Stepdaughter jailed for castration !

Is this justice ?
It's a hard one, but I personaly believe that she should have got a lighter sentence..
A WOMAN repeatedly raped by her stepfather as a child has been jailed for up to 15 years for castrating and killing him.
Brigitte Harris, 29, was abused from the age of three and feared evil Eric Goodridge would target her young nieces.
She beat the 55-year-old unconscious and stuffed a towel in his mouth, then cut off his penis with a scalpel.
Harris burned it on a stove to make sure it could not be sewn back on by medics.
She then walked out and called emergency services - but Goodridge had suffocated by the time they arrived.
Harris, from New York, has been held ever since the July 2007 killing.
The sentence hearing was packed with supporters - including four of the jurors who convicted her of manslaughter and a domestic violence charity - who hoped she would go free.
But Queens Supreme Court judge Arthur J Cooperman ordered she serve the maximum term of "no less than five, no more than 15 years".
Harris plans to appeal.
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Yeah, there's probably more to this case than is publicised. I believe there's 3 sides to every story - his, hers & the truth.
I wonder if there was also the issue that there was no proof her step father had raped her. Presumably he stopped years ago and unless it was reported back then, there's nothing but her word to go on.
...indeed an unfair sentence made on the girl...this should be revoked...
guess that paedophile we heard of the other day (the guy from Saudi who got himself beheaded) got his 'inspiration' from ol' man Goodridge....but something tells me he wasn't aware of what happened to him later :-o
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
She had done it for vengeance, that's definitely a crime, sure it's highly debatable whether convicting her or not but the thing is, she did the crime and no one should be above the law.
Unjust or not, we do not have the right to take a life, the only way she could be set free is if she pleads insanity in her case.
Talk to my crown......
I agree she needs psychological counselling rather than prison. I also agree with Britexpat, you can't take the law into your own hands.
Sick man
That is the reason for the harsh sentence Brit, but the sentence is still harsh, and is just further making a victim of this woman. Frankly I'm glad I wasn't in the judges shoes.
on second thoughts....maybe u're right,brit :-/
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
There is an issue here regarding "vigilanteism"
A light sentence may send the wrong message...
what he did to her is hideous...
She should be proud for herself...
if all girls were bold like her...there will be many men in ths world who are handicapped or P*****capped...
I think her actions are justified Snessy, unfortunately that doesn't mean they shouldn't be punished. By law she committed murder and she had other choices that she could have made to protect her nieces and that's what the court see's, not the suffering this woman has been through. She needs psychological counseling, not prison.
oopz my mistake snessy/Olive.... I was out of mind when I read it...sorry... will edit...:)
yes the judge was crazy to give such a verdit...
No worries FS forgot to get her glasses on.
FS, I think you misunderstood Olive, she said the sentence is harsh. Poor woman seems to be suffering throughout her life, but it still doesn't justify her actions.
I said it was a harsh sentence??? Not sure how what I said was offensive?
Wonder how would that be or look like now.
after getting it in stove?
to their attackers...the world would have a lot fewer rapists.
I agree, her sentence was a bit harsh, but with good behavior, she'll probably be out in less than 5. Maybe they'll even count her time served already against her sentence.
And she's only 29 right now...she'll be fine. Write a book about it, appear on Oprah...
I'm sure that even if she serves 5 years, she'd consider it worth it.
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris
The sentence is a bit harsh, she should have to go to a mental institution not a prison. Poor woman.
he deserved to be castrated...
can a girl had the guts to do that????
but still she did it
revenge is a dish best served cold.
the stepfather got what he deserved but punish the rape victim?
He got everything he deserves as far as I am concerned but she should not have received such a high sentance.
it was and still is too disturbing a news to even post a comment :-S
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor