time lets say night time also.but ask me. I drive around all the Qatar the whole state driven at midnight too early morning too say around 3 or 4am that time you really need to see how they drive on umsaeed road on salwa road on shamal road on zubarah road just that u will just wish to get down and beat the hell out of them.on high ways u guys know there are no lamps its totally dark and they drive with their lights off can you believe that no right give it a try on umsaeed road around 1am in midnight.second you will see them wheeling on zubarah road damn u are stuck you cant move on fear of that if the driver loses control he can bang you right away than what are we bad drivers or they. na am not getting raciest or what ever am just telling you how it goes here at night now race try that on shamal road at night 3 or 5 or 6 of them will try to get ahead of each other now u are puzzled if u make a move chances are you might get hit by one badly. forget it this wont stop you so better to close this session here.
'nuff said, less stressful than in oz.
Thank you guys! Really somedays I actually start to question myself and wonder if I am being racist by saying Qataris are bad drivers...then I realize I call New Brunswickers bad drivers back home and nobody calls me racist there...only when I call Quebeckers bad drivers. :P
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
r7 i agree with you. i, wish dicrimination or racism could stop here or else where...BUT, these words or what ever you call it,has been here since we were born.we just need to learn to be respectful and patience.............
when it comes to has to do with ATTITUDE,DISCIPLINE & EGO
We came we saw we were Qatarized
ok your racist..does that help? LOL
As for driving here in Qatar, well we all get used to it, which nationality is worse...well obviously that is open for debate, personally I have picked up some bad habits such as dropping my wife off right by the mall door so she doesnt have to walk her lazy ass more than a few metres when she could have easily walked from the car park, and hey why would I mind holding up several cars that do want to park as per normal.
Jumping queues at traffic lights, why, well why not this is my country and I will do damn well as I please, never mind taking out the rear of someones car in the process.
Driving up other peoples arses, again why should I not, my car can go faster than all the others no matter if the people in front cant even see my headlights in the rear view mirror and scaring them half to death.
Roundabouts my favourite, if you want to turn left get in the right hand lane and push people out of your way...thats a classic I have caused so many accidents doing that!!!
This isnt me, however this is just a normal drive out, granted not every Qatari/Asian/Arab does this and yes I have observed "Westerners" (I hate that term) doing exactly this (springs back to the thread of you know you have lived here to long when...).
Is it big? NO
Is it clever? NO
Is it endangering other drivers lifes? YES
Coolie was right, those of us who have LEARNT to drive do so by a set of rules, is it boring? YES
Does it keep more of us alive through less accidents per 1000 etc? YES
None of this thread could be deemed to be racist so those throwing that statement please grow up, thats the one thing that truly disturbs me about QL, the ability to throw that nasty word into anything that people see fit.
Getting back to the driving thread before I get to lost in my own thoughts, I have driven all over europe and in some of the nastiest regions on earth and to be honest yes the Gulf States does have the worst driving skills I have ever seen.
However it doesnt warrant me ranting about it to much...honest
We came we saw we were Qatarized
So now we have to be politically correct and say that Qataries are good, respectful and considerate drivers???? How did we come to that?
Reality check, dimond girl and others, it's all too good to fight against discrimination, but facts are facts and the fact is that most qataris are very dangerous and agressive drivers.
Now call me racist.
thanks for telling me my drive of my day is the most boring part of the day!! Bless you! actually the dirving part is my most alert part of the day with all the waching and swerving and cursing and honking which i do!
Um i kinda think your wrong coolie!! im a westerner and i dont feel that i have pent up agression at all! if anything driving out here gets rid of my agression Am i right in reading that you think im a sad driver because i stick in my lane ?
Gosh im glad my respect for human life is higer than my need to be deemed " cool " by my peers!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
The people who are criticizing the driving experience in Qatar are absolutely wrong. Let us begin by examining the driving experience in the Occident. For most westerners driving is the most boring chore of the day. This is mostly due to the lack of any excitement whilst engaged in driving there. Everyone stops when they have to, stick to the speed limit and studiously adhere to "lane discipline"; essentially, people live by the rules. The result is that the average westerner arrives home from work a very disturbed individual with tons of pent up aggression. Many resort to video games and hours at the Gym to rid their systems of this frustration; a few end up spending many hours with their therapist; and finally, some succumb to the pressures of this aggression and take their own lives. Sad, but true.
Now, let's examine the driving experience in the Orient. Quite simply, it's about freedom. The whole road is a canvas and each driver is an artist with immense freedom to express him/herself. Daily, adults relive their childhood by adhering to the simple teen maxim, "rules are meant to be broken". Grown men and women lose themselves in a grand and liberating juvenile experience that is better than any video game. Suspense (will I get a parking ticket, or not?), thrill (sh*t, that maniac is tailgating me), violence (from someone giving you the finger to rear-ending you), Happiness (I scared the life out of that poor wretch who was trying to cross the road, ha!), Exhilaration (damn, I can't believe I beat that red-light, it was almost pink!), Sadness (Oh no, another speeding fine); all emotions that need to be experienced on a daily basis to maintain a sense of balance in life are readily available on the roads for anyone willing to explore. All this means that people here return from a drive relieved and more appreciative of the simpler things in life. Driving in the Orient has to be broached with an open mind; you will be spiritually richer for it.
“HORN OK PLEASE” – Painted on the rump of a truck somewhere in India
nice 1 shavonne :P
just a driving..
sorry folfs gif not that nice..
I let one Qatari guy out to the c ring road towards ramada junction ... I waived my hand indicate that he can pull out. His eyes nearly popped out ... lol. I don't think these people realize that being nice to each other on the road will not do you any harm.
Well said Moonbeam, it has nothing to do with racism...its simple, the driving is appalling.
South Africa would have to be one of the most dangerous, insane places to drive, but you talk to the locals, and they are well aware of it and want it to change.
A lot of Australians drive like talk to any local and they want them off the road.
The same goes for any country.
diamondgirl, I don't understand why somebody saying Gulf Arabs are reckless drivers offends you so much. We are living in Doha and to be blunt, don't want to be killed by something so stupid such as arrogance and reckless driving when there could easily be preventive measures to stop all the deaths on the road.
I used to live in Saudi. Whilst roads were an absolute nightmare sometimes (like the Jeddah - Mekkah expressway), I think we were all very careful not to racially profile the whole nation with that attribute.
Let me give an example; child abuse is quite widespread in some European nations. Even in the UK, the Social Services figures on the level of child abuse in the country is quite astounding. But do we get called a nation of child abusers. That would be extremely offensive.
So what's different to some of the comments made here...?
I think it boils down to respect. If one respects others, he/she will not try to cut into a queue of waiting vehicles because he/she is driving a big 4x4 or into a queue of buyers because he/she thinks he/she is entitled to be serve immediately.
I think it is also in the way the governments (not only here but in our own countries as well) treat other nationalities. Case in point, how come other nationalities have to go through the long queues to obtain medical clearance or get finger printed? I had never seen any caucasian go through such hardship. I have been to other countries before I settled for a job here and I have seen the treatment a person gets because of his/her nationality and color. On another experience, I was in Mumbai in 2002. On my last day, I was in the departure area of the airport and there was a long queue to the immigration booths. However, people who showed their American passports were allowed to bypass the queue even though they had the same flights as people on the queue. The Australian couple behind me and a few Europeans didn't have such luck and were so frustrated with such a disrespectful policy. Their protestations went nowhere. I didn't care much because I was so used to such treatment for Asians I just patiently waited in line for 1 and half hours! Respect, respect, respect begets respect.
I think you have truly misunderstood Gypsy. For someone that has studied in the US and UK, you seem to be lashing out a little too fervently towards Gypsy.
Let me ask you one thing? Did you drive in the UK and the US? Have you ever driven in other gulf countries or european countries? Do you think that Qatari nationals are 'safe' drivers? You may be a safe driver, so am I; but I'll tell you one thing.....go to Rome, Italy and they drive like maniacs!
Having experienced many driving techniques in different countries; US, Italy, Russia (really bad), Egypt, Other Gulf countries, I am quite shocked to see that Qatar, despite nice roads approaches a level of arrogance that I only witnessed in Moscow.
I've seen far to many Gulf/ Arab nationals driving recklessly. Having said that, I've seen even more Asian nationals do so. You know what the difference is? The Gulf / Arab national usually arrogantly assumes, that they have every right to endanger the lives of others.
After 30 years in the middle east, I don't need statistics. I know the good (plenty of it too) and bad here (one big example is the driving). I've had personal experience, over a long period of time. Gypsy's comments have nothing to do with rascism. It is pure observation. If an American drives wrecklessly in front or behind me, I'll curse at him too. Funny thing though, when I compare the amount of friendly gestures that I get while driving; such as allowing me to pass, not blocking the road, staying a safe distance behind...........I RARELY see a Gulf national do that. has happened; but out of the 1000 times, I'd say about 10.
So, go ahead an answer my've driven in the US and UK? You tell me? Do you think it's safe here? Do you think Qatar should become more stringent with it's rules?
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
hheehee !!! tht is funny :P
to us all in the shops out here i swear people think im going to steal things when i go in shops they follow me like crazy like im gonna steal something! One time i got so pissed off with it i pretended i was stealing somethin and kept running down alises trying to look even shiftyer!!!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
Tht is something tht happens to alot of us.. And once the dumbass sales people realise ur gona actually buy something they get all sweet n polite... Modern Home classic example...
when i go into the shop alone, the asian attendant will ignore me completely. When i go to the shop with caucasian hubby, they come to us and treat us very politely and extra helpful.
Probably it is more because people tend to think that asian are poor and have no money while caucasian are rich.
People always generalize ... either you are here , in the east or in the west :-)
Well said.
Just because you read my posts, it doesn't mean we're buddies!
Come on u 2 .. There's no need to get all hostile ... Chilllllllllll out plz :)
C the smiley its there for a purpose :)
You Said it we are not all the same. that ends it here every nations has throns.right now are here so we talk about here. u be in canada u talk about canada u be in my country i will welcome you for comments. Face the facts dont hide. :P
Diamondgirl, all I am saying is that Qatar needs to focus on teaching it's people to drive safely. If you think that is offensive then perhaps you are a little too sensitive.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I don't think I'm better then anyone. I just think certain nationalities in this country need to learn to drive before they kill us all.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Gypsy you have offended me by your last comment to me. I found that really cheeky to say the least especially since you have commented that 'no Gulf Arabs can drive' . I am painfully aware of the problems of my people as well as the amazing achievements of them which make me so proud. I do devote part of my time to working on the issues of my people. If you feel so strongly about it then perhaps you should do something on a practical level. Please respect us as a people and don't generalise. It really is hurtful. There is good and bad in every country...we're not all the same. I think everyone would agree with that.
The whole idea of this post was to "STOP" the im better than u attitude.. so y is every 1 starting up again... Calm down people...
said it u got words no actions :P thumbs up behind the monitor u are brave :P
I don't need an image, go drive towards Landmark today, there are at least 5 crumpled cars on the way.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
btw the image being used by r7 was in most probability was not taken from Qatar. no comments on the specific example?? Looks like everyone are blind?
Because most of them are Qataris. I also said that NO Gulf Arabs can drive and they ALL need to have stricter driving rules.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I think all of u need to calm down, y is everyone taking things so personally today ... Im sure no one means any real harm towards each other.. Hopefully :)
All we are doing here is voicing each others opinions right ?!
Just remember all the guys who are out there driving with a gathra and thobe are not just qataris. They could be any arab. So why just pin pointedly accuse Qataris.
U r such a silly a#* Darude :P
I haven't said anything racist against Qataris at all diamondgirl. If you think someone telling you that the people in your country drive poorly is racism, then bad driving skills are the least of your problems.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Gypsy, my goodness you have got some nerve bashing Qataris like this. Will you be commenting on another nationality group or is it just Qataris today? Your profile says you are from Canada. Didn't they teach you about racism there?
you got words only actionless :P
through 2 incident one my car was taken from me in umsaeed not for wreckless driving just i sprayed diesel on it so my car got prisoned there.
than second i popped out my finger at a person who was from CID was driving in rush behind me so i did so what he did he took my license for one month and fined me 400QR still he couldnot do enough. So why r u scared of whom.Dont be a loser no one can harm u or do anything.
Plz spare me ... The bullshit tht is .. Im not getting into this Darude.. I didnt understand half of what u said so whatever dude...
Call every one even u R7. just by getting a mustang doesnot mean u are a gangstar or what ever i have faced all from farrari lamborgani porche if u are a man come take a stand than.i wont step back but will buzz the one in front of only mean is to pump up blood in ur body and get the shit out of a driver who is piece of bull shit.they really are powerful u think behind the wheel get them down on the road from their wheel THEY ARE A SCARED RAT.
For ur sake I hope u didnt just call Gypsy a coward hehehe... Man u better run if u did !!! :P
I did'nt mean it like tht !! I just meant if ur alert while on the road u have a better chance of avoiding an incident.. Didnt mean anything towards u or ur driving skills... im sure ud luv to b in a monster truck :) here
need to be scared of any one any nationality or what ever just get down and grab him and get him her pissed i dont care who ever it is i and don leave any one so easily if he or she messes around with me on road. you come here complaining shows how weak coward you are that u cant beat the hell out of one. Than forget it no body can help u or is going to help you.
he mess around with you while driving so you mess with him too simple
talking much about this problem wont do any good. so just forget it. he over takes you fine you over take him and get in front of him tease him or her.
R7 is getting used to the driving her the answer to fixing it? No, the answer is complaining and trying to do something about it. Saying I'm used to it isn't going to help me tonight on my drive home when some mad driver going at 160 kms an hour tries to pass me on the inside lane and I don't see him in my blindspot?
Diamondgirl, why don't you check the statistics for how many of your countrymen die every year from wreckless driving. A quick google search will reveal that Qataris have one of the highest rates of death due to accidents in the world. Also saying hundreds or thousands of examples of bad driving here is understating how much bad driving their is, not overstating it.
And I can tell the difference between a Qatari and another nationality, also those nationalities drive just as badly, which is why I say stricter licensing procedures should be enforced on those nationalities.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Gypsy, why are you picking on Qataris when we make up less than 20% of drivers on the roads of Qatar...way less in fact? Do you have any statistical data or survey to back up your generalisation? Do you know that the people you say are Qataris are in fact from Qatar? Not everyone who wears ghuttrah and thobe are from Qatar...could be one of many Arab/Gulf countries.
Out of all the drivers on the road (over half a million) have you really seen 'hundreds of thousands' of examples of bad driving??????????
Take heed from the other comments on this thread.
It is true they drive badly, but dont u think its wrong to blame an entire country for a few wrong doers.. As a woman out here im sure ur experiences on the road r much tougher than usal.. its all the harassment tht u'll go through tht makes driving out here even tougher i guess.. Guys dont go through tht hassle i guess thts y i think differently... After a year and a half aren't u used to the traffic yet ?? or what to expect when u see a speeding 4x4 in ur rear view ??!!!
"If I got a bad experience with someone because he fooled me and I bought from him something with a high price and it costs nothing like that, should I feel angry at all of his people and assume that they are bad? If someone hits me by a car, should I also say that all of his race are bad like him?"
All well in good King Edshel, but we aren't talking about one time, or two times, or even 12 times, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of times by different Qataris driving! At what point do you stop calling something a racist generlization and start calling it a fact?
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Being spoken to rudely is only one form of racism.
Being a middle class Indian I am usually able to avoid such treatment.
However, you do realise it in the way people meet and greet you.
I have noted many times that many people (locals and Europeans alike) will greet asians in a very dry manner. The treatment is very different for Europeans.
Although nobody is being rude here, it does feel a little racist. Why, I too would like to greet and be greeted with a cheer and a smile.
And it's not because I am a bore or am not witty enough.
Go to the supermarket and see the difference in the manner in which an attendant will treat clients of different nationalities.
What hurts even more that this is also practised by Asians in their treatment of people, when it is an interaction with an Asian of a different nationality.
"Where there is bad, there is good also"...from King's comment..I go with Apple, yes very well said..couldnt' comment no more..
You just explained well what i mean...
There is no one perfect but god. I don't like seeing people generalizing because they got a bad experience with [some] and not all of these people. If I got a bad experience with someone because he fooled me and I bought from him something with a high price and it costs nothing like that, should I feel angry at all of his people and assume that they are bad? If someone hits me by a car, should I also say that all of his race are bad like him?
Just don't let your anger blind your vision and even in that case, let your mind have the full control or you will completely lose it. Where there is bad, there is good also. You would never know about the bad people unless you meet the good people and vice versa. Don't think that you are perfect, very good and sinless. If you see yourself this way, then other people might be seeing you a bad person.
We are not angels, that is why the angels are angels and humans are humans. We are just trying our best to be good people in this life but we can't be in the end angels. We got our limit and that is why we are human. Before judging or creating any trouble for other people, know that there is god above you watching you. If you got the power to do that one day, then god have the power since the beginning of the creation of this world and would always have the power until the end of this world.
This is what i've been trying to say ....
I just got back in from being outdoors. A car with a South African flag sticker driven by a lady overtook me and all the other cars in the rightmost lane in a little space to my (our) right. She was duly joined by a Land Cruiser driven by a local.
I've got the pics, too.
Sorry but this isn't a Qatari specialty. Nor is it restricted to drivers from the "less-developed" world.
Tsk Tsk Gypsy i can see that mean streak ready to pop :P
yes how dare you
Generalizing! NO! you mean you are one of the 100 out of 100,000 non wreckless Qatari drivers! I apologize to you, how dare I generalize like that. :P
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
excuse me Gypsy but you are generalising. who is 'they'...the entire nation of qatari drivers? well i for one am not a wreckless driver and neither are many i know. so you can subtract quite a few from your careful your comment is racist
yesterday I got upset with the one of the guys that works at carrefour (the ones that stock up the shelves) because he kept on getting in front of me, plonking down the produce and I had to keep getting out of his way. By the second time he did it, I told him off..........and then stopped and thought to myself, oh goodness now he's gonna think I'm racist, just because he's asian.
You see you don't win. I would have gotten equally upset if an italian guy did the same thing (and I told him that by the way). It's just that if I told an italian guy off, nobody would have thought anythiong of it. If I tell off an asian or an indian guy, I'm automatically racist. Why is that?
People always get labeled, it's human nature, and a sad fact of life. Cultural differences should enlighten not drive people apart, but it's not always so. I agree with Gypsy, on driving here. Half of the people that have licenses here would have them revoked if they were in Europe. Personally I wish they were tougher on drivers here, because every time I have my little girl in the car, I fear for her life.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
U know the main reason for the driving style here is BOREDOM people here dont have much to do and when they r out on the road they see that as an opportunity to get noticed by being fast or reckless or just plain stupid at times... This in turn dangers others on the road which most of the time ends up being U Gypsy :)
With the amount of run in's u have had with some of these morons i cant blame the way u feel...
No it is'nt but cursing the entire country and there people is'nt going to do anything either... Everyone has the freedom to say what they r thinking but i just feel the way people talk about locals at times is just not right.. whatever the cause maybe.. Sorry G but thts just the way i think...
No, they aren't taught to drive properly. And they are wreckless, but keeping quiet about it isn't going to change the situation now is it?
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
It's not that they are'nt taught to drive properly its just that people tend to get a little extreme or go nuts once they r behind the wheel (my self included) :P I get a little nuts at times too, i just enjoy my a car a lot... But i dont put anyone in harms way when im driving fast or whatever... I guess we all have r own way of driving.. Perosnally i enjoy it i could b in the car all day without being bugged, some good music n im good to go :)
I hate everyone equally, but some more than others. :P
Seriously though there is a difference between discrimination and simply pointing out an issue. I don't dislike Qataris or Indians or whoever in general, only when they get behind the wheel of a car. Why? Because they aren't taught to drive properly! Just ignoring this and saying, well it isn't every Qatari that can't drive doesn't solve the problem or make the government start driving courses and a licensing system.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
expect the world to revole around them and go there way and when it doesnt then the hate starts and the impatience people want everything to be there way.
Discrimination is huge and will always be a problem, till people stop judging on skin colour and race and religion, till people stop asking the question where do you come from, what religon are you and then make a judgment. We judge people on everything about them the way they look, talk and act and then we make assumptions! till people can realize that at the end of the day we are all human we just look different, we all bleed red blood, we all feel and think and hurt! then when people realize we are all the same and just simply the human race discrmination will end.
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
agreed with your statement. Well said ;)
well, i agree... don't look at a person's skin color, look at his heart...
Its good to c im not the only 1 who feels this way :) another bright sunshiny day, back at work with an extra strong dose of caffine... Keep smiling all.. have a great day
A person elevates him/herself due to piety and uprightness. I know, I know - terribly old fashioned to say these words nowadays! But what's wrong with treating others as you would like to be treated.
I was recently listening to a learned man of religion (Shaykh Falaah Ismail of Kuwait) who said that surely it is better to reply to an insult with something good. And if we cannot do that, then saying and doing nothing would be infinitely better that replying with an insult. Without doubt, the one who responds to an insult with an insult is no better than the one who started it - even if he considers himself to be superior.
Whether it's queing up at the bank, waiting at a checkout or flashes of road-rage, people just don't have patience anymore. It's as if 'I' have to respond right now to any and every perceived act of injustice otherwise 'I' will not get my justice!
People, if we are serious (and I think we all agree the sentiments of r7 and Aisha), then we have to start at home, with ourselves. Can we keep our cool? Respond to an injustice without ourselves being unjust, such as tarnashing a whole nation?
I'm a headteacher, and I certainly hope to use our PSHE lessons to ensure that our children understand. What can each one of us do? (Sorry for being idealistic - I may be a lost cause)!
Blue Oyster Cult. Godzilla. 1977
That wasnt really nice. Godzillas have feelings too. Why does everybody have to pun with its name?
Go Go Godzilla
go go 'r r r r r r r' A.K.A r7!
Well said.
here here r7
Even if someone want to criticize.. he\she can do it nicely and without generalizing or being rude. People shouldn’t take things personally or believe that the world revolve around their comfort means.
There is something I learned from volunteering and we can apply it here. Sometimes when working for a charity I face situations that are not the best. However, I either make compromises and stay with polite efforts to improve things , or I just leave in peace. If I joined another charity I don’t say what I disliked about the one I came from earlier.. You know why? Because I need them. I only volunteered for them to get the reward in the hereafter.. The same thing here, you work here because you need this.. Yes we need you too but it’s no excuse to curse us and say bad things about us like that. Even if the things you are saying are true.. If you really wanna help you should know better in HOW to do it.
[img_assist|nid=7232|title=Dua|desc=Amen :-)|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=56]
Dnt judge the book by its cover!!!!!!!!
Some people here think they are perfect! superior! beautiful! sinsless! angels! eerr
It has to end one day for sure. Its the result of obsession with the white race a completely psychological issue, thats all....